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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

FREEWAY RIDE! - Bikes not Bombs!

by Veloboy
Four minute video showing Bikes not Bombs during some gentle moments on Day X, followed by the FREEWAY FUNKY HUSTLE!
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This is the 56 K version.

Bikes not Bombs rolled all day from 7AM until Midnight on Day X, all over the City.

This video shows not only some of the peaceful bike-in moments in the afternoon, but the racy freeway dash. More story and photos below.
§Broadband version
by Veloboy
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
§Stop the Oil War! A helicopter lights up the group.
by Veloboy
§Peace on patrol!
by Veloboy
This short freeway ride was perfectly legal under state law. Although most of the 30-50 who participated got away, unfortunately about 15 including one legal observer were arrested. Reportedly at least one was stopped all the way at the Bay Bridge. At least one was a minor and the main group does not know who she or he was. The main group that was arrested consisted of 7 women and 6 men of varied backgrounds and nationalities.

The group entered at the 8th and Bryant onramp, right over the CHP headquarters.

After the main group exited the freeway, a group of SFPD motorcycle officers arrived belatedly at the off-ramp. Some bicyclists were in the area having rode along Bryant in solidarity with the riders. One officer in particular was very abusive, driving over one woman\'s bicycle tire and being very physically abusive with several present. Some observers left at that point, one after the air in his rear tire was let out by an officer using his baton to push the valve. One woman describes how he stood still and held the baton in place as if hoping to escape notice. This is not the first time that police officers have flattened demonstrators\' bicycle tires during the course of a false arrest.

One woman reports that SFPD Officer Nicholson\'s physical abuse included grabbing her around her neck. She describes him as a white male with a white moustache, glasses and a shaved head. She was so traumatized and upset by his behavior that she is willing to take action to report him.

The legal observer present who knew that the ride had been a legal one continuously asked to speak with the commanding officer to explain that. He was told, \"You\'ll be able to after you are arrested\" by SFPD officers, effectively denying him the right to prevent the arrests through reason. SFPD officers then ordered those who had been standing on the sidewalk before their arrival, to walk over onto the freeway offramp! This is analogous to planting something illegal on an innocent person because even through the freeway ride was not illegal, the CHP has a long pattern and practice of refusing to recognize the bicyclists\' rights to do so.

A swarm of CHP motorbikes descended the off-ramp until literally fifty motorcycles filled the area with a deafening roar and a blinding sea of lights. Reportedly four motorbikes were damaged in the operation. Sgt. Clare later ordered her officers to fill out damaged equipment reports explaining what happened. Bicyclists were then roughly arrested and given no chance to explain the situation to CHP.

One rider who was arrested by officers up on the \"bridge\" (I-80) says that as he was put in cuffs by several motorcycle officers, that he truly feared for his life as they proposed in angry voices that he be thrown off the bridge. He was all alone on the freeway at that time and truly believed that they intended to do so.

Thanks to a call to (415) 285-1011 by one bicyclist observing, National Lawyers\' Guild (NLG) legal observers arrived as the group was being put into an arrest van. The van had seats but was difficult to enter due to the slippery raised plastic covering the wheel. A television crew arrived and got some footage of the arrests. Demonstrators later wished that they had chanted \"BIKES NOT BOMBS!\" for the camera, but people were too surprised and spread out by the excessive police response.

Three of the arrestees\' plastic handcuffs were extremely tight, with tingling fingers and hands turning blue in at least one instance. CHP officers refused to identify who the officer was who handcuffed them so. However, within 30-40 minutes (estimated) the group had been transported to the CHP headquarters, where their cuffs were eventually adjusted or replaced with metal cuffs in one instance.

The bicycles were loaded up on the Caltrans bicycle shuttle, which holds fifteen bikes.

A CHP arrest is quite different from many of the SFPD arrests during the day. Everything is removed from the person and categorized, and the arrestees are kept in handcuffs throughout their time in custody with the CHP. After several hours in cuffs, demonstrators were in significant pain in their shoulders and other parts of their bodies. The bicycle and everything on it is impounded as one unit, not to be returned without special appointments with one lone officer who conveniently was sent out into the field indefinintely the next day (Friday) and who does not work on weekends. At least one rider had important personal items in his basket which he needed but which were not returned on release. No property receipts were issued. Requests for such things as the opportunity to go to the bathroom, or concerns about property left on the bicycles, went unanswered for up to 30 minutes despite repeated requests.

