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Indybay Feature

Lockheed Martin Protest

by Charles Slay (slaycslay [at]
Fifty protesters were arrested Tuesday, April 22, at the gates of defense contractor Lockheed Martin in Sunnyvale Ca.
Top: The protesters arrive at dawn.
Next: They block the entrance by locking themselves together.
Left: The fire department cuts them loose with the aid of a hole saw.
Right: The police then make their arrests.
Left: Asanother officer tapes the procedure.
Right: One protester is cut by the hole saw, the police form a tight circle around him.
Bottom: The police guard the entrence to Lockheed.
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by john
very nice pictures. they look very professional
by Terry (garglebreath [at]
Duh, lemme think here.... these are a bunch of "kids" who want to take a stand against military contractors. OK, I think I can see the point you're trying to illustrate; the evil Nazi-like overbearing government coming down on the innocent, pure, idealistic protesters.

However they're not innocent; they're breaking the law in some way or other by blocking the entrance to someone's property. If they decided they didn't like your political views and blocked you from entering your home, would you look on them so kindly?

Are the policemen supposed to do something other than what they actually did? They appear to have done their jobs in a professional manner. One guy was holding a club but it's not clear he hit anyone with it. Back in college, a professor of Greek and Roman history told us that police brutality will happen simply because police are human. When taunted, humans are tempted to hit back even if they shouldn't. The period in human history when enforcers of the rulers were constrained from wanton violence is teeny tiny, a few decades out of thousands of years, and we're still trying to get it right.
by Because a Semi at 60 wouldn't leave much
But hey, that's not what you want to hear, is it? You'd rather see these idiots as oppressed by the Man, brutalized by rentapigs, because you need HEROS.

A nicked wrist, and that's it? No pulled off arms, no dead bodies, no tiretracked roadkill victims of oppression?

You'll have to work harder. Maybe if you hid in the bushes, and threw yourselves under the tires of approaching semis you could satisfactorally martyr yourselves - but this was a pathetic attempt.
by Insyte
It's herbish, this doesn't achieve *anything*. It just pisses people off and its counterproductive for the protesters anyway, because the just get in trouble. SMH
by Sprite Remix
It won't stop arms companies, nothing will

Fuckin Net Geeks



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