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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Jubilant Crowd Dismantles Statue of Bush

by Rico Thunder
San Francisco Residents Topple George W. Bush, Symbol of Oppression

Jubilant Crowd Dismantles Statue of Bush

San Francisco Residents Topple George W. Bush, Symbol of Oppression

SAN FRANCISCO, APRIL 12 — In a visual moment that will go down in history, a jubilant San Francisco crowd toppled a statue of George W. Bush, a symbol of the illegitimate regime that had long oppressed the American people. Emboldened by the arrival of a massive, unarmed pro-peace force, a celebrant crowd of Americans beheaded a toppled statue of George W. Bush, which towered over the Civic Center Plaza of San Francisco.

“We stood in the oppressive shadow of that monument, held fast by its cruel gaze and menacing sneer, ever since its erection earlier this morning,” reported one American brandishing a sledge hammer, “Now the peace marchers are here, and the ones who speak English are promising us that our liberation is at hand.” A crowd of Americans dragged the statue’s massive head through the city streets. “It’s ironic that we so feared this figurehead of totalitarianism,” observed one jubilant American, “the head is completely hollow after all.”

The crowd succeeded in destroying the likeness of their unpopular, un-elected ruler at approximately 11:14 AM Saturday morning. They spent the remainder of the day in close proximity to the gathering peace forces, likely fearful of retribution at the hands of pockets of resistance still loyal to the Bush regime.

“We understand that this is just a symbol,” said American Alex Brusht, “though inevitable, the long hard work of regime change in this country is still ahead of us.”

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by Pictures
by me
You didn't protest...

clinton's invasion of Somalia
clinton's invasion of Haiti
clinton's bombing of Kosovo
clinton's attack on Sudan
clinton's attack on Iraq in 1998

You are not for peace

You are just a Republican-hating, intolerant, hatemongering
hypocrite still bitter about the 2000 election

Please shut up and move to France
by Andy (trmpt99 [at]
Do you people not understand the humour in this piece? While I, too, am a patriotic American, I detest violence of any kind, even our 'liberation' of Iraq. It is not unpatriotic to be against this war, or even our leaders for that matter. Being unpatriotic is by definition showing a lack of love for your country and way of life. Freedom of speech is something that we all share, and this article is a wonderful example of its use My question to you is, "Is it unpatriotic to charish and use those freedoms that your are entitled to?" Just because you support the troops and President Bush, doesn't mean that you cannot find, let alone appreciate, the humour of this article. Try thinking with your mind instead of your party membership card.
by Godwin (g_dwin [at]
Godwin's Law has been invoked, please cease and desisit all comments and move the heck along!
by D.L.Drader (D_Drader [at]
'Nuff said. If the parallels here aren't obvious then you need to go back and reread your history, then compare it to the modern day.
by Hahaah
Godwin, that's brilliant!

The enforcement of this law should save on server space.
by Edge
Unpopular President? There are NO polls that back that silly statement up.

Illegitimate? Change the Constitution; until you do, electoral college is how we elect Presidents. One word of advice, though; changing the Constitution is REALLY tough. It takes a looooooooong time for a Constitutional amendment to pass, be ratified by 3/4 of ALL the states, and then finally enacted.

Finally, I'm GLAD that our President didn't win the popular vote of the inner city population; the more fuel to irk the liberals, welfare recipients, and homeless dregs of society, the better.
by A. Mirror
You babble:

“George Bush won, yes won Florida. All the votes were counted three time after the election and he won. Get over it.”

--------------------- ---------------------

Holding that up to the mirror of Political Knowing as to what happened, we see that, [Al Gore won, yes won the entire United States of America after All the votes were counted three timeS after the election, and he won, but technically lost the right to be the President, because of a rules procedure that would allow another to be placed as the President even though he had not won by more votes, then the person who had won by more votes. Get over it.]

If police in Florida stop, some peoples from going to the polls to vote for as it was, Al Gore, well should that be a consideration, of law?

