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Indybay Feature

Black Bloc, Night the War Starts

by bb
black bloc for the night the war starts. SFPD has red squads with cameras everywhere. do you trust john ashcroft? wear a black mask, shirt, pants, etc so that we can be ANONYMOUS ON THE STREETS

BLACK BLOC – THE DAY THE NEW WAR ON IRAQ STARTS: Anti-war groups have called for a protest the day the new US war on Iraq begins. The protest will meet at 5pm the day the war starts at Powell and Market.



In Afghanistan, the US military has killed thousands of people. The US spends billions funding genocidal policies against the Palestinian people. In Colombia, the US is escalating a civil war in which thousands of labor activists and peasants have been murdered. In Iraq, economic sanctions and radioactive weaponry have killed hundreds of thousands in the decade since the last war. The US “War on Terror” keeps expanding, threatening millions around the world.
This is not a war between the people of the US and the people of the world. It is capitalism—a war on the poor. Investors in US oil companies will get a new pipeline through Afghanistan and increased access to the Iraq’s oil reserves (second only to Saudi Arabia).

The weapons manufacturers will get new contracts and the US politicians will have an excuse to increase their power. Meanwhile, the poor and working people of America will definitely not be better off.

We continue to live in a world of unemployment and minimum wage jobs, of racism and harassment, of surveillance and prisons, of impossible rents and evictions—a world not built for us, but on top of us. The brutal displays of the police in Oakland or L.A. bring to mind images of the Israeli Army in occupied Palestine.

The thousands of Arab and South Asian desaparecidos in the US since September 11th recall the US-supported fascist regimes of Latin America. Even the foot soldiers the government uses to expand its empire will come home, as they did in the last Iraq war, with diseases from depleted Uranium ammunition. For us, the poor and working people living in the US, the war is not in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan or Colombia. It is right here at home, against the rich.

The growing anti-war movement has called a number of demonstrations in the upcoming weeks and months. We will be there in solidarity. But we are worried that our protests have become nothing more than parades. Protest isn’t protest if it doesn’t threaten the established order or physically disrupt the functioning of the war machine.

So let’s use our collective power to change things directly. Wear black in mourning for the victims of capitalism, racism, state violence. Let’s stick together and watch each other’s backs. Let’s fight back.

Join us for a creative rampage.

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by Che
A lot of good you'll be to stopping the war once you're arrested.
by your friend G Dubbs
Its time to disreporpriate the instinguations

AKA: why go for the easy targets, running around the City, when you can take the battle to the "enemy"
by The FUCKWIT bush.
The FUCKWIT bush.
by anon
Sabotage the war effort. join the underground movement, Earth Liberation Front. Smash the corporations that profit off of war.

And for those of you that prefer above ground actions stage a "Ploughshares" Action:

by Time4Action
FYI - here is the address of the San Francisco Republican Party: 110 Pacific Avenue, downtown
by Homer
Good luck friends! Use good judgement. Try to keep the cops on the defensive, or on the run. The more chaos there is, the harder it is for the cops to maintain their ranks and operate effectivley. WATCH OUT FOR EACH OTHER! and watch out for undercover cops.
by new poll
Those backing President Bush and the U.S. troops made themselves heard in the East Bay Monday.

In Pleasanton, several dozen veterans and others expressed their support for America's position outside the Veterans' Memorial Center.

"We are feeling very patriotic," said Debi Burdette of World Peace Through Action. "We need to trust that our president is making the right decisions. He knows more than we do."

Linda McKeever, mother of a soldier, said, "People whose children are in the different corps -- the Marine Corps, the Navy, and everything like that... we care about our kids, we love them, and they're there for the right reasons."

by truth
And the worst thing about it is that they enjoy hitting you, shooting you, cuffing you so the veins in your wrists are cut off from blood. And they get paid for it. This really sucks.
by Slitz

If the Brits can do it - so can we. SHUT DOWN THE PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE TOMORROW - MARCH 18 ! ARRIVE EARLY 6:30 AM! BRING LOUD NOISE MAKERS AND PREPARE FOR A MASS MARCH INTO THE EXCHANGE! (meet at the Usual place - for those that do not know look here first thing in the morning for more details)

Anti-war activists invaded the International Petroleum Exchange in central London on Monday, forcing the exchange to suspend trading.

Two protesters from a group of about 30 who succeeded in entering the building were later removed from the premises, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said on condition of anonymity.

