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non-violent and democratic movement
This is what democracy looks like in the technical age so I hope more will join the discussion.

I grew up knowing that my dad and brother could be sent to war at any point because they both served in the military. I studied history and political science because I was interested in being a diplomat dedicated to making sure dads and brothers would not die in useless wars.

I don't support this war. We all agree that no arguments can be made to justify the violence of 9/11 and yet many justifications are now readily available for our pre-emptive violent occupation of a mideast country.

I try to ask people this question whenever I can: We all support peace, but do you mean peace for us by dominating the rest of the world by force or do you mean peace for us by living within a peaceful community of life? The Bush administration wrote a NSC report that said their goal was a new world order based on "full spectrum dominance" by military and economic means. That sounds great and macho, but it has never worked in the past and it will only lead to peace for the few while bringing violence and destruction to the rest of us.

The US will occupy Iraq and many people will feel justified when Saddam is dead. The news won't cover the thousands of Iraqi dads and brothers who died because the terror of their dictator forced them into the terror of facing the most technically advanced military on Earth by threatening their families if they don't fight. And what about the 26 year old Marine quoted in the New York Times yesterday asking how he was supposed to justify losing a good friend of his while cutting Iraqis in half with his machine gun? He was trying to remember how this battle was all about reducing terrorism.

War is not the answer. Support the troops by not allowing them be used as pawns in the Hawks' crusade to destroy international law and order as they strive to rule the world by force. Cheney's unending war comment sounded more like a hope rather than something we should try to avoid.

My peace is active not passive
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by CW, Lim (lcwei99 [at]
Let's stand up and voice our dissent against war lords who take invading other people's nation as regular past time.

neo-imperialism must be stop at all cost, because it violates basic human rigths and the fundamental of international law.

Malaysia, via Malaysians Coalition for Peace (Peace Malaysia), a movement endorsed by more than 1,000 thousand NGOs and millions of Malaysians, has been active in denouncing the war in Iraq and doing it bits in setting up humanitarian fund to ease the suffering of the innocent Iraqis.

we sincerely hope every citizen of Peace around the world will continue the struggle to safeguard world peace and harmony.

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