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Indybay Feature

Die-In & Protest Apr. 2nd 5 PM

by Greenaction
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There will be a die-in and protest Wednesday, Apr. 5th at 5:00 PM at Market & Powell.

For more info, cal 415-258-5010
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by Son of Liberty
What do you mean by die-in? If this is to be taken literally, I have serious reservations about supporting any such action and I think many would agree with me...
by April 5th is a Saturday
April 5th is a Saturday
by Greg
The die-in and protest is on Wednesday, Apr. 2nd, not the 5th.

Die-in means play dead. People in body bags will strewn as street theater.
by Son of Liberty
Play dead, eh? Given the fanaticism of some people and the literal suicidal protests of the Vietnam era, I don't think I was entirely naive in my need for clarity on the definition of this event. It sounds like a good idea though. I'm impressed by the creativity of these protests.
by wew
I'll be there, ready to put my body where my mind is.

Son of Liberty, there have been die-ins going on for weeks in protests throughout the world, including today in Boston and Thursday in NYC. How did you manage not to know about this form of protest?
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