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A Critical Mass Clue PLEASE!

by Rocco
some good, some bad here!
Well, at least he says we will faciltate Critical Mass, which is good. I like how it sounds - this is a monthly thing, we will let them do their thing. Makes sense to me. They should -- heck, it has only been a tradition for a decade. At least, he realizes the difference between CM and Bikes Not Bombs, that is great -- finally they get that straight. BUT, note in this Ch 2 story found on their website, Brown -- I guess -- calls it the 11th anniversary of CM!!!! Wow, it has been a short year for him!!!

They are gonna interview me again tomorrow - I will set them straight.

See you all at the ride.


Brown Fearful Of Friday Night's Commute

POSTED: 11:20 a.m. PST March 27, 2003
UPDATED: 11:33 a.m. PST March 27, 2003

SAN FRANCISCO -- San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown warned local residents on Thursday that a combination of anti-war protests, the 11th anniversary of Critical Mass and a San Francisco Giants game at Pac Bell Park could turn driving into a nightmare on Friday evening.

"There is no question (the commute could be a mess)," Brown said on KTVU's Mornings On 2. "The websites and emails are already saying very clearly that Critical Mass intends to do some real damage in the city tomorrow."

"As a matter of fact, the San Francisco Giants are also opening with their first pre-season game at Pac Bell Park…and it's the 11th anniversary of Critical Mass' so things could really get out of hand."

"We don't know what to expect so it's hard to plan for…Based on our experience we will put together an appropriate team (of officers on the street) and response."

But Brown said trying to half Critical Mass' monthly ride was not a consideration.

"We will facilitate Critical Mass' movement through the city, but we will not tolerate any unlawful behavior," Brown said.

However, the Mayor suggested police might make a 'pre-emptive' strike against 'Bike Not Bombs' -- an anti-war splinter group of Critical Mass.

"There is no question, if we could identify those bike riders (who are going to break the law) and do a pre-emptive strike to make sure they don't get out of hand, we would have the same kind of smooth experience we normally have (with the Critical Mass monthly ride)," Brown said.

The mayor also said he was in favor of raising the fines on protesters arrested within the city. Most of the more than 2,000 arrested last week were fined $97 and immediately released from custody.

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by preemptive_peace

What is an 'out of hand' biker like?

Its nice to know that the mayor of this city is 'watching out' for the people ...
by eleventh?
Uh Willie, the 10th anniversary of Critical Mass was in September 2002. It's not like counting how much time it takes to enrich your rich buddies with city contracts and sweet jobs. Critical Mass takes place in real time, not Willie time. See you at the 11th anniversary of Critical Mass IN SEPTEMBER 2003.
by Willie in Hell
"pre-emptive strike" on Bike Not Bombs?

Brown is disgusting.
by Jym (jym [at]

=v= I'm not surprised to see Willie Brown shooting his mouth off like this. Take a peek at the San Francisco links at (especially the ones that say "Summer 1997") for past idiocies. We have some Brown-themed fliers and clip art at Screed that might be appropriate.

by Two-wheelin' Patriot
BikesNotBombs have existed for years, they've been helping kids get an education in bike mechanics (the kids get to keep a bike for every 5 to 10 that they repair) and shipping repaired bicycles to countries that need them (a lot to Nicaragua).

If it's true that there's a CM "splinter" founded called BNB then while there's nothing to stop them using that name it would be better to choose a new one "Wheels Not Wars"?

Whatever the case both sets of Bikes Not Bombs are dedicated and wonderful people. For Brown to be talking about doing "pre-emptive" strikes is disgusting. Pre-crimes? Did Wille have a vision while he was snorting down coke with the police chief?
by apple
comment for rocco: i personally don't like the idea of the police or city facilitating CM. why should we give up our autonomy to a group of illegitimate crooks? part of the point of CM is that it is outside of the control of the pro-petroleum state authority. also, it's really short-sighted for Critical Massers to distance themselves from BNB, don't let authority divide and conquer us. liberals are so dim-witted sometimes, geez.
by bent rider
Saw yer mug on KTVU this morning.
by Rocco
comment for rocco: i personally don't like the idea of the police or city facilitating CM. why should we give up our autonomy to a group of illegitimate crooks? part of the point of CM is that it is outside of the control of the pro-petroleum state authority. also, it's really short-sighted for Critical Massers to distance themselves from BNB, don't let authority divide and conquer us. liberals are so dim-witted sometimes, geez.

I certainly see your point, but CM should be able to go on unscathed despite world events. So, I rather they "facilitate" us than squash the ride with tear gas, batons, and bogus arrests, which they have no precedent for since they let us ride every month.

But, again, you make a point -- I just hope for a peaceful ride with our various statments being made LOUD and CLEAR.


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