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Animal Liberation
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Indybay Feature

SFSU's Freedom for Animals Student Organization Forming

by Dawn Livingston (zaire320 [at]
Info and events coming up with new student animal rights group forming
So this is the deal. We are still waiting for the paper were to go through all the administration processes to become an official SFSU organization. FFA is already an organization that both Leslie and I, the ones starting this school based group, happen to belong to. To make the administration process easier we just decided to make the group a SFSU chapter of FFA.
First and most importantly I wanted to let you all know about events going on very soon, even today.

Today 4/18 Vegan Video Brigade in front of Metreon - Vegan outreach with FFA show the video "Meet Your Meat" every Friday somewhere in SF and give out "Why Vegans" this starts around 9pm. This is outside on the sidewalk, many people stop to watch and get info on the meat/dairy/egg industry and vegetarian/veganism.
*Sat, 4/19 -Honeybaked Ham Co* :leafletting in front of the store for the pre-Easter dinner shoppers. The leafletts will be Viva's "When Pigs Cry" showing how pigs have to live in gestation crates, there slaughter, transport, etc. This is at Geary and Divisadero. We want to try to have at least 2 people leafletting throughout the day so people can call me if they want to come during a certain hour. My # is (415) 309 2827.

Tues. 4/22 go to State Capitol to oppose SB233 @9am.California Senator Introduces Legislation to Allow the Sale of Kangaroo
Skins. CA.Senate Bill 233 (SB233), introduced by Senator Dennis
Hollingsworth, would amend a penal code in California that currently
prohibits the selling of kangaroo, crocodile, and alligator skins. The
billis scheduled to be heard on April 22 before the Senate Natural
Resources and Wildlife Committee. (Adidas and Puma sell kangaroo skins, just so ya know.) go to for more info, for a ride email info [at] For your legislator's contacts to voice opposition go to

Thurs 4/24 Vigil for animals suffering in labs at UCSF and UC Berkeley
In front of UCSF at 12pm at UC Berkeley from 5-7pm meeting at MLK Plaza/Student Union. For specific locations try going to or email me.

Sat 4/26 Annual March of Dimes Walkathon Fundraiser-PROTEST
If you don't know the pointless and irrelevant experiments March of Dimes does to animals PLEASE visit and go to the March of Crimes links. They sow animals eyes together while they are still alive, perform electro-ejaculations on primates, and more. The registration begins at 8am, contact me later if interested, I do not know the location yet.

Every Sunday 2-4 Neiman Marcus anti-fur protests in front of store

Usually every Sat at Geary and 6th: KFC Cruelty demos
Please contact me if you are interested in doing more of these. KFC's busiest times are M-Th 5-9pm.

ASAP- Procter & Gamble wallet sized product lists leafletting in front of supermarkets while showing videos of Draize tests and other product testing on animals. Email me if interested.

Aug 1-5 National Animal Rights Conference in LA-Registration is about $115 I think now. I am not sure about the web address but ther is a link to it on almost evry animal rights related sight, or do a search.

If anyone is looking for certain literature stickers, brochures, lists of charities and companies that test on animals contact me. Oh! Boycott Whole Foods, they buy duckmeat from the same and one of the last producers that make foie gras. If you do not know about the torture involved in making this product go to and go to PeTA's action alerts to find out which restaurants and companies serve and contribute to foie gras, along with their contact info.

If you want to do anything at all I cannot stress the importance of writing letters and calling those listed in action alerts, especially our senators, reps, and assemblymembers. For each letter written legislators believe it represents at least 1,000 that have the same opinion. To get action alerts there are several email lists and (click on Action Alerts. SFBAveg [at], go to (Marin's In Defense of Animals), (Humane Society),, and more. Here is an up to date example from HSUS:

This Thursday (4/10), the San Diego District Attorney’s office announced that it will not pursue animal cruelty charges against the owners of Ward Egg Ranch, where workers killed nearly 30,000 hens by stuffing them into a wood chipping machine to be shredded alive. In defending its decision, a spokeswoman for the DA’s office shocked animal protection advocates by claiming that the use of wood chippers to kill chickens is approved by the American Veterinary Association (AVMA). However, a recent statement from the AVMA reads, in part: “No one at the AVMA has authorized the use of a wood chipper as a means of euthanasia. . . the 2000 Report on the Panel on Euthanasia does not list this as an acceptable or conditional means of euthanasia.” Indeed, almost anyone should agree that using a wood chipper to kill animals is a gruesome and unacceptable act of cruelty. As stated by an HSUS spokesperson to Reuters: "The act of feeding live chickens into a wood chipper is an extraordinarily callous and barbaric act and I can't imagine any person with a whit of common sense would use a wood chipper as a killing tool."


