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200-300 US soldiers killed during the battle to restore Saddam International Airport
Iraq says everything okay in Baghdad, Iraqis restored Saddam International Airport

Saddam International Airport, Baghdad -- [LSN: These reports were filed 11:00 EST. They are still centered around the remarks made before, but note that a Reuters correspondant has toured the area the US allegedly "controls" in South Central Baghdad, and has confirmed there are no US forces present.]
Al-Sahaf: 200-300 US soldiers killed during the battle to restore Saddam International Airport

Abu Dhabi TV, 11:00-11:30 Eastern Time - 4/5/03

In a live interview aired by Abu Dhabi TV, the Iraqi Press (Media) Minister, Muhammed Sa'id Al-Sahaf, said that the Iraqi forces are in total control of the Saddam International airport after a battle that took place last night.

He added that there were between 200 and 300 US soldiers, who were killed during the battle of restoring the airport. He also said that there would be photos and videos about the battle that would verify his statement. Moreover, he promised to take journalists to the airport when there life would not be in danger because of artillery bombardment from US forces which retreated to Abu Ghareeb area, 35 kilometers south of Baghdad.

Al-Sahaf also said that there is a battle going on right now in which Iraqi forces are attacking US forces in Abu Ghareeb, using all kinds of weapons, including land to land missiles. He denied that there are any US forces in Baghdad, describing such claims as propaganda and psychological warfare.

In answering a question about the non-traditional Iraqi attacks, he mentioned yesterday to restore the airport, he said that these were new methods of suicide attacks.

In answering a question about where is the Republican Guard, he said that it is there and ready for the final battle.

Al-Sahaf also said that the US-UK forces do not control any Iraqi city. There is resistance everywhere in Iraq.

Finally, in answering a question about the morale of Iraqis, he said that Iraqis are not aggressors. They are defending their country against a foreign invasion. Therefore, they enjoy a high morale and they are willing to sacrifice themselves for that purpose. He described the invaders as "Oulouj" the same word Muslims described Crusaders in the past when they came from overseas to fight Muslims in the Middle East for material gains. He also said that this word was used by Caliph Omar to describe Persians and Romans who were fighting against Muslims for material gains, not for a noble cause.

Iraq says everything okay in Baghdad, Iraqis restored Saddam International Airport

(Reuters), Khaleej Times, 5 April 2003

BAGHDAD - Iraq s information minister said on Saturday Baghdad was firmly under Iraqi control and denied U.S. reports that troops had reached the centre of the capital.

Minister Mohammed Saeed Al Sahaf also reiterated that Iraqi troops had defeated U.S. forces at Baghdad airport overnight. U.S. officers say they are in control.

Asked about U.S. reports that troops were in the heart of the capital, Sahaf told a news conference: You can go and visit those places. Nothing there, nothing there at all. There are Iraqi checkpoints. Everything is okay.

Reuters correspondent Khaled Yacoub Oweis said he toured central and southern Baghdad on Saturday but saw no U.S. troops.

I went to the southern outskirts, south east, south west, the presidential palaces, the main security buildings, correspondent Khaled Yacoub Oweis said after driving around the city. I saw no American troops.

Earlier, a U.S. military spokesman said their forces had thrust into the heart of Baghdad and said the push was more than a patrol that goes in and comes back out .

Sahaf said U.S. forces had bombed the capital and tried to make airborne landings to divert attention from a battle for Baghdad s airport.

He also said that Iraqi forces had shot down a plane over Iraq and destroyed seven tanks in the southern city of Basra in the past 24 hours.

Now the entire direction is in our favour and we will annihilate what is left of the forces that attacked the airport, Sahaf said.

The Republican Guard, the Fedayeen Saddam (paramilitaries) and other fighters have carried out new innovative operations, he said, adding that his ministry hoped to take journalists to the airport later on Saturday.

They are shooting from time to time their artillery on the ground of the airport, Sahaf added, speaking English.

(But) we have defeated them, crushed them in Saddam International Airport. We have pushed them outside the whole area. They couldn t establish a gain, we are surrounding them.

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by Dave
If you believe this bullshit then you'll probably believe that the Communists are still in power anywhere in the world.
by Sheepdog
Very disturbing news for our liberators.
Shortage of flowers and cheering. No shortage of fire power though. Death from the merchants of terror.
Lord pity the solders and civilians over there for this
word wide band of criminals, so distant to the blood and pain they have
caused. Time for a regime change, here and now, we are pouring blood,american and other, for these inhuman creatures of false wealth and no soul.
If you can't feel the pain of your brother or sister, you
are not human. You are the enemy.
by Sheepdog
Yes, an example of the enemy. With a glue fixation (involving a little 'accident causing its buttcheeks
to be practically welded together, no doubt) and a script to
inject into the data/analysis.
Typing its spin of brown shirt philosophy involving
a mix of violence bravado and threats.
I've got news for you. Those heroes better come
home in better than body bags. Most of them are still
humans under their programing and the ruling class always
underestimates the collective soul of humanity, reaching
towards peace and justice.
Your gig is about up.
by Sheepdog
I’m nauseated by the traitorous bands of self-righteous protest pansies and peace posses who have surfaced amid the Iraq debate. On the brink of global unrest, our fighting forces are about to demonstrate to the world why fist-fucking violates decency laws. Semper fi, you filthy bastards. The only reason half of L.A. is able to sit on its collective ass all day nursing $5 coffee Slurpees while I fix toilets is that America already rules the world. The only reason bubble-headed Hollywood pill poppers are able to complete a yoga session without having their chakras suicide-bombed by some terrorist scumbag is because the United States has been doing shit right for two and a quarter centuries. Amen.

While many see Iraq as nothing more than a wasteland of mud huts and concertina wire, I see a posh desert oasis in the embryonic stage. In five years’ time, I hope to be sitting poolside while Sean Penn serves me mai-tais and Martin Sheen adjusts my chaise longue and rubs Coppertone on my back. Of course, I’d prefer Jessica Lange, but she’ll be too busy doing my laundry.

War is not the answer. It is the question. Yes is the answer. And to all of the Islamic extremists planning the Big One, you can run your jihad up my fucking ass. I’ll leave the light on for you.

—Everett “Jack” Falconer
Santa Monica
by Aussie
So you guys really believe that the International Airport is not in US hands? I guess it can't be since the Ministry of Informaiton has been saying that the US are not within 100 miles of Bagdad. Interesting how the Iraqi's can drive troops our of a location they never were?

by truth is the first casualty
don't believe either side. They both lie.

"Deception is the essence of warfare" -- Sun Tzu
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