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Indybay Feature

What can stop the racist US aggression vs. Irak?

by tzi
What can stop the racist US aggression against the people and country of Irak? A sudden blow from one of the other "axis of evil"
What can stop the racist US aggression against the people and country of Irak? A sudden blow from one of the other "axis of evil" countries that can send the US off balance while engage in Irak? A poised UN peace keeping army that finally decides that it's their historical time and role to confront the US in whatever means necessary/the battlefield? The people on the streets, valleys, and desserts, encircling the superpower? Most likely the last one....eventually. Something got to happen, nevertheless, we can't go on embracing Hollywood war games for life....
by Wondering (rdwatkin [at]
Where is Irak? Are we attacking another nation in addition to Iraq?
by America is not the world
That's how most of the world spells it.
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