While in custody, the bicyclists were surprised to find themselves in the briefing room filled with CHP propaganda and operations information. A large map showed laminated printouts of the Act Against War website ( including the description of BIKES NOT BOMBS. The \"dinner menu\" of direct action plans had been given colored labels by category and corresponding colored tabs (red-green-yellow) had been placed over a large map. Strangely enough, freeways and the bridge did not seem to be amongst them despite the importance of blocking them in past Gulf War protests (e.g., in 1991).

During the bicyclists\' confinement there, a very large group of CHP officers entered for a briefing, which was a very strange experience indeed, to be in handcuffs surrounded by standing room only state police, some of whom glared at the arrestees or made comments about them, but most of whom paid them no overt attention. On the whiteboard at the front of the room was written, \"Oakland (crossed out) SF 97 / HAVE NO FEAR\", which no officer would explain. On a pile of videos next to a television was a commercial release of a \"COPS\" episode. At the front of the room, a laminated terrorist alert sign over a map of California had an orange laminated placard affixed stating that today was an ORANGE ALERT day. Fortunately, many bicyclists had worn orange, utilized orange cones, and been alert all day.

There was also a color safety advertisement showing a close-up of an officer hoisting a large military rifle, with words to the effect, \"Is it safe to clear your weapon?\"

Arrestees were then moved into a communications room where a printout on the wall described the days\' events under the heading, \"FEDERAL DISASTER NAME: Iraq War Protest\". One arrestee commented that they were right about it being a Federal Disaster, but wrong about the name -- that they should have removed the last word.

Arrestees were eventually taken to the Pier 27 holding cell, where bathrooms were finally reasonably available (the filthiest port-a-potties one arrestee had ever seen). The area was very toxic, with a huge generator and propane heater being situated right next to the demonstrators\' pen. People with chemical sensitivities were suffering. ONe experienced shortness of breath, sore throat, feverish feelings, and had to sit near the filthy floor to maximize the ratio of fresh air to poisoned air. A nurse brought him water, which was helpful, and she criticized the entire operation but said she had no power to change it.

The adults were released after 11 PM after being cited out for 647(c) PC, \"Disorderly Conduct\" for \"begging or soliciting alms\".

Although the CHP had promised that bicycles and other important property on the bikes would be available the next day, and even promised this on that day by telephone, they changed their story and reneged on the promise when one arrestee made the trip to San Francisco to pick up his bicycle, meaning Monday will be his first opportunity to receive it.


The charge, 647(c) PC is an outrage, and suggests that the officers know that the charge is false. The text is here:

647. Every person who commits any of the following acts is guilty
of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor:
[skipping part]
(c) Who accosts other persons in any public place or in any place
open to the public for the purpose of begging or soliciting alms.
[skipping part]

The freeway was legal for the bicycle demonstrators to use. Bicycles are only prohibited from freeways if signs saying so are posted (such prohibition \"shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected upon any freeway and the approaches thereto\", CVC 21960). This is in part because people riding bicycles for transportation and recreation throughout the state need to use the freeways simply to get around. In some places, no reasonable alternate route exists.

In reality, over 1,000 miles of California freeway are open to bicycles. Extensive safety studies have shown that -- although counterintuitive for some -- riding along the shoulders of freeways are safer than city streets, in part because of long sight lines and lack of intersections. Crossing offramps on the other hand, is much more dangerous when high-speed traffic is present. This does not make doing so illegal, however, and the riders were actually travelling at the normal speed of traffic (which was fairly slow) at that time, so they furthermore had the legal right to occupy any part of the entire roadway that they wished to, under CVC 21202(a).

Maintaining freeways for oil-war-inducing motor vehicles alone is discrimination and an outrage. Ever notice how dank and horrifically polluted it is under the freeways these cyclists rode on? The elevated viaducts have comparatively fresh air and a great view, and no obstructions -- a steady downhill ride for the bicycles into downtown and a good advertisement for the motorists stuck in their own cesspool of congestion. It is an injustice to even suggest prohibiting the bicycles from them, but the CHP by their actions and statements to date appears to consider doing so an extreme crime. This attitude is far out of alignment with public needs, basic justice, the explicitly stated wishes of the legislature, and State Law. This rogue police state must be stopped from their decades long repressive campaign against alternative transportation.

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by heavy traffic
That was really cool. Thanks for riding, documenting, and posting. Much love from Santa Cruz.