The exchange is Europe's major center for trading in futures contracts for crude oil.

The exchange said it suspended trading because of the anti-war demonstrators, according to the statement. It said it would review the situation later in the afternoon, giving no details.

The protesters caused "a bit of a nuisance on the floor," said Rob Laughlin, managing director of GNI Man Financial. "We're checking to make sure everything is safe before we open again."

Demonstrators continued their protest outside the exchange after the incident, police said. It was not clear if the two protesters who got into the building would face charges.

The Associated Press
Monday, March 17, 2003; 10:52 AM

by Slitz

If the Brits can do it - so can we. SHUT DOWN THE PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE TOMORROW - MARCH 18 ! ARRIVE EARLY 6:30 AM! BRING LOUD NOISE MAKERS AND PREPARE FOR A MASS MARCH INTO THE EXCHANGE! (meet at the Usual place - for those that do not know look here first thing in the morning for more details)

Anti-war activists invaded the International Petroleum Exchange in central London on Monday, forcing the exchange to suspend trading.

Two protesters from a group of about 30 who succeeded in entering the building were later removed from the premises, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said on condition of anonymity.

The exchange is Europe's major center for trading in futures contracts for crude oil.

The exchange said it suspended trading because of the anti-war demonstrators, according to the statement. It said it would review the situation later in the afternoon, giving no details.

The protesters caused "a bit of a nuisance on the floor," said Rob Laughlin, managing director of GNI Man Financial. "We're checking to make sure everything is safe before we open again."

Demonstrators continued their protest outside the exchange after the incident, police said. It was not clear if the two protesters who got into the building would face charges.

The Associated Press
Monday, March 17, 2003; 10:52 AM

by Slitz

If the Brits can do it - so can we. SHUT DOWN THE PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE TOMORROW - MARCH 18 ! ARRIVE EARLY 6:30 AM! BRING LOUD NOISE MAKERS AND PREPARE FOR A MASS MARCH INTO THE EXCHANGE! (meet at the Usual place - for those that do not know look here first thing in the morning for more details)

Anti-war activists invaded the International Petroleum Exchange in central London on Monday, forcing the exchange to suspend trading.

Two protesters from a group of about 30 who succeeded in entering the building were later removed from the premises, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said on condition of anonymity.

The exchange is Europe's major center for trading in futures contracts for crude oil.

The exchange said it suspended trading because of the anti-war demonstrators, according to the statement. It said it would review the situation later in the afternoon, giving no details.

The protesters caused "a bit of a nuisance on the floor," said Rob Laughlin, managing director of GNI Man Financial. "We're checking to make sure everything is safe before we open again."

Demonstrators continued their protest outside the exchange after the incident, police said. It was not clear if the two protesters who got into the building would face charges.

The Associated Press
Monday, March 17, 2003; 10:52 AM

by Slitz

If the Brits can do it - so can we. SHUT DOWN THE PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE TOMORROW - MARCH 18 ! ARRIVE EARLY 6:30 AM! BRING LOUD NOISE MAKERS AND PREPARE FOR A MASS MARCH INTO THE EXCHANGE! (meet at the Usual place - for those that do not know look here first thing in the morning for more details)

Anti-war activists invaded the International Petroleum Exchange in central London on Monday, forcing the exchange to suspend trading.

Two protesters from a group of about 30 who succeeded in entering the building were later removed from the premises, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said on condition of anonymity.

The exchange is Europe's major center for trading in futures contracts for crude oil.

The exchange said it suspended trading because of the anti-war demonstrators, according to the statement. It said it would review the situation later in the afternoon, giving no details.

The protesters caused "a bit of a nuisance on the floor," said Rob Laughlin, managing director of GNI Man Financial. "We're checking to make sure everything is safe before we open again."

Demonstrators continued their protest outside the exchange after the incident, police said. It was not clear if the two protesters who got into the building would face charges.

The Associated Press
Monday, March 17, 2003; 10:52 AM

by Daniel Burton

Black Blocs certainly have the media's attention whenever they happen now — whether they smash windows or not (they didn't last time). They're largely symbolic — anarchists do not yet comprise a large enough portion of the population to actually mount a crippling attack on the system through destructive acts of direct action. At the same time, many people do not understand what the black bloc is, why people join it, or what they stand for.

