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Indybay Feature

SFPD animal abuse at demos!

by baggins
i'm not just talking about their use of horses here. i was speaking to someone at saturday's demo. who was holding a small dog. i feel protective of animals at these events, so i suggested to him that he not go further into the crowd where the cops were on market street. he told me that he already had gotten caught in a crowd where the police were attacking people, and they had been hitting him while he was holding his dog. he also said that one of them tried to hit the dog w/ a baton, but he was able to protect it. what the fuck?!?! this was a very small dog. sure, i don't expect much from cops (actually, i expect the worst), but this is crazy.
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by Calaveras (pyratepunx [at]
If you bring a pet to a demo and are subsequently arrested. Your pet will go to animal control. In most counties the animal will be put down in as little as 72 hours if not claimed or adopted. Fortunately S.F. has a no kill policy for anima control. They only put down dangerous animals.
by DC
I bet the police forget their horses aren't all wacked up on speed like the popos are.
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