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Fear: opium for the masses

by Arab secular warrior.
UN, western governements, arab puppet leaders: they are part of the problem, not the solution.
About the american opium for the masses: fear, consumption and nationalism.

Dear Americans,

Your people are afraid of terrorism as they are working everyday for the most destructive, sophisticated terrorist organization.

If your people are scared by their victims you have a couple of problems:
First is that your people information is a pack of laughable shit, nationalist propaganda and racist ignominy. If you want to change your people's view change their source of information. But it brings to the second problem

Second is that your people are educated to become productive, individualist sheeps afraid by everything except their mad rulers. Your people's only community is their shopping center... Really you have some work...

Third, it seems that there's two groups among those who oppose the terrorist Bush: some are for "peace", they want the status-quo, to go back before Bush madness and its amerikkkan crusade. They want to go back to a quiet, relatively "peaceful", politicaly correct America?that never existed.
Some want to change the system itself, that allows these kind of wars and imperialist destruction of humanity.

The first people, the american "peace" camp has no rational analysis and it's assumption is counter-productive and marked by american nationalism, irationality and implied racism.
If you want to stop wars like this one you have to question loudly your whole social, political, cultural organization and replace it by something new. Because Bush did not invent wars and imperialist massacres. There?s economic interest behind all that, it has nothing to do with terrorism, or poor little terrified americans. It has everything to do with oil interests, with weapon industry, with military influence in the american society, with strategic influence in the middle-east, with cultural domination and racism.
To summarize the roots of wars and imperialist oppression are:
1-Capitalism and imperialist economy
3-Systemic racism and western domination

Fear is the most effective weapon for the rulers to justify the inaction of the part of the people who believe they will benefit from the oppression of another group. Fear is also the hideous mask of hypocrisy.

As for the ?fear? of america it is totally hypocritical even if it is real. It is like the fear of these american settlers forced to kill all the indians terrorists who were resisting the colonial plunder and massacre. It is like the terror of these white americans forced to hang and hunt the black terrorist slaves who were supposed to be potential agressors for their wives and girls (who were in fact resisting the economy of slavery).
You don?t stop these white brainwashed masses by playing into the collective paranoia orchestrated by those in command who want them to be the army of western colonizers.
If you are from the white or imperialist community you stop the injustice by adressing its CAUSES, by making clear to these passive or active supporters of the system how they are lied to, what will happen if they do nothing and what they can do to stop it. And if they don?t do anything they have a moral complicity in the crimes of their leaders.
If you are from the community attacked by the imperialist, you do what all have done through ages, you fight with every weapon and energy you have, not for peace but for justice, THERE CAN BE PEACE ONLY IF THERE IS JUSTICE. If there is no justice it would be irresponsible, criminal and of course racist to call for peace and status-quo.

What many americans fail to realize (and this is on of the reason why their empire will fall down soon) is the nightmare behing the propaganda of fairy tales. The image of american system as a model for a peaceful, free, secure, quiet society is the most ridiculous lie. For people outside of the United States it would be hard to imagine that such a nationalist blinded fanatism still has credibility nowadays, enough to be used by prominent politicians, journalist and businessmen and even a part of the american opposition: those who are only for ?peace?.

The other part of the oppostion: those who are ?against war? and the roots of war, are much more credible and rational. Their way is harder on the short term, as it is always for the warriors who choose the path of justice. They are ready to confront the real cause of violence on this earth, the one coming from those at the top of the pyramid, the one coming from the idea of a pyramid itself.

We see before our eyes the intensification of a two decades long massacre of Iraqis, and all the other hideous crimes committed for the interest of a few terrorist western gentlemen and well-dressed thieves. And we hear their crazy dreams of colonization and reshapping the articifial borders that their colonial-criminal elders created some time ago.

The opposition inside the United States and Europe requires much more than empty call for a peace that will never exist with these global and local systems of oppression.
The radical and rational elements of american society are a source of hope if they succeed to:
a) form base democratic organizations or develop the already existing ones in more radical and democratic forms.
b) create new commnunities in the cities, villages, workplace that will replace the false western community of consumption, economy and passivity.
c) work with the resisting elements of the oppressed communities
d) understand that the world of their ruler is terribly violent and that the more they succeed the more agression and lies they will face so the more they have to organize the physical protection of their communities from the terrorist authorities.
Then they could form a strong, organized minority able to take initiatives and developing tools to reach people and create a society of freedom, justice and kindness.

Arab secular warrior.
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