You have the media's eye. Now is the time to focus on your message. It's not enough just to have people know you're against capitalism and against government. That doesn't tell them what you are for. Most of them can't even envision what could exist besides capitalism or a state. Most of them think that the only alternative to capitalism is the failed communist/socialist state. Most people respond much better to something positive than to something negative — if you give them a negative idea, it's best sandwiched between two positives. It's just the nature of communication.

An example: Instead of "Fuck the Police," how about "Self-policing, not police state?" See, much more descriptive. How about instead of just spraypainting stuff like "smash capitalism," actually telling people what you're for instead — something like "globalize autonomy." Even anarchy signs are a negation. They're for no government, an-archy. People have trouble even envisioning life without that kind of authority. It's time for your messages to help them.

Just being against things is purely reactive. It's much better to be proactive. When people ask me what my message is, I won't just tell them I'm against government, against the present economic system, etc. I'll be for liberty, autonomy, and equality; self-policing and communty-based defense organizations; equal access to land; freedom of information; and a world without borders.

Want to spread the anarchist virus? Want to focus on tactics? Your voice is your best tactic of all. Tune your message right, and you'll produce deviously subversive effects, ones that win people over to your side. Anarchism is on the radar screen now, but it's still an unidentified object. It's time to change that.

Daniel Burton

by Bev

by UPI Network News
New reports confirm what authorities have known: Black Bloc is paid by the billionaire Saddam Hussein to sabatage the American people.
by create reality
Oh yes! Sadam pays Black Block! That is the largest load of cra# I have heard in a long time! Do you even know what black block is? We are all ananymous individuals...we have no leaders or no office base. Who would Sadam pay? Does he have all our addresses or credit info.? I know i haven't recieved any money. Why don't you do some real researching...wake up and see what you are supporting. Oppression, slavery of the poor, violent overthrow of the whole world?! Even main stream media says that this is a war that the whole world doesn't want. So why don't you take that pasifier out of your mouth and start asking some real questions. I am personally for the american people and people from all over the world...we all have to live here: opperative word being LIVE...not just survive, or in some cases not survive.
by mexican anarchist
watch out for under cover cops -we know they are already here reading everything we very careful black blocers the cops are on to us all they areseted alot of people on saturday and they are going to try to shut down any direct CTIONS AND ANY PROTEST WHATSOEVER. WATCH OUT FOR BEING BOXED IN. BRING PLIERS TO CUT THE RIOT HANDCUFFS. DON'T GET CAUGHT RUN HIDE DO ANYTHING BUT DON'T GET CAUGHT.
-CNT warning 1936
by lady anarchist
Full Support - Make sure everyone has the legal numbers as well as at least a "partner-small group" so that you can account for everyone - Also if this will be the firt time on the street for some - GO TO TRAININGS - so that you will have some tools to use when staying "calm" and resisting the fucking STATE!!
with love adn rage were gonna smash the state
by bring a sign
bring a few signs that say cop on them with arrows so that you can follow around the blac bloc "cops" and "undercover - who knows whats" - peace
by direct action


I agree with the person who said that Symbolic forms of destruction (aka big chain stores or corporations) are for the most part empty gestures.

Go after Strategic Targets which will actually affect the workings of the American Empire and its wars.

That means:

* Government buildings such as City Hall, etc..

* Anything associated with the military such as recruiting centers, military bases, transportation routes.

* Police Stations and police apparatus such as police cars, etc.... (This is a high value but also a high risk target--so be very selective and careful about going after these targets)

* Media--especially the media. The capitalist media is critical in terms of manufacturing consent for the war.

* Specific institutions connected to the American War machine such as weapons manufacturers like Lockheed-Martin, McDonnel Douglass, Boeing, Raytheon, Halliburton.

* Banks and financial institutions. One of the things that antiwar activists have not talked about enough is the fact that this entire War Crusade is being driven by the threat of an immenient global finanical crash, of which the Wall Street bubble is central. Hitting banks and financial institutions will only further destabilize this global financial system and surely throw a wrench into the ongoing war.


Some things to keep in mind, when engaging in direct action which is considered illegal by the court system (i.e. property damage). These points do not necessary apply to traditional forms of action such as Strikes or Civil Disobedience, in which one wishes to be arrested:

1). BE SMART. Always choose your targets carefully. This means not choosing targets which have nothing to do with the war (duh!) or which would alienate other workers, minorities, or the disenfranchised. Alienating the American Political Establishment is an altogether different matter however. Obviously, choose Strategic Targets which you believe you have a High Probability of striking effectively WITHOUT BEING CAUGHT OR IDENTIFIED.