Answer, {{{{{ yes }}}}}

So, (Rico), now, go finish that paper so you can become a do what ever you are told to do Republican stooge.
by Lisa Wolff
Reading this kind of thing makes me ashamed to be an American
by Anai Bendai (contactmenot [at]
Excellent! The satirical humor of this event reels the mind. I was laughing my ass off at the first staged production of "Statue Toppling" in Baghdad, and now to see the show moved here to America! What a grand indictment of the vapid and insipid ruling elites who think that everyone will fall for their little morality play about good vs. evil and the 'forces of freedom' defeating tyranny. The only true despot of any consequence in the world today is George W. Bush and I have to laugh when I consider what the World's Village Idiot will think of this event in S.F. He's so banal and clueless, he might actually have his tiny wittle fweelings hurt! - Anai Bendai
by born here
Welcome to the club. To be American is a shameful thing. No wonder the world hates us. We are aggressors. At Nuremberg we hung Germans for doing to Poland what Bush is doing to Iraq. In those days one could take pride in America. But today, we're nothing but war criminals, and the taxpayers who enable them.
by D.L.Drader (D_Drader [at]
Oh yes, we are the aggressors. So by taking out a regime that is promoting terrorism and trying to kill as many civillian Americans as possible is being an aggressor? I should think its what is commonly known as self defense. Get a clue moron!

Or how about this: next time you feel like exercising your right to protest, I'm going to go up to you and hit you in the face as hard as I possibly can. And when you get done crying and stand back up, I'm going to do it again, and again, and again, until you finally hit me back.

This is the conundrum this country is faced with. If we keep listenning to the self righteous idiots who think they should stand up for those who have already declared war on us, they are going to hit us again and again until we finally stand up for ourselves and hit them back.

What we just did was not only hit them back. Not only did we hit them back, but we put their sorry asses in the hospital for a good long while. They can't win a true victory against us, but if we wanted to, we could own the entire middle east. That we choose to simply liberate these people rather than conquer them or eradicate them altogether speaks volumes about the compassion of this country.

If you're so ashamed to be an American, maybe you should leave. The rest of us certainly wouldn't miss your whining.
by born here
>a regime that is promoting terrorism and trying to kill as many civillian Americans as possible

You aren’t talking about Iraq. Iraq has no links whatsoever to Al Queda, never attacked us, and was no threat whatsoever.

Sure Saddam was/is an evil man. Burt he was/is not one bit worse than Sharon or Musharef, both of whom America support. This wasn’t about ridding the world of an evil dictator. This was about ridding the world of an evil dictator who wouldn’t take orders from Americans. Obedient dictators America coddles. Batista, Duvalier, Pinochet, Mott, Suharto, Marcos, the list goes on. Hypocrisy, lies and double standards are the essence of US foreign policy.

>Or how about this: next time you feel like exercising your right to protest, I'm going to go up to you and hit you in the face as hard as I possibly can.

You’re certainly welcome to try. With some protesters, you might even get away with it. But if you try that on me, I personally will stuff your head up your ass. It would give me great pleasure. So bring it on, sucker. I’m real easy to find. I’m the one dressed in black.

by CR Young
Yeah, that's a great idea. You punch a protestor in the face and that is assault. So how is it legal for Bush to do what he does, and yet you'll go to jail for what you threatened to do? Why is it that anyone who is against this war is supposedly a dirty, rotten, pro-Saddam, anti-American Liberal? Can't a person just be against something and not be expected to kowtow to a policy or politician they do not agree with? What's the use of protecting our Bill of Rights when people are attacked for using the freedoms they are granted? Someone calling for the suppression of dissenting opinions is no better than the regimes and dictators they are denouncing. I have the right to disagree and you have the right to have whatever opinion you want. I just wish that these debates would stick to the topic at hand rather than diverge into petty name-calling. Attack the issues people, not the person!
by D.L.Drader (D_Drader [at]
"Yeah, that's a great idea. You punch a protestor in the face and that is assault. So how is it legal for Bush to do what he does, and yet you'll go to jail for what you threatened to do?"

