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In the face of war and recession, Gavin Newsom scapegoats homeless veterans

by Gavin Newsom Must Be Stopped
Gavin Newsom (a spoiled rich kid with many similarities to George W) looks like he may be the next mayor of SF. His only issue is his demonization of the homeless. In this time of recession and war, Gavin’s response to lack of jobs and budget deficits is to arrest people for standing on medians. Has Gavin no shame…
Newsom sets panhandlers in mayoral sights
He vows to end tolerance for the practice
Supervisor Gavin Newsom, who won at the polls last year with his signature "Care Not Cash" homeless reform measure, kicked off his race for mayor Saturday with a promise to go after panhandling next

Shelter shuffle
Sup. Gavin Newsom's Care Not Cash program, packaged as an expansion of services for the homeless, is kicking into gear, and it just might bump thousands of people out of the city shelter system.

SAN FRANCISCO -- A San Francisco supervisor is asking the city attorney to draft an ordinance that would curb panhandling with a combination of incentives and penalties.
The law proposed by Supervisor Gavin Newsom would ban aggressive panhandling near schools, at bus stops, in parking lots and on median strips. Newsom planned to submit his request at the board's Tuesday meeting.

§Stop Newsom Before He Kills Again
by Gavin Newsom Must Be Stopped
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by Anti-Gavin (abroad [at]
Have appropriate website but could use some help with satirical version of Gavin Newsom's website.

Serious with helping only please reply...
by Mary Robinson (MarycRobinson [at]
The citizens of San Francisco have spoken. The homeless are in a severe state of decay and handing them more cash will never solve their problems , as proven. In addition, to let the city turn into a toilet
is demeaning to all citizens, homeless and non-homeless, as well as disease provoking! Begging
on city sidewalks is even more evidence that our system is not working! Mr. Newsom has finally brought a solution to this city!
by Lee
Funny how Mary Robinson, who lives in Presidio Terrace, thinks Gavin Newsom has found a solution to the homeless crisis. Is there a homeless crisis in Presidio Terrace? No. It's almost as if the City not being as clean is the real problem for Robinson. There will be more crime and more prisons to pay for if Care Not Cash is enforced. The homeless people are NOT the problem. Care Not Cash will not make the homeless problem go away, and in fact will do nothing but feed Gavin Newsom's political appetite.
by who's heART? (4change [at]
Great! who's art? Okay to use elsewhere? is there more?
by sunshine and lollipops
man you're really a bore

try a little tenderness
by support POOR mag boycott
Not a Mandate. Not the Will of the Voters!

Prop N "sCare not Cash" is the product of divisive campaigning, Lies and Innuendo, slow voter turnout year, and millions of dollars spent on media ads and billboards.

125,436 / 59.77% Yes votes ...... 84,433 / 40.23% No votes

with only 51% of all registered sf voters going to the polls. SF can do better in terms of voter turnout...especially in a busier election year. Vote No Newsom!

Support POOR Mags Restaurant Boycott!
Boycott all restaurants sponsoring sCare Not Cash and Newsom for Mayor. To search for "Kickin' The Poor" restaurants go to
by 67% of SF homeless are from HuntersPoint
67% of SF homeless are from Bayview/Hunters Point

Editorial by Willie Ratcliff from SF Bayview

Now we know. The loss of 23 percent of San Francisco’s Black population – 20,000 Black people gone in the last decade – did not solve what the City perceives as its “Black Problem.” No.

While 20,000 Black folks lost their homes and left the City, another nearly 10,000 – from Bayview Hunters Point alone – lost their homes yet stayed in the City, homeless. That’s right. According to the Mayor’s Office of Housing, there are approximately 14,000 homeless people in San Francisco, and 67 percent of them come from Bayview Hunters Point.

In the last handful of years, in a dramatic transformation, the complexion of San Francisco’s homeless population has turned Black. Activists estimate that 85 percent of the City’s homeless citizens are Black.