.......heavy traffic

by next time take the Bay Bridge!
that's a lotta trouble for a joyride! i bet the ones that didn't get away wish they'd kept going as long as they were going to be arrested like that, if they were arrested up on the freeway it would have totally jammed things up!

next time take the bay bridge....
by a dialogue, cyclesleuth style
out on email:

> I have inside information that a bike taken from a demonstrator on the
> freeway off ramp was taken out of the storage room and put into the office
> of a female officer at CHP headquarters on on Bryant St.
> It was a single speed (possibly fixed gear) silver road bike.
> If you know who this bike belongs to, send e an email and I'll put you in
> touch with my contact.


i overheard the seargent (i think, but it was a female) mention to Off.
Segal (the nice blond stocky fellow that handled me) that they wound up with
15 bikes but had 14 people arrested. Segal responded "oh cool! we scored a
bike!". I have no idea whose it could have been.
by against bike thieves!
That's so typical, cops stealing bikes! Don't even get me started!

The person who lost their bike should totally go get it, the cops have absolutely no legal grounds IMHO (I ain't no lawyer but it seems obvious) to arrest you for losing your bike when they don't even know if it was you who was riding it, and as explained above no one was even committing a crime to begin with.

I'd call them up and talk about what it would take to get it out with at least one witness on the phone (I'm told that if you record them without their permission on the phone, that's a crime in California). Then go with witnesses for if they try anything. No need to give them a name until they produce the bike. They might try requiring proof of ownership but that can be worked around on way or another.

If they do try something like arresting you, add it to the lawsuit. If you can't afford to risk arrest, come to Bikes Not Bombs and I'm sure people will totally want to help you out finding a new bike.

by Truth Seeker
How can you claim that your “short freeway ride was perfectly legal under state law?” I have entered the freeway from that on-ramp and there is a white sign posted prohibiting entry by pedestrians and bicyclists. You indicated that the bicyclists could “occupy any part of the entire roadway that they wished to under CVC 21202(a),” because they were traveling at “the normal speed of traffic (which was fairly slow).” However, you failed to mention CVC 21960 which authorizes the state to place that white sign at the entrance of the freeway prohibiting pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

You seem to have difficulty researching legal statutes, so I looked up 647(c) PC, which you indicated the CHP alleged the bicyclists violated. You did not read far enough in the Penal Code and as a result, you cited the wrong law in your article. The correct section is 647c PC—no parenthesis around the c. That law states, “Every person who willfully and maliciously obstructs the free movement of any person on any street, sidewalk, or public place or in any place open to the public is guilty of a misdemeanor.” By your own words, the actions of the bicyclists appear to be contrary to that law. Further research revealed that CVC 21200 outlines laws applicable to bicycle use. Based on that section, the bicyclists were also in violation of CVC 21461(a). I too am a bicyclist enthusiast. But, I want to know my actual rights, not your misinterpretations of the law, in case I am ever falsely accused by a police officer. If the legal observer indicated that riding a bicycle on the freeway was legal at that location, then I would recommend new counsel.

Your article suggested that the bicyclists were arrested on the off-ramp. But, according to the media footage, they were arrested on the freeway just prior to the 4th Street off-ramp. It seems that you are trying to twist things around to meet your needs or justify your actions, just like the major media networks/newspapers. I thought the purpose of this media venue was to eliminate such action and report the truth.

