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Pro - zionist arms dealer to be Iraq's new overlord

by Auntie Beeb
The smouldering craters of liberated Iraq are to be ruled by a US colonial overlord with close ties to the Washington chickenhawks and Ariel Sharon. He is also a major weapons proliferator.

Retired US General Jay Garner will be appointed ruler of Iraq, if and when Saddam Hussein's regime is overthrown.

He is president of SY Coleman, a missile systems contractor.

SY was bought by another company, L-3 Communications, last year. L-3 is the ninth-largest contributor to US political parties in the defence electronics sector. Last week it was awarded a $1.5bn contract to provide logistics services to US special operations forces. It also provides missile technology to nuclear armed Israel, despite it's world record for broken UN resolutions.

Garner's links with Israel are not limited to missile programmes. In October 2000 he put his name to a statement that said that 'Israel had exercised remarkable restraint in the face of lethal violence orchestrated by the leadership of a Palestinian Authority'.

The organisation behind the statement was the extremist Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, which includes Cheney and Richard Perle, another arch-hawk, among its advisers past and present.,6903,925325,00.html

So the pro-slaughter cheerleaders were right. It's not about oil.

It's about oil and supporting the criminal regime of war criminal Ariel Sharon.

That'll help stabilise the Middle East, won't it?
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