So the “Black Problem” in San Francisco has merged with the “Homeless Problem,” scaring some at City Hall out of their wits. Out of his fear of homeless people and his hunger to be mayor, Supervisor Gavin Newsom invented Proposition N, naming it a compassionate-sounding “Care Not Cash.”

If Newsom’s bulging money bags and his friends in high places succeed in out-polling those of us who still have a conscience and some common sense and Prop N becomes law in Tuesday’s election, thousands of our neighbors who no longer have a home or anything else of monetary value will have their General Assistance checks slashed from about $359 a month to a meager $59 a month. Many of them will die.

Thus Prop N is Newsom’s “Final Solution” to San Francisco’s “Black Problem.”

San Francisco has always been hostile to Black people, more hostile in some ways than the Deep South. A few years ago, the City’s Redevelopment Agency admitted that back in the days of urban renewal – known in the Black community as “Negro removal” – its purpose in bulldozing 5,000 Black homes and 200 Black businesses was to drive all Blacks out of San Francisco.

Since then, as Blacks fell from 16 percent to less than 8 percent of the City’s population, San Francisco lost one of the major attractions that make it the world’s favorite destination. It lost the Black-owned jazz clubs that generously poured music out into the streets of the Fillmore. It lost its soul.

But despite Redevelopment’s best efforts, not all Blacks who were driven out of the Fillmore left the City. Many Fillmore refugees moved to Bayview Hunters Point. So now, by decree of Newsom and his corporate sponsors, it is Bayview Hunters Point that must be repeopled and the people of Bayview Hunters Point, now homeless, who must be eliminated.

Now, right now, is the hour of decision for each of us. Will we vote? Oldtimers say that Bayview Hunters Point used to “vote 100%.” And will we vote for genocide or will we hold high the freedom banner?

The big businesses supporting Prop N – and opposing the public power that Prop D will bring – are the same businesses that refuse us jobs and contracts and credit and even put us under surveillance when we dare to walk into their stores and restaurants. I won’t let them drive me out of San Francisco, and I hope you won’t either. I won’t let them intimidate me into voting for Prop N and the death by starvation of my brothers and sisters. I won’t let them frighten me away from the voting booth.

I simply won’t do business with businesses that won’t do business with me. And I simply won’t vote for Prop N, Newsom’s “Final Solution” to the “Black Problem.” Please join me. If all people of good will vote No on N, we can reclaim the soul of San Francisco.

Oakland Measures EE and FF

Since the police invasion on 10-11 of Thurgood Marshall High School, I am compelled more than ever to oppose any police force that looks at African Americans as the enemy. Like San Francisco, Oakland to a large extent has that kind of police force. That’s why the Black Panther Party was formed. And today, the trial of the notorious “Riders” proves that police supremacy is more repressive than ever.

Now Oakland’s Mayor Brown, with Measure FF, wants to impose new taxes to raise $60 million to put 100 new cops on the street. That’s more police repression at a cost to taxpayers of $600,000 per cop!

Why would anybody vote for that? As Oakland Police Chief Richard Word himself said, referring to the “Riders,” “How can we expect to police the community if we can’t even police ourselves?”

While I urge you to vote No on Measure FF, I urge you to vote Yes on Measure EE. Measure EE is the culmination of years of organizing for Just Cause – adding the requirement to the law that landlords must show a good reason to evict people from their homes. And unjust enrichment is not Just Cause.

All that poor people have is each other. When we’re driven from our homes, we lose those friendships and neighborhood connections that are vital to our survival.

The big businesses and their political puppets who support Prop N and oppose Prop D in San Francisco and who support Measure FF and oppose Measure EE in Oakland are the same ones who lock us out of living wage jobs, redline us out of business opportunities that would enable us to employ each other, evict us from our homes and then, as if we weren’t down and out enough, sic the cops on us and our children.

Will you vote Tuesday? I hope and I believe that you will. “Up you mighty nation. You can accomplish what you will,” Marcus Garvey told us. I’ll see you at the polls.
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