Contact the San Diego District Attorney’s office and urge the DA to change her decision and to prosecute owners of Ward Egg Ranch for numerous violations of California 's animal cruelty law. Let them know that no reputable animal welfare authority could possibly condone killing animals in a wood chipper. Also remind them of the terrible precedent their decision sets for the millions of chickens in California 's egg farm industry.

San Diego County DA Bonnie Dumanis
330 W. Broadway, Suite 1300
San Diego , CA 92101
ph: 619-531-4040
fax: 619-237-1351
publicinformation [at]
To read the letter sent from The HSUS to the San Diego DA (to be posted soon!), see: and click on "Farm Animal Issues."



In recent years Congress has responded to calls for more funding to vigorously enforce the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (HMSA). These two laws – which affect millions of animals at more than 10,000 sites including slaughterhouses, laboratories, puppy mills, zoos, circuses, and airlines – are only as good as USDA’s enforcement of them. We need your help to sustain this effort, so newly-hired inspectors won’t be let go, and instead can stay on the job and get the training they need. Senators Rick Santorum (R-PA) and Carl Levin (D-MI) and Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) are circulating a letter for their colleagues to co-sign seeking continued support for funding to improve enforcement of these key animal welfare laws. A similar letter last year was co-signed by 39 Senators and 132 Reps – let’s get even more legislators on board this year!

Urge your U.S. Representative to sign onto the “Smith-Blumenauer letter on animal welfare funding” and urge your two U.S. Senators to sign onto the “Santorum-Levin letter on animal welfare funding.” To make sure your message gets through effectively, ask to speak with the staffer handling animal protection issues.
You can reach all three of your legislators through the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, and you can identify their names at or by calling The HSUS at 202-955-3668.
To see if your legislators joined on last year’s letter, check the Humane Scorecard at



Senate Bill 395, a bill allowing the sport-hunting of bison in Montana, appears destined for the Montana Governor’s desk for her final signature of approval, despite the opposition of the public, environmental groups, and even hunting organizations, all of whom recognize a bison hunt as inhumane and illogical. Particularly in the case of bison hunts, the concept of “sport hunting” is truly an oxymoron. Bison --especially those in and near Yellowstone National Park-- generally display little fear of humans and will not try to escape even when shot at. One former Montana state legislator even likened bison hunting to “shooting at a couch.” Even most Montana state hunting groups disagree with a bison hunt; at the final hearing for SB 395 in the house, not a single hunting group stood up in support of the bill. Finally, any pretext that a bison hunt is needed for “disease control” in the area is specious. Not a single case of disease transmission from bison to domestic cattle has ever been documented. The Montana Senate and House are in the process of finalizing the bill, after which point the bill will require only the approval of the governor to become law.


SB 395 could go the governor at any time. Contact Governor Martz immediately, and ask her to VETO SB 395 if and when it reaches her desk.

Phone: (406) 444-3111
Fax: 406-444-4151
Email: governor [at]
Tell Governor Martz that opening up a hunting season on Yellowstone bison will seriously damage the image of Montana , hunters, and hunting in the eyes of the general public and that hunting bison allegedly for disease control purposes or wildlife management lacks scientific basis.
Don’t forget to attend the “Buffalo Stampede” in Washington , DC on May 9. On that date, the Buffalo Field Campaign will present to Secretary of the Interior the thousands of letters gathered from citizens nationwide, asking that the Montana bison be granted federal protection. Contact buffalo [at] or go to: for latest info on stampede.


I will be emailing everyone when we have our 1st meeting.

Peace ,

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