2). BE SAFE. This means carefully planning your direct actions and maintaining a high level of security throughout the process. You should thus keep information about this direct action limited to other people on a strict Need to Know basis. This will limit the possibility of crucial information falling into the hands of the police somehow and ultimately incriminating you.

*Furthermore, attacking targets without first doing preliminary reconaissance and surveillance of the target site is foolhardy. Make a concrete plan as to what you plan to do to this target, how you are going to execute this direction, and how you are going to evade capture by Authorities. Plan your transporation to and from the Target site, executing your action against the target quickly and efficiently, AND making sure that you leave NO INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE at the target site.

* Make CONTINGENY PLANS as to what you will do if something goes wrong and the shit hits the fan (as will often happen). In particular, you should devise AT LEAST ONE BACKUP PLAN FOR EFFECTING YOUR ESCAPE from a target site.

* These issues of safety and security are critical as anyone caught engaging in direct action most likely will face severe legal and criminal injustice REPRESSION by the police and courts.

* In general, keep in mind the cost/benefits of attacking any target. Don't enage in direct action without having thought out carefully what the risks and dangers of this action are. Always make sure you are committed and ready to deal with the CONSEQUENCES--legal, financial, and personal--of being caught by the authorities. If you are not prepared to face the consequences, don't perform the direct action.

* Always err on the side of caution. We don't need martyrs or people filled with reckless bravado to throw away their lives.

* Remember, this is not a game. This is political struggle--an example of what the Black Panther Party originally called "the War of the Flea."


The following post has status hidden:
by BB

>I agree with the person who said that Symbolic forms of destruction (aka big chain stores or corporations) are for the most part empty gestures.

That person was nessie, and you still haven’t figured out what he’s talking about. For instance:

>That means:
* Government buildings such as City Hall, etc..
* Anything associated with the military such as recruiting centers, military bases, transportation routes.
* Police Stations and police apparatus such as police cars, etc....
* Media--especially the media. The capitalist media …
* Specific institutions connected to the American War machine
* Banks and financial institutions.

Brick and mortar. Bricks and mortar. That’s all you can conceive, isn’t it? BLACK BOMB can’t think two feet past his ass!!

The kind of Direct Action nessie is talking about is this:

Those who rule over you, not bricks and mortar, but people, human beings, that’s the problem of which he speaks. nessie wants you to hunt down the CEO’s and top managers of these corporations, and/or the rich people in your city, surround their homes with them inside, secure the place, and burn down the house with them inside. nessie wants you to takes weapons with you; guns, knives, clubs, etc… and to hunt down those who are “in charge”, those who wear the “boots”, so to speak, and kill them. That’s the type of Direct Action nessie calls for from you. He’s too scared to come right out and say for fear he will be implicated, but when he says things like “You know who the real enemy is. Go get them”, he’s talking about the rich and powerful and he wants you to kill them however you can, something he’s never had the balls to do himself.

So, get to it!!
by yo
there is a crucial need for "mass chaos" in our streets when the bombing starts. no more planned "walk-into-the-cops-and-let-them-arrest-you". be creative. unpredictable. when i say chaos, that doesn't mean violence. simply people everywhere, stopping traffic, breaking newspaper bins on streets. DC por ejemplo, doesn't do that. we are so scared by cop intimidation. coordinated chaos works. shut them down
by zack
the cops(insecure as they are) will try to grab anyone who does not seem protected by their friends, or by a large group....getting caught/ arrested does not further our cause!!
by Neo S
Hitting the stock exchange is brilliant.

Smashing up the City Hall of a town that's declared itself officaly against the war and Ashcroft is a bit like burning down the henhouse to get the fox.

Tipping over newspaper racks is keen--- unless you are from out of town and don't know the difference between the Gaurdian and USA Today.

Killing people is wrong. Every man and woman is a star, or so the old bastard said. The problem is that a certain sanctimonious fuck forgot that the 10 Commandments he supposedly reveres applies to him as well.

For every bloc-er letting the air out of the tires of an Escalade (don't SLASH, damnit-- its not environmentaly sound) there needs to be someone trying to talk to a soccer mom.

Arm yourself with facts, engage people in rolling debates whereever you find them.