No, I am not proposing that I will personally punch anyone in the face. However, what the terrorists have done to us is metaphorically identical to me punching the anti-war protester in the face until they finally decide to take action to protect themselves from my attacks. Most people should have understood that, but obviously its more in your interest to paint me as a politically motivated attacker.

So how is it legal for Bush to do what he's done? Its called self defense. Reasonable people do it to prevent further harm from coming to them. Saddam is known to sponsor terrorism and the links between his regime and Al-Qaida are more than just propaganda.

You don't want to agree, fine, but don't twist my words, or suggest that this country doesn't have the right to protect the lives of our people. Just as importantly, don't suggest that its not in the best interest of the entire world to appease a dictator who has arguably committed genocide against his own people.
by Paul Murphy (groverpm [at]
I loved the article and the enlightened people it has stirred to mention that Saddam Hussein was a dictator and therefore had to be removed. By this reasoning I'll assume we can expect invasions of China,Burma,most of Sub Saharan Africa,Saudi Arabia,Kuwait,Indonesia,etc etc. Thank God (Who He?) we have the US to take care of us and put the world to rights.
The US actively supported Hussein and then when he became useless the US fabricated a pretext to invade. The first Gulf War was planned long before the invasion of Kuwait. That invasion was actively encouraged by the US.With the onset of war the US and allies committed war crimes just as the "Coalition of the Willing" have now. I hope I don't have to provide any Proof.
by H.J.Campbell (aybloc [at]
I - in distant Rio/BR - am jubilant with the fact that not ALL AMERICANS are as daft as all that......The Bush/Sharon-"successes" are a danger to world peace much more than Saddam ever was. Though I'm glad that that bastard was offed, I do think it's time to keep going and rid the world of ALL despots, including Bush and cohorts.
by Wallace (rationalheckler [at]
"However, what the terrorists have done to us..."

Who are the terrorists? And what did they do to you? You mean bin Laden? And where is the PROOF? The official story is provable nonsense. Where is the investigation and answers to the hundreds of valid questions about 9-11 still being ignored? And where is the CONNECTION with Iraq and 9-11?

"So how is it legal for Bush to do what he's done? Its called self defense."

For what? What did Iraq do to the US and UK? There was no justification for war whatsoever. It's about conquest. All else is a smokescreen. If you believe that Bush is motivated by liberating the Iraqi people and looking after the interests of the American people then you are beyond help. How about the liberation of the American people first? From BUSH and his UNelected government and it's treading all over your freedoms?

"Saddam is known to sponsor terrorism"

Is he? Well, the US does. Very much so, when it SUITS them. But that's OK of course.

"and the links between his regime and Al-Qaida are more than just propaganda."

And where is the concrete evidence other than mindless accusations and blatent lies?

You need to delve a little deeper into the facts about your own government; it's past record of atrocities and supporting dictatorships; its own brand of terrorism and what definition of terrorism you are using here; its disregard for human life when profits and power are at stake and it's hidden agendas fo war; who controls the US mass media, who benefited from 9-11, how the official story fed to you about 9-11 doesn't stand up WHATSOEVER; and the criminal nature of the closet-nazis who stole power in the Whitehouse. You need to undo your programming and stop believing this childish, naive nonesense about "good-guys vs bad-guys" and "evil-doers". Engage critical thinking and look at what is really going on in your name.
by Sophonsiba
How wonderful it is that Bush has eradicated terrorism--Uh, wait, I mean seized and destroyed WMD--no, that's not right, it's that he's liberated the Iraqis from a dictator. Since we are now in the business of deposing dictators out of the goodness of our hearts, I'm sure that North Korea is next, followed by Saudi Arabia, Liberia, Burma, Guinea, Libya, Turkmenistan, and Cuba. Won't it be expensive? No expense is too great to make sure that terrorism doesn't happen here again!
by Lahoda (matthewlahoda [at]
Some dictator Bush is. The crowd had to erect a statue of him in order to tear it down. Now protesters in every city can liberate themselves from his tyranny by building symbols of his tyranny so they can symbolically tear down the Bush Regime.
Lets face it, folks, if you have to bulid the trappings of dictatorship for the man in order to protest his tyranny he probably isn't a dictator. It is unhelpful to compare Bush to Saddam and just plain ridiculous to compare him to Hitler. I think it's important to have a strong opposition to Bush or any leader. It keeps the playing field level. But ridiculous claims of dictatorship don't help the free exchange of ideas. If the story was meant to be clever or funny, well, it wasn't. There are plenty of things to get Bush on (homeland security is a joke), it's better to use the good arguments than the stupid ones.
by Rodlyman (non [at]
Pause for a moment and reflect on what it is that compells you to compare the President of the USA and the Butcher of Baghdad. Do your best not to let your emotions get in the way. What I'm offering is a way for you to let rational thought get into your argument.