The majority of us believe that our current government leaders are spreading false information to support their agenda. You fit into that same category—your “story” also seems to be more fiction than fact. I don’t know what to believe in your article. Other than the bicyclists being on the freeway which has been confirmed by photographs and video, your story could all be misinformation just like we receive from Washington D.C.
by Truth Seeker
How can you claim that your “short freeway ride was perfectly legal under state law?” I have entered the freeway from that on-ramp and there is a white sign posted prohibiting entry by pedestrians and bicyclists. You indicated that the bicyclists could “occupy any part of the entire roadway that they wished to under CVC 21202(a),” because they were traveling at “the normal speed of traffic (which was fairly slow).” However, you failed to mention CVC 21960 which authorizes the state to place that white sign at the entrance of the freeway prohibiting pedestrian and bicycle traffic. You seem to have difficulty researching legal statutes, so I looked up 647(c) PC, which you indicated the CHP alleged the bicyclists violated. You did not read far enough in the Penal Code and as a result, you cited the wrong law in your article. The correct section is 647c PC—no parenthesis around the c. That law states, “Every person who willfully and maliciously obstructs the free movement of any person on any street, sidewalk, or public place or in any place open to the public is guilty of a misdemeanor.” By your own words, the actions of the bicyclists appear to be contrary to that law. Further research revealed that CVC 21200 outlines laws applicable to bicycle use. Based on that section, the bicyclists were also in violation of CVC 21461(a). I too am a bicyclist enthusiast. But, I want to know my actual rights, not your misinterpretations of the law, in case I am ever falsely accused by a police officer. If the legal observer indicated that riding a bicycle on the freeway was legal at that location, then I would recommend new counsel. Your article suggested that the bicyclists were arrested on the off-ramp. But, according to the media footage, they were arrested on the freeway just prior to the 4th Street off-ramp. It seems that you are trying to twist things around to meet your needs or justify your actions, just like the major media networks/newspapers. I thought the purpose of this media venue was to eliminate such action and report the truth. The majority of us believe that our current government leaders are spreading false information to support their agenda. You fit into that same category—your “story” also seems to be more fiction than fact. I don’t know what to believe in your article. Other than the bicyclists being on the freeway which has been confirmed by photographs and video, your story could all be misinformation just like we receive from Washington D.C.
by redsara (redsara00 [at]

aka: critical mass.
March 28, meet 5 pm.
Vancouver Art Gallery.

This ride is and ACT OF CREATION to counter an ACT OF DESTRUCTION.

We are peace!
We are the evolution!
Abandon your car and END OILY WAR.

VANCOUVER BIKES NOT BOMBS in solidarity with riders all over the world who believe in peace.

[ [ [ [ [ [ [[ RIDE ALL ]] ] ] ] ] ] ]
by but you're still wrong
Dear "Truth Seeker",

Thank you for the legal information. How strange, to have a 647c and a 647(c). Leave it to the braniacs making laws to make them accessible to the public.

But my citation says 647(c). I don't know what the rules are for parentheses, feel free to post a credible third-party rules guide.

The other law has this text:

647c. Every person who willfully and maliciously obstructs the free movement of any person on any street, sidewalk, or other public place or on or in any place open to the public is guilty of a misdemeanor. Nothing in this section affects the power of a county or a city to regulate conduct upon a street, sidewalk, or other public place or on or in a place open to the public.

This is totally inapplicable for all the reasons outlined above.

You say you see a sign prohibiting bikes? Well I've been looking at that intersection since last April wondering if the lack of a sign was an oversight. I even mentioned it to a group of officers. And there is videotape of the entrance just before the bicyclists entered.

Bicycles are traffic, and the idea that their using their roadways including that freeway is "maliciously obstructing" other people is an outrage. Once again, motor traffic was at a crawl and bicycles were travelling the normal traffic speed.

As for your claim that the cyclists were guilty of 21461(a), that would be so if there had been a sign present. But then the First Amendment comes first.

21461. (a) It shall be unlawful for any driver of a vehicle to fail to obey any sign or signal erected or maintained to indicate and carry out the provisions of this code or any local traffic ordinance or resolution adopted pursuant to a local traffic ordinance, or to fail to obey any device erected or maintained pursuant to Section 21352. (b) The provisions of subdivision (a) shall not apply to acts constituting violations under Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 22500) of this division or to acts constituting violations of any local traffic ordinance adopted pursuant to Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 22500).

Finally, you said that "according to the media footage, they were arrested on the freeway just prior to the 4th Street off-ramp". I'd like to know your source. I've heard that the media got the story wrong on this (e.g., saying ten rode and all were arrested, which the posted video shows is clearly false). Unless there was a helicopter right over the offramp and the police then lead part of the group down to the streets' edge, I doubt that the media could have gotten a first-hand view. And I doubt they spoke to the arrestees. And as you said, "our current government leaders are spreading false information to support their agenda". I group the police in that category from first-hand experience and their role as defenders of the state.

While I appreciate any factual corrections and help, your accusations go overboard.

by jingle bell
I thought it would help to post some of the many articles about Bikes Not Bombs which have graced this wonderful grassroots news service.

