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Indybay Feature

Images of truth US wants censored

by scoop
send to your local media
send this link to your local media
by one of the editors
Do it on your own site. This is our site. We created it. We maintain it. We pay it's bills. We do what we want with it. You can do what you want with your own site. here, you cannot. This site is what we want it to be, not what some freeloading, parasite warmongers want it to be.

It is not a site for debating whether or not the war is a good thing. It is a site for debating ways to stop the war, and prevent the next one. If you don't like that, you're on the wrong site. Leave now. Go to another site. better still, start your own and run it by your own rules. We did. You're our guests here. Behave accordingly. Don't annoy us. Don't annoy our other guests. Don't promote war. Don’t promote racism, sexism, homophobia, exploitation or anything else you think might annoy us. If you do, you’re out of here.

by A Blinkin
"pro-war movement is being run by Stalinists"

No, the pro-war movement ARE Stalinist and usually slightly smaller than normal people.
But not all small people are warmongering Empire builders.
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