Even if you hate President Bush, it is the height of ridiculousness to compare him to Saddam.
by taradiddle
No it's not. It's called aggression. It's exactly what Japan did at Pearl Harbor. It's what Hitler did to Poland. It's a war crime to attack "preemptively."

>Saddam is known to sponsor terrorism and the links between his regime and Al-Qaida are more than just propaganda.

It's pure propaganda, desiminated by known liars. Proof is lacking.

by Zach
Where in the article does it say "Dictator"?

Sure, I'll let "rational thought" into my argument. The way GWB let it into his before deciding to send so many troops to fight an unecessary war. Bullshit!

This war is a tragic farce. Watch any news cast other than CNN or Fox to see the real truth of the War, and how these the "Free" Iraqi people feel about their liberators.

I think one man put it like this: "I am glad to be free, but the Americans are infidels."

Where are the WMD that threatened the world so much? So far we have some fertilizer and a warhead which "might" "possibly" "maybe" "could" "perhaps" "if tests are positive" "almost" count as a chemical weapon.

So where is the justification for the American dead, the civilian casualties, the billions and billions of funding dollars which could be spent revitilizing a choking American economy?

by Zach
One real problem with any of these conversation is that people inevitably bring up the bully analogy, despite the fact that it is fundamentally flawed. You cannot compare mico-social interactions (i.e. between two people) with macro-social interactions (i.e. between two nations. Countries are not just people. For instance, it is perfectly alright, in fact PREFERABLE for a nation to have debt. For an individual, this is certainly not the case.

If you're dealing with anything on the international level, you have to consider a couple of points:
1) International Law != American Law.
Assault, conspiracy to commit a crime and even murder are not necessarily illegal. For instance, if a member of the Iraqi military were to crash an airliner into the Whitehouse, it would technically be an act of war, and not of terrorism, and (assuming he were to survive) he would be subject to all the rights granted to a POW under the Geneva Convention. Like I said, International Law is not American Law.

2) Sovereignty.
For hundreds of years, sovereignty has been held over all else in international relations. The clear precedent is that unless you clearly attack me, I have to respect your borders. What Bush did was essentially ignore 500 years of international common law to invade Iraq for poorly defined reasons, and in particular, without broad international support.

3) Hypocrisy.
Almost everything we have accused Iraq of is something the US has actually done in the last 20 years.
Terrorism? Yup
Building WMDs? Yup
Violating Basic Human Rights? Yup
Propoganda? Absolutely

4) We're pissing of a LOT of people.
Not just the French, but the 1billion+ Arabs too.

So as it stands, we're in the wrong legally, morally and religiously. Spectacular.

Contrary to what I'm sure you're thinking, I support the war. In theory, anyway. I agree that someone had to go in and free the people of Iraq. I just think that we did it all wrong. We've just shown to the entire world that we're perfectly willing to do whatever we want, despite what everyone else thinks. This is a very very dangerous precedent to set, especially as the worlds only superpower.