I think the most important one is the first listed, because it has a FLYER you can PRINT and DISTRIBUTE! <smile>
by A biker Friday March 21, 2003 at 03:03 PM
(flyer, photos and discussion)
Critical Mass Peace Ride this Friday 3/28
by jeandiva Sunday March 23, 2003 at 11:03 PM

Police pulling down bikers on Market
by Andre Jalobeanu & Delphine Fitzenz Saturday March 22, 2003 at 11:46 PM
(photos and call for witnesses)

Bicycling for Peace Friday all Day and Night
by Benjamin Connelly Saturday March 22, 2003 at 12:07 AM

FREEWAY RIDE! - Bikes not Bombs!
by Veloboy Sunday March 23, 2003 at 07:23 PM
All over the City, coming soon to a suburb near you!
(The article you're presumably reading right now unless this is forwarded somewhere)

SFPD Citing Cyclists
by Velo-Pede Friday March 21, 2003 at 09:05 PM
(Report from a small group that got pulled over when a huge group
of motorcycles broke up a Bikes Not Bombs group. They were pulled
over for "no headlamp" -- get a Planet Bike $10 light that lasts
100 hours on two N batteries)

It's early for Critical Mass...Hooray it's every day!
by sasha Friday March 21, 2003 at 11:04 PM
(thanks for organizing these from a nurse)

Bikes for Bombs are not the Black Bloc
by jeandiva Saturday March 22, 2003 at 09:35 PM

Thurs/Friday pictures
by cp Saturday March 22, 2003 at 02:09 AM
(photo: bike group encountering arrest and assault of black bloc group)

by Bikes Not Bombs! Tuesday March 18, 2003 at 10:47 AM
All over the City wherever you are
(The original call and flyer with some discussion and a
direct action fairy tale story)

Mobile Immobilizer
by Dee Centro Tuesday March 18, 2003 at 03:42 AM
(not bikes not bombs, but non-harmful anti-car direct action tactics)

by checkin' the national scene
Hey, as long as you're posting BNB, here's one from Washington, DC.

by too many cops is bad for them too
Here's another story worth checking out:

It seems that, as in this story, wherever lots of motorcycle cops get together, they end up damaging their bikes and getting injured.

Reminds me of the horses...
by fD
The article and the action was fantastic, speaking from the East Coast... nice work cyclists.
Apparently some folks from RAND and elsewhere have been researching movements like Critical Mass (Everything from video tapes & interviews to actually participating in the bike ride) for several years, and the military is adopting some of the same strategies that we use.

Yes, you too can be a military strategist.

The US military is talking alot about their soldiers using "swarm tactics", "smart mobs" and "netwar".

Apparently some folks from RAND and elsewhere have been researching movements like Critical Mass (Everything from video tapes & interviews to actually participating in the bike ride) for several years, and the military is adopting some of the smae strategies that we use.

Here's a quote from a SF Examiner Article:

"Critical Mass is a textbook example of what RAND scholars John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt call a netwar. In a recent report prepared for the U.S. Department of Defense, they make the case that the difficulty the police have had combating that simple act of civil disobedience is akin to our seemingly hopeless struggle against terrorism in America and around the world."

And another quote from the article "WHAT NEXT FOR NETWORKS AND NETWARS?" from the RAND Institution:

An unusually loose netwar designone that is eminently leaderless yet manages to organize a large crowd for a rather chaotic, linear kind of swarming is found in the pro-bicycle, anti-car protest movement known as Critical Mass (CM) in the San Francisco Bay area. Since its inception in 1992, CM’s bicycle activists (sometimes numbering 2,000) have converged on the last Friday of every month from around the Bay area to disrupt traffic at peak hours along a chosen route.

They slow and block traffic, while handing out pamphlets about pollution and other detriments of the automobile culture. CM riders are proud of their lack of formal organization and leadership and constitute what they call a "xerocracy," which amounts to governance by distributing copies of an idea online or on the scene, say for a ride route, and letting a vote by the assembled decide. A key doctrinal tenet is "organized coincidence," by which CM rides simply ‘materialize’ every month even though there are no leaders or organizational sponsorships. This way, "No one need take responsibility but everyone can take credit."

The aim is to ride en masse. The preference may be for "keeping Mass" (riding in a single, large, spread-out mass), but for safety or other reasons a ride may splinter into "minimasses" (multiple, dense small groups). Group decisionmaking about when and where to alter the route of a ride may occur on the fly, as a function of "dynamic street smarts" among the bicyclists up front. A "buddy system" is used to watch out for each other within a mass. Whistle signals are used for some command and control (e.g., stop, go, turn). "Cell phone contact" is used for communications between minimasses, which is particularly helpful if riders want to regroup splinters into a single mass.

