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by Foreign Press Foundation - The Netherlands
The fact that Colin Powell on behalf of the US Government to the United Nations, and to the world - already twice has presented forged documents to "proof" Iraq's 'nuclear capability* and other 'dangers', has created great suspicion in the world.
GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION : Periscope News - FPF - The Netherlands - For free and
fair use.


Brussels and Turkey : Powell seeks meeting with suspicious Turkish, NATO and
EU officials.

FPF-Brussels - Skepticism runs high in Turkey and the European Union capital
Brussels, because of visiting Secretary of State Colin Powell. The fact that
Colin Powell on behalf of the US Government to the United Nations, and to
the world - already twice has presented forged documents to "proof" Iraq's
'nuclear capability* and other 'dangers', has created great suspicion
concerning Powell's new "evidence" which may be presented for NATO's top
military in the EU-HQ in Brussels, Belgium.

The US led war is faltering, as also the immediately fired Peter Arnett
confirmed on TV, and globally it is a well known fact the FBI investigates*
Powell's presentation of forged "evidence" to the United Nations. Placing
'the Americans and the British' - including their fellow travelers -
globally in a very awkward position, using all means to justify an unjust
cause. The result expected being that Colin Powell by many in the EU, Turkey
and NATO will be cold shouldered, or, as one foreign journalist quipped:
'Cold Turkey for Powell' !

* FBI investigating Powell :

Colin Powell has asked to meet three top European Union officials in
Brussels on Thursday, for discussions expected to focus on Iraq, EU
diplomats confirmed. Powell requested to see Javier Solana, the EU foreign
policy chief, Chris Patten, the European External Relations Commissioner,
and George Papandreou, the Greek Foreign Minister. Justification of the Iraq
invasion is badly needed : Diplomats said it could not be excluded that
Powell would try to meet and convince all 15 EU foreign ministers, as well
as other foreign ministers from NATO member states during his visit. "We
know this is what the State Department has in mind," the diplomats said.


However, whatever socalled 'irrefutable proof' or 'evidence' the United
States will present, to 'justify' it's illegal invasion of Iraq, "this must
be checked by really independent international and UN authorities", the head
of the United Nations nuclear control institute, IAEA, mr. El ElBaradei
yesterday confirmed. Mr. ElBaradei is the person who in the UN used the
euphemism : "not authentic", meaning 'fake', concerning Powell's 'proof'.

Outside the US it is very difficult - after Powell's repeated deception of
the UN - to again accept American "evidence' against third countries in any
form. Be it nuclear, chemical or biological, and said to be "found" by US
"specialists". Foreign political analysts still expect the US Defense
PsyOps, British or Israeli intelligence services - any day now, and against
better judgment - to produce some kind of "evidence" putting Iraq in the
liars boot. This will be "found" and reproted on by all 'embedded' and
'trusted' media (owned by the multinationals that started this war, like
Peter Arnett's NBC, which is owned by nuclear multi-national General
Electric). And - as usual - the 'industry-media' with their collaborators
will help to "justify" another illegal US invasion* !

America is right now - with force, not law - altering the destiny of the
Middle East and Kurdistan will not be independent as long as the water in
the region - especially for Israel - originates in the mountains of
Kurdistan. According to the CIA report, in the region the water is much more
important than the abundance of oil :

* Washington-DC :

'COLD TURKEY' and thirty-six billion dollars...

In Ankara for Powell and his delegation it's expected to be going bad too :
the Turkish government has thus far refused up to accept thirty-six billion
dollars to leave the field to the US. Turkey also refuses US troops to use
it's territory in extenso, and has troops already positioned in Kurdistan, a
region which seems to be worth much more than 36 billion $. US adversary
Iran has like Iraq and Turkey - been fighting over the Kurdish water for
years. Iran urged Turkey last Sunday not to intervene more in northern Iraq
: "We understand and share Turkey's concerns but we do not approve of
Turkish forces entering Iraq," Foreign Minister Kamal Kharazi told a news
conference, warning for a future conflict.* The Peshmerga* it is understood,
will turn their weapons against the US forces the very second they find
another warlord than the US, who pays more and guarantees or respects
Kurdish independence. The United States has - according to Kurdish sources -
officially informed Turkey that it has armed nearly eighty thousand
Peshmerga fighters led by Jalal Talabani and Massoud Barzani in Northern
Iraq in order to send them to military front.