The Mexican-American War is occasionally known as the War of American Agression. I wonder what this one will go down in history as.
by Zach
At the White House press conference: "President Bush, do you
have any proof that Iraq posesses the weapons of mass

"Yes, we saved the sales receipts."
by reason
The international community will continue (esp if the nationbuilding is successful, or at least better than the Baath regime) to climb on board and continue to dilute their opposition to regime change.

In 50 years, the history books will consider the war these past few weeks to be the end of the first Gulf War. Saddam failed to honor the cease fire and the war was finally concluded 12 years later.

The international law argument is flawed. People should be complaining about the Yugoslavian wars of the 90's -- they weren't sanctioned by any international authority. The case is much more easily made that the latest war was simply the implementation of a number of Security Council resolutions.

Finally, there aren't one billion Arabs on the planet.

by tywaz (tywaz [at]
Hmmm. Which is a better way to improve the economy for the downtrodden: build big palaces or replace all the Tomahawk missles that were just used to destroy them? It seems that similar amounts were/are pumped into the respective economies.

We could talk about how captive Iraqi oil will help break OPEC, while $600,000,000 is already promised to American companies to rebuild what has been destroyed, but that would spoil a nice Sunday afternoon.
by Buford Picklefeather
Unelected? Maybe, O.K. Probably. Unpopular? Hardly. Look at the television sometime. With the exception of the coasts and the large metropolitan areas, Bush is almost universally revered. In the middle of the country, he is already thought of by many in neo-religious terms.
by Redman
Those who believe George W. was unelected or elected unfairly are complete fucks. Believe me, you spineless libs.....there are actually, really, truly more conservative people in this country than there are people who share your mindset. You lose. They dont make spectacles of themselves on tv or pretend to be a member of a minority to get a couple votes. Your ideas are a joke and so is your party. To those who protest something they dont understand.....get informed quick. In fact....just get out. Leave the country. Eventually anyone hating on America the way some of you do will find yourselves protesting in the paths of Americans who aren't afraid of arrest or boneless jellyfish...i mean real Patriots.
by well
if "liberals" are such a minority, then how do you explain that this last election (2000) was one of the closest (if not the closest? but im not sure) ever....not to mention the fact that NADER got votes many "conservatives" do you think voted for HIM? but if you still think that the election was completely fair then obviously nothing will change your mind now......
by well once more
and the statement that bush is universally revered....universally??? since when does the midwest make up the universe? please...turn off your television set ...its obviously doing nothing but lying to you....
by Bob
CHILDISH Behavour from never done anything , Will be useless their whole lives!!! Thats alright children go ahead and play, The rest of the country LAUGHS at you!!!
by at your inability
to construct a sentence, Bob.
by D.L.Drader
"You need to delve a little deeper into the facts about your own government; it's past record of atrocities and supporting dictatorships; its own brand of terrorism and what definition of terrorism you are using here; its disregard for human life when profits and power are at stake and it's hidden agendas fo war; who controls the US mass media, who benefited from 9-11, how the official story fed to you about 9-11 doesn't stand up WHATSOEVER; and the criminal nature of the closet-nazis who stole power in the Whitehouse. You need to undo your programming and stop believing this childish, naive nonesense about "good-guys vs bad-guys" and "evil-doers". Engage critical thinking and look at what is really going on in your name."

Were you wearing your tinfoil hat when you wrote that?
by Boredom 2K
First of all: The government is full of crap. Doesn't matter which party is in control, the government will always tell you what you want to hear. That's their freaking job. You've got to read between the lines.