Your universal greeting for M 18: "Do you condone this? How can you condone this?"

But try, dear friends, to remember that this City, my City loves you. Target you actions well. If you're going to hit democratic headquarters along with republican headquarters remember to brand them "moral cowards" and "Bush Appeasers."

There are two fronts in this conflict and two sets of goals.

-Corporate America [Which must be made to fear the power of the polis. As opposed to the people fearing the power of the police.)

-Individuals [Who must be brought around to hating war and wanting to ensure it doesn't happen again.]

-Short Term: Bringing the war to a halt. Shaming the Bush administration. Ensuring that he does not resume office in 2005.

-Long Term: Ending the domination of the polis by transnational capital and creating a new social network where individuals are responsible for themselves and to others in a mutual exchange of commodities, respect, agape, and trust. [What that would look like has yet to be determined.]

These are two seperate, but harmonious goals.
by Mr. Kropotkin
"DC por ejemplo, doesn't do that. "

do you know what you're talking about?? during the march 15th ANSWER march, my comrades and i (about 50 of us) broke away and marched to the World Bank Headquarters. Not only did we get inside... we destroyed the place! All their banquet decorations were torn down. when the security called the alarm, all the doors locked automatically and cops were pouring in looking to kick some ass. so we smashed 2 windows and got the fuck out of there. only 6 (out of 30-50) were arrested.

so don't go saying DC anarchists are innactive. Also, i always see "LIES!" on the front of newspaper bins.
by How to Stop Buses Dead
Here is a link to the SF Muni trolley WIRE MAP.

If you study this map closely, you can learn how to disable an entire bus line and prevent Muni from rerouting buses around your roadblock. For instance, if you block an intersection where two trolley-wire bus lines cross, and throw debris on alternate-route wires, the buses cannot move through and cannot be rerouted--voila! A dead bus line.
by somegirl
one thing i noticed during the last bb: -(right before the first set of arrests after the police said it was an unpermitted march and to get on the sidewalk)- people were running from one side of the street to the other from both sides. from where i was standing it looked like the bb was doing some sort of zebra action confusion tactic--people WERE getting on the sidewalks like the police asked but the flow of people never stopped because they kept running to the other side.

then i realized people were maybe just trying to get on the same side of the street as their friends (?) not sure. i wonder how long that could have lasted.

a group of people running back and forth looks very confusing and may buy time...or atleast be more fun than just sitting down.
by Hedgehog (notreally [at]
Find empty soup cans and paint them Bright Yellow with rustoleum or similiar paint. Write the word Duck on them. They will look like cluster bomblets. Leave them near the palaces of the wealthy.

Duck, duck, duck,...........
by ummmm
To: How to Stop Buses Dead

Come on! Do we really want to disable the only means of transportation for the people like us. Disrupting movement within downtown and around certain strategic targets is one thing. But there are those who can't walk very far and use Muni for going to the store down the street.

This may only push more people away from our cause. We don't want to hurt future recruits!

See "Time to Focus on the Message" by Daniel Burton above.

I think this info is great for downtown, just not in the outlying neighborhoods. If that was your intention all along, you need to spell this out. Some people will read your post and not understand the overall ramifications of these actions.


by whyinSF
First off, I've seen these black bloc kids... that's right, kids. Its a bunch of angry Korn fans trying to revive the protest days of their parents but this time with anger and aggression. All it does is make our cause look stupid and childish.

Second, why the hell are wagin war in SF. If anything you should be protesting in places that are overwhelmingly for the war. SF? Berkeley? Oakland? I don't understand why you need to cause chaos and violence in a city that is on the same side as you. so there are a few dissidents, but not everyone in the financial district is for the war. The generalizations made about people and the weak tactics used are nothing short of making more enemies and losing your battles.

Peaceful protests or non-violent sit ins do more to show and garner support to call an end to Bush's crazy antics. How can you preach peace when you go out and break windows and make others suffer? Fear tactics are plain stupid.

by anarchist communist
Go to Danville and prance around with a flower in your hair. Relish the blank stares directed your way.

The rest of us are intent on RESISTING this incipient slaughter in a manner that makes the capitalist war-makers shit in their draws.

Contrary to your suggestion, the Bay Area is an excellent sight for revolt--it is a vital node of the global capitalist economy: if its productive and distributive capacities were crippled, Bush and his capitalist cronies would be forced to take heed.

