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The Friendship seen by Proudhon

by Francisco Trindade
The Friendship seen by Proudhon
The Friendship seen by Proudhon

The Friendship seen by Proudhon

With thirty years, on August 17, 1839, Proudhon writes a text about the friendship, text that seems not to have receiver. Five ideas they dominate: the friendship has a character divine, sublime. Thanks to her, “everything takes a new face” .A friendship everything increases: it amplifies the feelings and the thoughts. The friendship has a sacred and militant character: a “friends' battalion” . This battalion of the friendship has a pre-destined mission: it should extirpate the addiction and the tyranny. In summary, Proudhon it underlines that your only reason of living, is the justice and the friendship.
Friendship and justice
In your book “de la justice dans la révolution et dans l`église” I, p.347, Proudhon to replace bow that exists among the individual's dignity while to be only and the individual in society. In “personal” this dignity becomes “generic” in presence of the other. This dignity recognized mutually he gives “origin to the sociability” and “it constitutes the justice.”
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The Friendship seen by Proudhon
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