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by Albert Kada (davecom [at]
Operation "shock and awe" which was not on CNN or Fox news channel was well documented by Al-Jazzeera and other high quality news sources. At least four CNN mercenaries were reported to be heading for Jordan during the attack. The military goals as defined by Donald Rumsfield were not achieved, and are nowhere in sight.
George W. Bush did not to watch the sickening attack that he demanded on television.

Al-Jazeera network has been trying to penetrate the censored commercial CATV systems which are leased by the general public.

The CNN mercenaries will never make it home if they have to face the general public in Jordan. CNN's Nic Robertson is running for the border like a coward.

North Korea restated the obvious conclusion that Bush is the aggressor.

The goal of robbing Iraq's assets and oilfields, based on a promise to give it back, has been rejected by the world community.

The goal of liberating Iraq will be a long term goal.

The goal of defending America's security was a total failure.

Bush also proved that capitalism is dead because these companies are prevented from marketing their services here in the US by unfair business practices.

Bush abandoned diplomacy during his inaugaral address to the US setting off World Wide War III leading to 911, the Afghani occupation, blackmailing the UN, and now this.

This battle was clearly won by Osama Bin Ladin who will rule these oilfields for years.

by Albert Kada
Independent Terrorist Journalist
Special Agent CIA-A-1
World's only publisher of computer viruses besides Microsoft.
Stolen from the unpublished newspaper "The American Blasphemer" please copy
by Andy Darling
Albert Kada, your posts are confusing, poorly written, ridiculous, paranoid, practically indecipherable messes...start your OWN website for fans of your freaky rants and leave the credible news posts to other people on sfindymedia...for the good of one and all,
by micky
he's right that albert is paranoid but hte fact remains that americans have a fight on their hands and the going in iraq will continue to go tough in the days to come.
and considering the ambiguity in military objectives and plans this could well become another veitnam
by BK
Gimme a break dude. We (US) are not going into Iraq to take anything. We will however run Soddam out and liberate Iraq. But establishing any kind of government in Iraq to give the people a decent life will be a big challenge. Arabic Muslims appear to be very "jungle like", violent and stupid. I don't really have much hope for them as a people. Hopefully they will prove me wrong. The idiots can spin it any way they like, but the truth always comes out in the end. The US is doing Iraq a favor.
by BK
Gimme a break dude. We (US) are not going into Iraq to take anything. We will however run Soddam out and liberate Iraq. But establishing any kind of government in Iraq to give the people a decent life will be a big challenge. Arabic Muslims appear to be very "jungle like", violent and stupid. I don't really have much hope for them as a people. Hopefully they will prove me wrong. The idiots can spin it any way they like, but the truth always comes out in the end. The US is doing Iraq a favor.
by Mike Mefford (meffordmichael [at]
I think of people who have twisted thoughts like yours are ignorant people who don't know how to read or write. Seriosily, look thru the rhetoric and your programming and find reality. Osama Bin Laden will own oil wells in Iraq? Do you think thats an accurate statement? Will an educated person find merit in any of your ridiculous statements. I could pick apart any of your comments. Please, if your going to represent the muslim worlds thoughts, state the facts. Most importantly be honest with yourself.
by Mike Mefford (meffordmichael [at]
I think of people who have twisted thoughts like yours are ignorant people who don't know how to read or write. Seriosily, look thru the rhetoric and your programming and find reality. Osama Bin Laden will own oil wells in Iraq? Do you think thats an accurate statement? Will an educated person find merit in any of your ridiculous statements. I could pick apart any of your comments. Please, if your going to represent the muslim worlds thoughts, state the facts. Most importantly be honest with yourself.
by Dennis James
It is a great shame that some people believe the Iraq war is being won by the Iraq army, make no mistake we will eventually consume evey person in that country
because of the stupidity of Hussein and all his pals.

Perhaps we have entered the ground war too early, However I believe we should withdrawn and bomb them into oblivian.
by Dennis James
It is a great shame that some people believe the Iraq war is being won by the Iraq army, make no mistake we will eventually consume evey person in that country
because of the stupidity of Hussein and all his pals.

Perhaps we have entered the ground war too early, However I believe we should withdrawn and bomb them into oblivian.
by Dennis James
It is a great shame that some people believe the Iraq war is being won by the Iraq army, make no mistake we will eventually consume evey person in that country
because of the stupidity of Hussein and all his pals.

Perhaps we have entered the ground war too early, However I believe we should withdrawn and bomb them into oblivian.
by Debbie Bailey (Drbailey03 [at]
Do you have any children in this war with Iraq? I didn't think so. Do you think my son asked to be there? No he did not but he is there and there is nothing I or We can do but support them and pray they come home to us safe and sound. We all need to pray for very soldier that are fighting for our country and that are making it safe for us in the United States of America.
by Debbie Bailey (Drbailey03 [at]
Do you have any children in this war with Iraq? I didn't think so. Do you think my son asked to be there? No he did not but he is there and there is nothing I or We can do but support them and pray they come home to us safe and sound. We all need to pray for very soldier that are fighting for our country and that are making it safe for us in the United States of America.
by Debbie Bailey (Drbailey03 [at]
Do you have any children in this war with Iraq? I didn't think so. Do you think my son asked to be there? No he did not but he is there and there is nothing I or We can do but support them and pray they come home to us safe and sound. We all need to pray for very soldier that are fighting for our country and that are making it safe for us in the United States of America.
by me (you want to see the death toll rise?
fuck you guys
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