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Indybay Feature

SFPD brass refuses to speak to SF IndyMedia. Why?

by SF-IMC volunteer
On Tuesday, SF-IMC requested an on camera interview with Heather Fong. We were told to fax a list of questions. So we made up a list of 23 questions and faxed them in on Wed. By this time, it was clear that Alex Fagan was back at the helm, so we withdrew our request to interview Heather Fong, and instead asked to speak with Alex Fagan.
The SFPD had been dragging their feet on issuing us additional press passes for our new personnel. Within minutes of their receiving our fax, we were informed by our point person on the project that the SFPD had changed their minds and were issuing us the additional press passes we had requested. Coincidence? Perhaps.

At least it was progress. But what about our questions for Assistant Chief Fagan? We have waited patiently for a reply to our request. We had hoped that, if Alex Fagan wasn’t willing to be interviewed that he would at least have the common decency to notify us. But alas.

We had also assumed that he would be relieved to have the press, for a change, show some interest in an aspect of his life than his comp time and his hoodlum son. Apparently, we were wrong about that, too.

So our questions go unanswered.

If you would like to fax them your opinion on this matter, the number is:


Here is the fax we sent them:

* * *


From: SF IndyMedia Center

Re: Interview request/list of questions

It appears that Assistant Chief Fagan is now in charge. So SF Indymedia withdraws it’s request to interview Heather Fong. Instead, we request an on camera interview with Assistant Chief Fagan. Here are the questions we intend to ask. Should Assistant Chief Fagan decline to be interviewed, that too is a story. We will feature it prominently on our front page, and include the unanswered questions.

We can be reached at:


We are located at:


* * *


Questions we intend to ask, should we be granted an interview:

(1.) When faced with high-spirited young people expressing
legitimate concerns about say, U.S. foreign policy, do the police, as well trained, well-armed professionals, wearing helmets and face masks, have a special responsibility to keep there cool, to defuse rather than inflame a civil disobedience or direct action situation?

(2.) Should the invasion of Iraq take place as planned, a wide variety of groups have vowed to “shut this city down,” using a wide variety tactics, some non-violent, some violent. What provisions have been made in police planning to deal with non violent civil disobedience and outright rioting differently?

(3.) It seems during a civil disobedience or direct action the police will at some point draw a line in the sand. What are the factors that go into making this decision? 

(4.) Who gives the order? 

(5.) Are you planning mass arrests like that fiasco on Market St, during the Rodney King disturbances?

(6.) Will violent and non violent demonstrators be locked up together?

(7.) Given how easy they spook, and the potential liability they represent to the City, shouldn't horses be kept away from civil disobedience?

(8.) Has the SFPD consulted with the City Attorney about the potential liability issues that would arise if an out of control horse injured an innocent bystander?

(9.) How many cops can you realistically task to crowd control without leaving our neighborhoods vulnerable to common criminals who may wish to take advantage of the situation?

(10.) How many reinforcements from police forces in the surrounding areas can you expect through your various mutual aid agreements?

(11.) Can you realistically expect mutual aid from the Oakland, Berkeley and Richmond, or, given the extreme likelihood of civil unrest taking place there, too, will they hesitant to leave their own responsibilities unprotected?

(12.) If protesters try to occupy the Bay Bridge, as they did during the First Gulf War, do you expect that the CHP can handle it on their own, or will they need your help?

(13.) If it develops that you need the CHP’s help to adequately control the situation on the surface streets, will they come down off the highway to help, even if it means leaving the Bridge and the approach ways too lightly guarded to be an effective deterrent if the mob, or mobs, get past you?

(14.) How far out of control will the situation have to get before the feds step in and take command?

(15.) If and when that happens, which feds will be in charge, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security or somebody else?

(16.) How far out of control does the situation have to get before the National Guard is called in, and who exactly will call them?

(17.) The National Guard is spread mighty thin right now. Their best and their brightest, and their best equipment is in Kuwait right now. So if you, or whoever, have to call in the Guard to maintain order, they might not be up to the task. That leaves regular Army and the Marines. What our readers would like to know, is at what point would regular Army and the Marines be called upon to restore order. Is there a predetermined trip wire scenario, or do you plan to play it by ear?