Tactics during a ride may include "corking" an intersection and "swarming" around a lone car. For much of the 1990s, there were tendencies for confrontation if not by the riders then by police who came to "escort" and "herd" them. But by 1999, CM became "a ride dominated by creative self-governance and celebratory experimentation with little or no ill will, and an eye out for avoiding confrontation."

by Keep it up!
Bikes Not Bombs has been great! 100 people Monday, 200-300 Tuesday, and a good sizeable group on Wednesday, building towards the BIG ONE on Friday. Bring the message to stop the war as only bikes can, this Friday, March 28, 5:00 PM at Justin Herman Plaza. The normal Critical Mass doesn't leave until after 6 PM but protesters are calling for an amoeba of bicycles to circle the area until it grows into one contiuous loop of bikes.

Be prepared to split into multiple groups for the purpose of creating the maximum possible statement by shutting down the gears of the motorized death system in a call for life and sustainability.

Stop the oil war!
by human
by bent rider
Why be normal, get bent.
That's recumbent for you wedgie riders out there.
by Neil
"One rider who was arrested by officers up on the "bridge" (I-80) says that as he was put in cuffs by several motorcycle officers, that he truly feared for his life as they proposed in angry voices that he be thrown off the bridge. He was all alone on the freeway at that time and truly believed that they intended to do so."

Does the term "drama-queen" mean anything to you? I know many here believe police brutality is rampant, especially with the CHP, but do you think they would actually murder someone? Where do you think you are.... Iraq? Please state an example of when a non-violent protestor has been killed in the U.S. .... just to be reasonable. If not, leave exaggerations to others. you just sound silly.

by Elena
We are also supporting you and asking for peace in Argentina. There are marchs and also white flags in our houses and a white piece of cloth in our dresses.
The whole world is against this war.
by anon
>Please state an example of when a non-violent protestor has been killed in the U.S. .... just to be reasonable. If not, leave exaggerations to others. you just sound silly.

um, hello? 1. Martin Luther King 2. Fred Hampton 3. Little Bobby Hutton 4. AnnaMae from AIM And please don't start in about how AIM and the BPP were "violent", 'cause self-defense and violence are not the same thing.

Question: Are you honestly saying that the police never threaten to kill people, or for that matter, do kill people, including unarmed people? Where have you been?

by george (george [at]
also the students shot at kent state...
armando perez of charas in nyc recently
by Neil
As I recall from my history books, Dr. King was murdered by a civilian not a police officer and at the time Dr. King was not actively involved in a protest. In fact the tactics we have seen recently Dr. King would not agree with. Another person mentioned Kent State.. that was the military, not your local cops.
by Neil Sunday
I just love rationalizing the murder of innocent civilians. I don't care who kills them, as long as it happens.
by a cyclist
This was posted to a public SF bicycle discussion list. Note that the SF Chronicle reported that there were "several hundred" riders, which is absolutely absurd:

Joel P, who has counted more big Masses than anybody, and his mother,
were counting riders as they left JHP. He gave me the hard-to-believe
count of 4300-5300. It was hard to believe until two events. First, I
peeled off to get to the front near Civic Center. The ride at that point
was about a mile long. Then, I was at the front when we got to the
tunnel and I sat and waited for everyone to get there. It was about 30

It was definitely the biggest ride since the tenth anniversary, and it
was probably our third-biggest ever. Among big rides, it was definitely
the most peaceful and fun for me. That probably had to do with the
relative lack of cops.

I take exception to the reports that say we tried to go on the Bay
Bridge. We just went past a bunch of ramps and let the cops obstruct
trafffic for us. I didn't see any confrontations at the ramps.

by .........
as long as idiots are going to leave their html tags open, I guess I'll leave a couple open here, too.

by history

Mississippi Freedom Summer, Nonviolent activists James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner murdered by police, 1964. Their crime? Helping register Black voters, teaching in Freedom Schools, etc.
by Kevin Rasco (kevinrasco [at]
This is truly awesome!
San Fran didn't go over so well... but America needs to know that the gasoline in the tank is terrorism.
Houston TX needs a freeway ride on the west loop 610.
Just because SF's finest bow to OPEC power does not mean I have to!
Gasoline Is Terror!
by renewable = sustainable
Burn alcohol instead, or biodiesel.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$180.00 donated
in the past month

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