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Indybay Feature

SFPD False Arrests? - M15 Breakaway March

by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
14 photos from........................March 15, 2003 --------------
San Francisco “Stop the War” Demonstration - Breakaway March
SFPD forced breakaway march onto the sidewalks. Some decided to do civil disobedience, others kept marching (mostly on the sidewalks). A woman was arrested on Market street, apparently for jaywalking. Tourists, bystanders, peaceful dissenters, and possibly a few would be window breakers were later boxed in, surrounded, and arbitrarily arrested - for walking on the sidewalk? I witnessed zero protester violence or property destruction.
§Cop Convoy
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Closing The Box
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Lots-O-Cops & A Few Sitdowns
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§See Cops March - Little Goosesteps
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Jaywalker Arrested
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Boxed In - False Arrests
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§False Arrest - SEIU
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Boxed In
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
Both groups (foreground and background) were boxed-in and arrested.
§Hauled Away
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Boxed In - Waiting For False Arrest
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§False Arrest - Plasticuffed
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Another False Arrest
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
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by wolf
The more people will be radicalized. They won't be shopping next time, they'll be learning.
by kris
wouldn't it be nice if all the cops got real jobs and put all that energy into trying to make the world a better place, instead of workin for a corrupt government that hates its own people?
hmmm... they're not pigs, they're sheep. it's sad to me.
by cp
Your pictures 2 and 8 are really good - you know how to use your camera plus editing.
What was all that confetti drifting around? Were the sit-downers, a few of whom seemed to have pacifist or religious motivations, charged with anything different? They actually did 'block traffic' and fail to disperse, in contrasts with all the 3rd street people who were indeed trying to disperse on the sidewalk.
The weather was great, considering how it's raining the day before and also today.
by repost
They took a bridge up there, looks like they got sprayed and arrested, but there was an intense standoff apparently.
by frog
And great shot
by Sh
The majority shopping see the police and us and just get scared, and I bet most of them see cops arresting people, even if random as a blessing, because they're fools. People should begin passing out more flyers. always has some great ones. Nice wide shots BTW.
My heartbeat was raising as I felt trapped by the police. I was pinned in by innocent marchers and irrational police officers. We were blocked by a line of police in the street and more were lined up on the sidewalks with black shielded helmets on.

Fear overcame me as I realized there was no way out. On a loud speaker I heard a voice telling everyone to get off the streets or else be arrested. The majority of marchers did go to the sidewalks, only to find unfair treatment. The officers on the sidewalk started coming forward, what seemed to be forcing us into the street. A scared man who wanted to exit the scene tried to go around an officer. The officer was pressing him with his baton while the man shouted, "You said to get on the sidewalk man! Let me through!" As he took another step the officer knocked him in the shoulder with the baton. The terrified man ran off and then I felt like my heart was in my throat from fear of what may happen to my girlfriend and I.

This was my first time going to a peace march and I just followed the first crowd I saw. I have never feared cops or even disliked them. After my experience on March 15th, 2003 I have a reason to fear police officers intentions, rules and regulations, and motives. There was only one minor act of hate on a protestors part which occured after the police blockade.

I witnessed unfair treatment and do not appreciate it. The police are meant to protect the people, right? Then why did I not feel protected? I am only eighteen years old and I have a long life to live and a lot of tax dollars that will be taken from me. I want to know that there is justice for citizens and fair treatment. I feel helpless sometimes with everything going on in the world. I thought writing this may make me feel somewhat at peace from the flashbacks from yesterday I am seeing.

by DZ
I was there the whole time when the group first started moving. I took pictures from the front and kept at it until the eventual arrests of the supposed "splinter group." I saw many attempting to vandalize but others discouraged the actions of those few, sticking to a more peaceful march. Bruce, the officer in charge, repeatedly told the group to get on the sidewalk or be arrested, nothing about dispersing. Even if we wanted to disperse during the march, we couldn't leave thanks to the police line flanking our sides, refusing to let us out. I don't know much about police work but isn't pretty ironic that we get slapped with a refusal to disperse misdemeanor when we couldn't leave in the first place?
by ST
More pics of the infamous jaywalking incident (and wind-up) here:


and here:
by samurai
great job to all the break awayers... let's up the anti-
we also got arrested yesterday in AZ... but wish we were there.. continue kicking the bastard's ass,
anti-capitalist AZ
by K-Man

Thats a link to a thread about a video I took (put up a realvideo stream) of cops grabbing someone from a sitting position. He may have said something to the officer that set him off but it looks quite fishy to me. Whadda you think? I've got one reply, but don't agree with it and would like more input. I got bashed in the neck with a nightstick, bashed in the rib (already broked before too) and arrested/released during the 20th protest. It was terrible as I did nothing but assert my right to march on the streets my taxes pay for with my comrades.
by Mark
More innocent and peaceful dissidents arrested, merely because they speak their conscience against the regime. Shut them down, hold them accountable, STOP THIS NOW!!
by george centeno (G-centeno [at]
keep up the good work ,let's get that thing out of the whitehouse in 22 months.
by george centeno (G-centeno [at]
keep up the good work ,let's get that thing out of the whitehouse in 22 months.
by a
Let's get him out NOW! Before he does any more damage.
by Thought
Taxpayer money needs to go to the taxpayers! No more govt waste! No more police, no more schools, every man for himself! But wait, that would result in giant private armies, militias, everyone kiling each other, wait a second, lets nt do anything!

by Thought
Taxpayer money needs to go to the taxpayers! No more govt waste! No more police, no more schools, every man for himself! But wait, that would result in giant private armies, militias, everyone kiling each other, wait a second, lets nt do anything!

by Thought
Taxpayer money needs to go to the taxpayers! No more govt waste! No more police, no more schools, every man for himself! But wait, that would result in giant private armies, militias, everyone kiling each other, wait a second, lets nt do anything!

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