(18.) Does the SFPD augment its own surveillance of demonstrators with pictures and video that people have posted on SF IndyMedia?

(19.) Since the SFPD has issued us press passes, apparently it considers SF IndyMedia to be a legitimate news organization. We have recently asked for additional press passes for our new personnel. We have been refused. Why? What changed?

(20.) With which anti-war groups has the SFPD been negotiating rules of engagement, and what’s been agreed upon?

(21.) What, if any, effect has the shake up resulting from the current scandals had on your command structure’s ability to effectively coordinated crowd control?

(22.) Who will be the tactical field commander in charge of on crowd control on March 15?

(23.) Would whoever it is be adverse to SF IndyMedia assigning a reporter to accompany him and report on his activities?
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by Alex Fagan
1) We have a responsibility to serve, protect and defend the citizenry.
2) Provisions are in place.
3) Protection of the citizenry.
4) These decisions are made before hand and vary.
5) We have no plans for such.
6) Should everyone cooperate with what they have agreed, there should be no arrests.
7) Our horses are well trained to react to the commands of the officer.
8) The SFPD and the City Attorney have a good working relationship.
9) Sufficient numbers will be brought in to handle the situation.
10) As many as necessary.
11) We have it covered.
12) We’ll let the CHP make that call should the necessity arise.
13) I am not willing to discuss any strategy at this time.
14) I am not willing to discuss any strategy at this time.
15) I am not willing to discuss any strategy at this time.
16) I am not willing to discuss any strategy at this time.
17) I am not willing to discuss any strategy at this time.
18) I am not aware of any use of indymedia by our department.
19) Press passes are handed out based upon the size of the news organization.
20) Ask someone at the front desk, then contact those organizations for details.
21) None.
22) Undecided at this point.
23) Yes.

Because of the downpour of rain that is on the way, we do not expect a large crowd. If you do attend, be safe.
by journalist
Whoever had the "brain drizzle" to come up w/ these questions, why didn't you just come right out and say "We're interested in the strategy law enforcement will have in place for M15 should civil disobedience break out. Could you tell us where you'll be located, what particular areas you'll have forces and what areas will be left unattended, and just how much force are you willing to use? Oh, BTW, could we hang around the top guy so whenever he communicates to his officers in the field we can call up our people on the ground and let them know what's going on so they can modify their plans?" Would have been a lot simplier.
by pointer
by Joseph Pulitzer
Face it guys, if they talked to you they would have to talk to every other lefty high school newspaper who asked. It's not like they would get a fair representation anyway.
by hammertime
>Since the SFPD has issued us press passes, apparently it considers SF IndyMedia to be a legitimate news organization.

Maybe not. Have they promply answered your questions?

Maybe they just handed you press passes to keep an eye on you. Can you blame them?
by SF-IMC volunteer
>they would have to talk to every other lefty high school newspaper who asked.

(1.) And this would be bad, why? Surely you aren’t un-American enough to suggest a political litmus test for media access to the police, are you?

(2.) We are not a high school newspaper.

>Have they promply answered your questions?

That depends on whether or not that was the real Alex Fagan, or an impostor.

>Maybe they just handed you press passes to keep an eye on you.

They don’t need to issue us press passes to keep an eye on us. It’s totally unnecessary. Besides, it’s not us they really want to keep an eye on. It’s our audience that they want to keep an eye on. Keeping an eye on us is a waste of money. We’re 100% legit, clean as a whistle. Our papers are in order.

