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Sinn Fein compares Iraq invasion with Ireland's occupation

by Stop The War
London, April 7, IRNA -- The invasion of Iraq by US and UK-led forces
could have the same consequences as the British occupation of Ireland,
Sinn Fein chairman Mitchel McLaughlin suggested Monday.
"Certainly the republican community here would regard themselves
as a community who have been victimized and suppressed by the use of
state force," McLaughlin said in comparing Iraq's invasion with the
British occupation of Ireland.
"If there is a comparison, it could be that what is happening in
Iraq could create the same kind of scenario as we have had because
this action does not have international approval, it does not have
United Nations backing," he said in an interview with PA News.
The Sinn Fein chairman was responding to criticism from pro-
British Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble, who questioned the Irish
republican movement's opposition to the war against Iraq because of
its links with the IRA's use of violence.
"Sinn Fein understands and has sympathy for those who have been
bereaved and injured in this conflict -- especially the thousands upon
thousands of Iraqi civilians," McLaughlin said.
He argued that his party's credentials on peace 'cannot be called
into question when you look at the key role we have played towards a
just and lasting peace in Ireland'. This, he said, was 'something
David Trimble cannot even deny'.
The war of words came ahead of US President George W Bush's visit
to Belfast for his third war summit in the past three weeks with
British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Earlier Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams accused the British and
American leaders of hypocrisy by including talks on the Northern
Ireland peace process as a side issue to the Iraq war.
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by tzu
but the racial factor is a big difference, for Bush and Blair feel strongly identified to the Anglo base of the turmoil country of Ireland and therefore are willing to push for diplomacy, contrary to Iraq and its unpeople Arabs who they feel deserve only bombs rather than diplomacy.
by repost
Trimble claims Bush put IRA on notice
'President said their time was running out'

By Noel McAdam, Political Correspondent

ULSTER Unionist leader David Trimble today said President George Bush had strongly told republicans: "Your time is running out."

After the President's press conference at Hillsborough, the former First Minister said: "Republicans have been given a road map to democracy.

"I strongly urge them to heed the message and finally shake off the shadow of the gunman that has haunted this community for far too long."
by Garden State
Mystery Alitty opined: "The U.S. in Iraq like the British in Northern Ireland? Hardly."

No two historical cases are ever exactly alike. Besides, the Sinn Fein chairman wasn't saying that the situation is currently like Northern Ireland. He said it might become something like that. With my own emphases added, McLaughlin said "IF there is a comparison, it COULD BE that what is happening in
Iraq COULD create the same kind of scenario as we have had because this action does not have international approval, it does not have United Nations backing."

But I could see things degenerating in Iraq, with terrorist attacks and such.

"1. The U.S. will eventually leave. All of the countries we've defeated, we've built them back up and then we left. Japan...Germany...etc."

The U.S. still has military bases all around the world, including Japan, Germany (and is moving some of these to Eastern Europe), and Korea. The U.S. even has a base in Cuba, which it took over more than a century ago!

The U.S. will maintain a presence in Iraq for as long as the Iraqis allow. The duration of full occupation will depend on how long it takes to establish political "stability" in Iraq, with a supplicant regime to protect "American interests" there.

"2. The picture is a State Security I.D. for a little girl in Iraq. She was killed because her parents didn't toe the Baath Party line close enough."

You anger at this is deserved. But don't limit it to your government's official enemies. And please don't turn the other cheek when such crimes are committed by our "friends".

"Hussein's regime was vile, evil, and despicable in ways that I'd rather not think on."

And so it was. Too bad the U.S. helped it along. I hope you continue to speak out against vile dictatorships in Iraq. I expect that they will continue to exist there for some time. (I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.)

"If they're still alive, why don't you tell that little girl's parents why it is that you feel the U.S. shouldn't have removed the Hussein regime."

I personally would have preferred that the Iraqi people get rid of Hussein themselves. There's a real sense of accomplishment in overthrowing dictators, and in order to do it right you have to have a real domocratic movement to make it possible. Americans could have helped foster a healthy oppositional revolutionary movement there, but instead we devestated the people's health with a dozen years of sanctions.

Maybe now that the sanctions will probably end, we (the American people, not the government) can help the Iraqis lay the groundwork for a democracy strong enough to force out the U.S. military occupation and reject any Washington-sponsored puppet regimes.
by Scottie
If the US and Britain are going to avoid "hypocracy" in northern ireland - then they would root out the IRA and inprison the Sinn Fein leadership..
I suggest he shut up and sit back down.

It is not hypocracy if the situations are different. Stupid terrorist front organization...
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