Next, I'd like to bring up a quote which has great signifigance on the current state of the US. It was uttered by Herman Goering, one of the most evil men in history, at the Nuremburg Trials (for you ignorant people, these were the Nazi war criminal trials). It goes like this:

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Now, think about this carefully. Do you not see the parallels between this idea and the current regime of the US? We're being fed bullshit. Utter bullshit. You would like to condemn people who speak against Bush by saying that we're not supporting our troops or our country, but it's the total opposite, actually. To try and make my point further, I will quote Theodore Roosevelt, one of the great American presidents.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

This idea that war protestors are traitors is a silly idea spread by ignorance and naivete. To believe our government is not capable of an evil act is the real treason. You see how Saddam's TV stations spread lies throughout the Iraqi nation? Why is it so far-fetched to think a power-hungry person like Bush (who was elected by the outdated system of the electoral college, even though he did not win) would do the same thing? Americans are so arrogant they think we can never be wrong. Well, you're the ones who are wrong. Open your goddamned eyes you pitiful, pitiful people. Don't believe what some millionaires, who never lifted a finger for you, tell you. You think they care about anything but securing oil to power our stupid SUVs?
by Lord God (godiscool [at] aol.cim)
You fuck bags are a bunch of self centered pussies. I wish Saddam had your little pussy lives in his meat hooked hands so that he could beat you, rape you, shock you, break your bones, make you eat yourselves and then if you were lucky, kill you.

You pieces of shit might as well get used to thte idea of GEORGE W. BUSH being president. He got more votes than your piece of shit Clinton did in his first term as rapist in chief.

Fuck all of you and rot in the hell that exists in your twisted, fucked up and selfish little minds.
by Donna
This morons that did this should be taken over to Iraq and left there....better yet - drop them off in Syria - see how far they get in that guess is they wouldnt make it til sundown. How can you drag a statue of Bush through the streets?! Oh, I get it - you were imitating the newly free iraq folks - real original... People like you dont deserve to live in the US - go play in another country and leave us REAL Americans alone! GOD BLESS THE TROOPS AND THE USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Boredom 2K
Why all the hatred towards fellow Americans with an opinion? Are we not all on the same side? Was our country not founded on the idea of free speech? Rebuking people for insulting your coke-snorting non-president is the most un-American thing you can do. There's a well-known word for it, as well. It's called fascism.

God bless America and free speech!
by Marine Recruit (jellycigarette [at]
I am an 18 year old, leaving for Marine Corps boot camp on June 17th. It will be my duty to protect this country from all threats. I have only one reservation about my choice to serve. Not only will I have to protect the majority of Americans that support their leader and the military, I'll have to protect the pacificistic cowards like those who wrote this article.
What you people do not realize is that sometimes a country has need to defend itself. Also, it is my belief that if a country has the power, it is that country's duty to defend the people of other countries not as powerful as ourselves. THAT is what we are doing in Iraq, as well as protecting ourselves from a possible threat. Saddam Hussein's regime has killed countless innocent people. His soldiers use women and children as shields. They take cover in hospitals and schools. Be thankful that you live in a country that is not like that.
I won't tell protestors to get out of the country, because it is their right to be here...but when I see them, I ask them to keep their views to themselves, because you can't hope to accomplish anything other than demoralize our troops overseas and here. Even if you say you "Hate the war, love the soldiers" it doesn't matter. You're simply telling the troops that you love them, but you think they're over there doing a dispicable thing. It accomplishes the same thing. Also, you won't stop the war by protesting. A million protestors in front of the White House would not be enough to stop a war. We will not pull our troops out of Iraq until the job is done. No amount of protesting will change that.

by CJones (dcnative57 [at]
Thank you for reminding all about Freedom of Speech.
by CJones (dcnative57 [at]
Just as you are free to join the military, so are the protestors free to voice their opposition to the administration's policies and actions. You will be called upon to participate in campaigns such as these whether you agree with them or not... But then the only choice you will have will be to follow orders or be court martialed for disobeying them.
by Reader
The foul language of the pro-war opinions is telling...
by Zach
"Finally, there aren't one billion Arabs on the planet. "

Oops, I meant Muslims. Now I feel like an ass...
by Zach
If you can't present a logical argument, backed up with hard evidence, I'm going to ignore you, ok?

*grumble* Children.
by Redman
Maybe they've got a point.
by American from Iraq
You, who write this article are the true infidels. Bush freed my people and he derserves our thanks. The rest of you should live under Saddam before you write this trash. It is you who weaken America.
by Zach
I'd argue that our application of power in the middle east is likely to cause MORE unrest, not less. Firstly, a lot of people in that area see this as just evidence that the American Pig-Dogs are trying to crush Islam, and thay their only option is to strike at us now.