It’s these wild, young hotheads they’re trying to keep an eye on, not us. We’re harmless. They aren’t. The police know this. They aren’t stupid, you know. Give them credit where credit is due.
by Cluegiver
They don't want to talk to you because you're a bunch of fucking idiots and jackasses. Hope that helps.

by Anonymouse
I have been a working journalist for over 15 years.
I have a degree in journalism.
I currently teach journalism to University students.
I'm writing just to clear up a common misconception: Journalism does *not* have to be objective to be "legitimate."
Indeed, it's a basic tenet of media studies (the academic field that studies the press and other forms of mass media) that there is no such thing as "objectivity." It's not the saem thing as fairness or accuracy, which all journalists agree should be goals.
In the US, "objectivity" is generally a newsroom code for writing in a way that does not offend those in power, even when presenting dissenting views. There are those of us who would prefer to speak truth to power.
Tom Paine used journalism to spread his political views. This was, and still is, a legitimate use of journalistic writing. As a matter of fact, it's exactly the kind of journalism the Founding Fathers had in mind when they put that bit about freedom of the press in the Bill of Rights--Paine's work helped cause the American Revolution, remember?
Journalism can report, cajole, inform, incite, downplay, dissuade, and take any political point of view. And anyone who thinks that mass media outlets owned by huge multinationals don't have a point of view that they present in print on a daily basis is living in dreamland. I speak from experience.
IndyMedia can expect to feel the full force of state power as a result of its activities, but they are doing what they believe in, and what they are doing is journalists. The rest of us should support them as well.
They just might be the only ones telling this part of the truth--and the rest of us need to hear it more than ever right now.
by Isolationist
Just like any public office job, a public image does matter and it’s no secret that SF-IMC does have an axe to grind against SFPD. Just like any public officials, they know who are friendly to them and those of who are not. Typically they grant interviews to news media people whom are “unbiased” or more likely to paint them in a positive light than a negative one. And they play the dodge and delay game to those whom they know are more likely to write a negative piece than a positive piece. This is true regardless of which side of the aisle they are on.
by Observer
My friend worked as a police reporter for a few years, covering any crime that took place in her town. Working the same beat for a while, she certainly got to know several police officers, but even then I don't think she would have gotten answers to the questions you posed in this fax. In fact, as a real journalist, I don't think she would have even asked the majority of these questions as there are implicit criticisms in many of them. They aren't posed so much to elicit information as they are to demonstrate dissent (which is fine, as long as you don't expect them to ignore that fact and still answer you).
by just wondering
>a real journalist, I don't think she would have even asked the majority of these questions as there are implicit criticisms in many of them.

What are you trying to say here, that "real" journalists don't criticize the police?
by Observer
A journalist can *certainly* criticize the police, but first he/she GETS INFORMATION and tries to be objective. He/she tries to look at all sides of the coin to present the case accurately. An editorial stance is already implicit in these questions, undercutting the spirit of even asking questions in the first place.
Take a look at the charges you are all so happy to lob at the "corporate media" for bias, and then look at this case. The bias may be on your side, but it's still bias. If this site is all about the unbridled truth, then you need to be a bit more self-examining, too. However, if you're happy being extremist propaganda, then by all means, go ahead and ask your leading questions and disregard any answers you may get, as usual.
by Observer
So you oppose getting information? You're advocating that we hold firm to certain beliefs without bothering to see whether or not they're in line with any facts of which we may be unaware? And certain people you don't like shouldn't be given a voice, or any fair representation? And rules of fair play only apply to people you like or with whom you agree? I believe (and I realize this is an idealistic belief) that journalists shouldn't be stooges to a propaganda machine, even your own.
by ....
I get all of my "news" from Fox, so I REALLY know what's going on in the world. Not like you free-thinkers. I would gladly believe anything Fox News tells me, because it's true. Does anyone have any critical thinking skills that they could sell me? How about a copy of "Politics for Dummies?" I sure need to read it!
by Observer
You deliberately cut off the second half of my sentence; it was a fair inference to make.
by Speaking of IMC...
**Alert**IMC***Tec.[LA IMC] Unable to add comments. ***
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***[Last post@7:32A]***
by me
>That depends on whether or not that was the real Alex Fagan, or an impostor.

I did it, not Fagan. Pleeeeeeeze. The questions were immature at best. Given how fucking stupid they were, I have every reason to believe nessie thought every one of them up himself. No one's going to give away their tactical info, especially to a group of people who categorically oppose them. I answered them for a laugh. Get over it.
by Speaking of IMC...
** IMC** Tec***
Also the phone link is out
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