US Arms Nearly 80,000 Peshmerga Fighters :

Because, following a 1983 agreement which now is in danger and has to be
'renewed'; Turkey sells Kurdish water to Israel*. Not to the Palestinians -
who pay much more for their water. Now the parties at war want to make an
agreement concerning the oil and water in Kurdistan, regardless - like in
the past - of the impoverished and inhumanely treated Kurdish people.

The problem for neighboring countries like Iran, Syria, Turkey, Jordan and
Israel is the fact the Kurds have understood very well; that under the
present circumstances they will never be independent. The Kurdish people
have already for decades been fighting for their independence and
territorial rights, and will have to do so - they understand - as long as
their mountainous Kurdistan region provides most of the water for the
region, and is essentially a 'life line, to Israel. That's why the Kurdish
people and their kidnapped, sentenced and imprisoned leader Öcalan, are
doomed until further notice...

Kurdistan's oil fields - among the absolute biggest oil reserves in the
world - deliver via Kirkuk, the Kurdish 'Grozny', sixty percent of the by
Iraq exported oil. But the power which has it's hands on the "water tap",
controls the much more valuable water and thus also the oil production in
the region. In this special CIA report this is confirmed *.


CIA Report : Analysis conc. the Kurdistan water resources : Published / New
York Times | Friday 31 January 2003.

Reference : Professor Steven Pelletiere, the Central Intelligence Agency's
senior political analyst on Iraq during the Iran Iraq war, also was a
professor at the Army War College from 1988 to 2000. As such he was privy to
much of the classified material that flowed through Washington, having to do
with the Persian Gulf. In addition, Prof. Pelletiere headed a 1991 Army
investigation into how the Iraqis would fight a war against the United

Links : CIA's report 'On the Waterfront' URL

Prof. Pelletiere on very informative 16 min. video :

Iran warns Turkey against Iraq intervention :

warning by the Foreign Press Foundation • Thursday March 20, 2003 at 07:20
AM :

Israel : "The New Water Politics of the Middle East" :

Kurdistan Web site Map pictures+text :

COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any
copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press
Foundation, under fair use without profit or payment to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information".

NDATION Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
FPF [at]

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Since the URL above has gone "dead" within some hours, here's the full text of the FBI ivestigation item :

"Proof" that Iraq sought uranium was fake !

By Louis Charbonneau

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The head of the U.N. nuclear agency has shot down allegations that Iraq tried to revive its nuclear arms programme and says fake documents back U.S. claims Baghdad tried to buy uranium to make bombs.

In what some believe was his last update report to the U.N. Security Council on weapons inspections in Iraq, International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei undermined Washington's position just as it scrambles for support for a U.N. resolution paving the way for war in Iraq.

"Based on thorough analysis, the IAEA has concluded ... that these documents, which formed the basis for the reports of recent uranium transactions between Iraq and Niger, are in fact not authentic," ElBaradei told the U.N. Security Council on Friday.

"We have therefore concluded that these specific allegations are unfounded," he said.

Britain and the United States have alleged that Iraq had tried to revive an ambitious atomic weapons program that was neutralised by the United Nations before inspectors left in December 1998.

The claim Iraq had attempted to import the uranium was vital to the U.S. accusation, since it would not have needed the uranium for anything other than a nuclear weapons programme.

"After three months of intrusive inspections, we have to date found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapons programme in Iraq," he said.

To date, the IAEA's inspectors have carried out 218 inspections at 141 sites, he said.


