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Kenyan Newspaper Chief Criticises CNN Bias

by CNN: Infotainmentg Gone Bad
The previously respected television network ha[s] reduced itself to a mouthpiece of the "Bush government."
Nation' chief criticises CNN bias

Nation Media Group chief executive Wilfred Kiboro has criticised the Western media for its lopsided coverage of the war on Iraq.

He particularly singled out for criticism the CNN coverage of the war, saying the previously respected television network had reduced itself to a mouthpiece of the "Bush government."

"I am very disappointed at the manner the media is reporting the war on Iraq because I have been watching the CNN, the BBC and the Sky News. I am no longer sure where the truth lies any more," said Mr Kiboro.

"When you look at the CNN which you used to respect, now it seems to be the mouthpiece of the Bush government. And I am asking myself, is this what is really our role as the media?" asked Mr Kiboro during a Nation Classic Mount Kenya regional golf tournament reception at the Nyeri Golf Club on Saturday night.

Mr Kiboro said he had been following the coverage on the war through the Al-Jazeera worldwide website and was shocked when it was closed by the United States.

"And the American government with all its pretensions of being a very democratic country closed down the website so that Al-Jazeera network could not be heard," he said.

"And when (US) opened it again some hackers got into it so that when you try to access it you are directed to a another site. And this, coming from the most powerful and developed nation, it is really despicable."

He commended the local media, saying it was doing a better job "because we try our best to be accurate, fair, balanced and objective. And I give you a solemn promise: we will continue to do those things so long as we are around."
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