Also, I have severe doubts about our ability to create a free, democratic government that will respect human rights. Afghanistan doesn't seem to be doing so well. In fact, I can't recall us managing that since the end of WWII and the rebuilding of Germany and Japan...
by D.L.Drader
You do make a valid point, and this will be the ultimate test of our foreign policy and our commitment to this as a nation. Ultimately it comes dows to 2 things: can we rebuild Iraq to be greater than it was and (2) will this actively deter state funded terrorism? I don't have the definitive answer to that. I don't think anyone does, but, if we sit back and do nothing, we will prove Al Qaida correct, and invite further attacks.

It occurres to me that Japan is the only non-western country that we've been able to successfully rebuild. I think we're due for another.
by nestle
There are some more Bush beheadings planned. Details to follow when I get them. They may be spontaneous, however, to prevent Freepers from wrecking the ceremonies.

by Digby
OMG.. This is too funny. A. Mirror says (in response to Rico who is the one quoted within the quote):

""You babble:

“George Bush won, yes won Florida. All the votes were counted three time after the election and he won. Get over it.”

--------------------- ---------------------

Holding that up to the mirror of Political Knowing as to what happened, we see that, [Al Gore won, yes won the entire United States of America after All the votes were counted three timeS after the election, and he won, but technically lost the right to be the President, because of a rules procedure that would allow another to be placed as the President even though he had not won by more votes, then the person who had won by more votes. Get over it.]

If police in Florida stop, some peoples from going to the polls to vote for as it was, Al Gore, well should that be a consideration, of law?

Answer, {{{{{ yes }}}}}

So, (Rico), now, go finish that paper so you can become a do what ever you are told to do Republican stooge.""

This is one of the most inarticulate babbles I have ever read and Mirror calls Rico's completely articulate statement babble.

Is it just me or is stuff like this hilarious?

by beruska
Why are you guys so dumb????

Look what happened after the fall of communism!!! There was som eunrest, some killings, some ritoing, some looting and the eastern european countries were a bit of a wreck (and the US did have something to do with the downfall of communism, I live in Czech Republic and can have many people attest to that fact) and now they are doing fine. it did take several years, but anything is better than dictators, so stop supporting dictatorship whether Afghanistan or Iraq and start supporting freedom!!!

Trust those who know, it's a GOOD thing the war happened
by General Colon Bowel
Please STAY in the Czech Republic. We have enough rednecks here already.
by whoknows
humour? are you sure you're american? everyone knows you spell humor without a U.
by snow
at least some parts of the country still believe in democracy and the power of doing something that maybe just needs to be done to show the world that we are the same as them, we just give ourselves a different name for it all and try to say we are different.
"I won't tell protestors to get out of the country, because it is their right to be here...but when I see them, I ask them to keep their views to themselves"

said the guy who is posting his views on an internet message board! hypocrite.


I myself like this piece because Bush is not genuinely for the people American, Iraqi, nor otherwise.

He's for himself and those billionaires whom are the supporters and true benefactors of his regime.

Those people who support Bush and are not excessively wealthy in this country have really, in my opinion, fallen for that one... HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER!


Anyone other than Bush in 2004.
by KOL
as opposed to hilery Clinton
by Seth D. King

I like Kucinich...

but if he doesn't then at least John Kerry or ???

Bush came out of no where in 2000.

Keep the possibility open.
Keep democracy alive.

Whatever happens...

The PEOPLE must VOTE the crooks out...

If Americans knew these things would Bush have have a chance in 04?

Also, look now at the fundamentalist Shiite Muslims taking backs power politically in Iraq. Under-estimated them it would seem, perhaps Bush did...

Opening up a can of worms...

by timbo
What about Ralph Nader? Forbid we should elect someone who agrees with us on all the issues.
by is still...
...the man.
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