Which is a lot more than can be said for the namby-pamby tactics you'd like the anti-war movement to forever embrace.
by scoop
The City gets ready
Of The Examiner Staff

Cops are bracing for what promises to be a chaotic double whammy of massive street demonstrations and rising terror concerns when the first bombs are dropped on Baghdad, which may start as early as this evening.

"A sagging national economy, the immediate threat of war and the social unrest it causes will certainly bring ... it's an awful lot to contemplate," said BART Lt. Gary Cagaanan Tuesday.

Some 1,300 police officers, the bulk of The City's patrol force, will be deployed to the streets during the expected antiwar demonstrations in the event of a U.S. invasion of Iraq, said Deputy Chief of Special Operations Rick Bruce.

Meanwhile, the SWAT team, the bomb disposal unit, the canine squad and the Honda bike team have also been mobilized and ready to go for the last few weeks, Bruce said.

BART Police Chief Gary Gee said transit cops will be working longer shifts and extra civilian security assistants will be assigned to stations.

It's also possible train stations will be temporarily closed -- especially if the Department of Homeland Security raises the terror threat level after the war starts.

"If we went up to code red, BART stations would have to be closed for sweeps," said Gee.

On Monday Homeland Security hiked the threat level to orange, the second highest level.

The California Highway Patrol has put double patrols on major bridges and high profile buildings, according to CHP spokesman Tom Marshall. CHP officers have already started inspecting most trucks heading into The City over the Golden Gate Bridge and the National Park Service has closed several parts of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

The U.S. Coast Guard will also be vigorously enforcing a 25-yard security zone around the bridges, according to a Coast Guard spokeswoman.

Behind the scenes, the SFPD has been quietly working out plans for a worst-case scenario -- terrorist strikes on San Francisco's soil.

Police officers have been deployed to the FBI-run Joint Terrorism Taskforce, Bruce said. They receive daily intelligence briefings on the latest level of security threat globally and locally, and are being trained in foiling suicide bombers.

"We anticipate that here, somewhere in this nation -- we don't know if it will be San Francisco or somewhere else -- that we will see terrorist bombings like we've seen in Israel for many, many years," Bruce said.

"Low-level things like car and truck bombs."

At Southern Station, Capt. William Davenport said phone trees have been established to get off-duty cops on the job quickly in case of emergency.

A third 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. watch has also been established to respond to protesters.

"I've personally notified members of my station that in the event of a war they may need other family members to pick up additional responsibilities," Davenport said. "Some may need to stay somewhere closer to work. Cops have family lives just like anyone else, but they have to plan to be here if needed." Meanwhile, a handful of highly organized antiwar umbrella groups are cobbling together final protest plans. The group International A.N.S.W.E.R. met Tuesday night, while others are already calling for a 5 p.m. convergence Wednesday at Powell and Market streets.

Direct Action Against the War spokesman Gopal Dayaneni said hundreds of "affinity groups" have already signed up to block certain intersections, government offices and corporate headquarters at 7 a.m. the morning after the war starts.

Each affinity group has between 10 and 50 members, although some have formed clusters to block bigger intersections or buildings.

In what may be a relief to cops and commuters alike, Direct Action Against the War does not include the Bay Bridge or the Golden Gate Bridge on their list of targets to destroy.

"If they are not on the list, we're not taking them on," said Dayaneni.

He said protesters' plans are well-documented, so police should not have too many surprises.

"We've been transparent and clear about our goals," he said.

by ted turner
Headlines: "Mainstream" war protesters make common cause with terrorists, target US economy.

(Reuters) San Francisco. Protesters plot how to "wage war on capitalism" on san francisco indymedia website. This in spite of polls indicating that the only issue more important to American voters than the war is to see the economy improved, not overthrown.
by PAUL WILLIS (spwillis [at]
Make sure Bush doesn't get re-elected? Would you rather have Weasley Clark? Is doesn't matter who gets elected anymore, this is not 1802, whe it it would have made a fucking difference. Who is or who is not President is a media trick to get the polis to forget the real problems in this country and this world. Our Pres. has as much power as any other figure-head, only dictators have true power as leaders. Forget the political system. Go after the capitalist and media scum who use our, and other, political systems to make them fatter than they already are. Non-volience is BullSHIT. People only laugh at individuals who get themselves arrested on purpose. We must be TERRORISTS to get the world to become peaceful once more.
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