ElBaradei said extensive investigations of high-strength aluminium tubes Iraq attempted to purchase had confirmed that they were not suitable for a uranium enrichment centrifuge programme, as the United States had alleged.

In his speech to the council, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell insisted that the IAEA should "keep the issue open" and said Iraq was also "found shopping for these tubes" in Europe.

But ElBaradei said a team of international centrifuge manufacturing experts believed Baghdad had told the truth about wanting them for rockets.

"Extensive field investigation and document analysis have failed to uncover any evidence that Iraq intended to use these 81mm tubes for any project other than the reverse engineering of rockets," he said.

Knocking down another U.S. allegation, ElBaradei said IAEA experts had concluded that none of Iraq's declared high- strength magnets could be used directly to enrich uranium.

But, ElBaradei added: "Iraq possesses the expertise to manufacture high-strength permanent magnets suitable for use in enrichment centrifuges."

For this reason, he said the IAEA would keep an eye out for equipment and materials that could be used to enrich uranium.

Baghdad has consistently denied it had attempted to revive its nuclear weapons program.

Echoing similar comments from chief U.N. arms inspector Hans Blix, the top nuclear inspector concluded his speech by saying Iraq had become more cooperative in recent weeks.

"I do hope that Iraq will continue to expand the scope and accelerate the pace of its cooperation," ElBaradei said. " (end full story Reuters).
The above link for the FBI investigation has gone dead within hours; better save this one fast for history !

"Proof" that Iraq sought uranium was fake !

By Louis Charbonneau

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The head of the U.N. nuclear agency has shot down allegations that Iraq tried to revive its nuclear arms programme and says fake documents back U.S. claims Baghdad tried to buy uranium to make bombs.

In what some believe was his last update report to the U.N. Security Council on weapons inspections in Iraq, International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei undermined Washington's position just as it scrambles for support for a U.N. resolution paving the way for war in Iraq.

"Based on thorough analysis, the IAEA has concluded ... that these documents, which formed the basis for the reports of recent uranium transactions between Iraq and Niger, are in fact not authentic," ElBaradei told the U.N. Security Council on Friday.

"We have therefore concluded that these specific allegations are unfounded," he said.

Britain and the United States have alleged that Iraq had tried to revive an ambitious atomic weapons program that was neutralised by the United Nations before inspectors left in December 1998.

The claim Iraq had attempted to import the uranium was vital to the U.S. accusation, since it would not have needed the uranium for anything other than a nuclear weapons programme.

"After three months of intrusive inspections, we have to date found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapons programme in Iraq," he said.

To date, the IAEA's inspectors have carried out 218 inspections at 141 sites, he said.


ElBaradei said extensive investigations of high-strength aluminium tubes Iraq attempted to purchase had confirmed that they were not suitable for a uranium enrichment centrifuge programme, as the United States had alleged.

In his speech to the council, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell insisted that the IAEA should "keep the issue open" and said Iraq was also "found shopping for these tubes" in Europe.

But ElBaradei said a team of international centrifuge manufacturing experts believed Baghdad had told the truth about wanting them for rockets.

"Extensive field investigation and document analysis have failed to uncover any evidence that Iraq intended to use these 81mm tubes for any project other than the reverse engineering of rockets," he said.

Knocking down another U.S. allegation, ElBaradei said IAEA experts had concluded that none of Iraq's declared high- strength magnets could be used directly to enrich uranium.

But, ElBaradei added: "Iraq possesses the expertise to manufacture high-strength permanent magnets suitable for use in enrichment centrifuges."

For this reason, he said the IAEA would keep an eye out for equipment and materials that could be used to enrich uranium.

Baghdad has consistently denied it had attempted to revive its nuclear weapons program.

Echoing similar comments from chief U.N. arms inspector Hans Blix, the top nuclear inspector concluded his speech by saying Iraq had become more cooperative in recent weeks.

"I do hope that Iraq will continue to expand the scope and accelerate the pace of its cooperation," ElBaradei said.
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