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Indybay Feature

Among Giants, Forest Defense Actions Continue

by salim (salem [at]
A look at forest defense in the northern California areas affected by Pacific Lumber corporations harvest of old growth and second growth trees
Among Giants

Ropes dangle down like vines from large green canopies set against a clear blue sky as white clouds roll past the view and a climber descends down the side of a massive redwood tree which is slated to be killed, or felled, by the Pacific Lumber corporation in a quest for a green that is neither necessary or sustainable in the markets of the modern consumer economy. The Forest Defenders of Freshwater, Aradia and the Mattole all share a common enemy a corporation that went from being locally based to being bought out by a Multinational Corporation which sought to use the forest holdings that had been harvested with wisdom up until 1985 when Charles Hurwitz took over the company. Since then mudslides, clear cuts, salmon die offs and mass worker layoffs is all that most of Humboldt County, California have known.

Looking away from the past and toward a future the forest activists which call themselves variously from “utopian tree pirates” to “mattole forest defenders” you see a youthful group of people which have decided to resist the unbridled consumerism of their parents for a sustainable future free of capitalism and built upon a foundation of eco-diversity and preservation of natural habitats. While the endangered Spotted Owl has been taken off the endangered list due to the militant tactics and mainstream tactics of others it habitat still remains under attack.

There are several forms of forest defense that activists engage in in the forests. One such tactic is to go out into a timber harvest area where loggers are actively engaged in felling and destroying entire hillsides of tall trees. North Coast Earth First! engaged in one such direct action. Activists have attempted to blockade gates and roads, early in the morning one such blockade was constructed at the logging deck. The same activists also went into the woods to confront loggers directly. We stumbled through hilly paths and listened to the buzz saws of chains cutting through large brown trunks to locate the fellers. Upon seeing them about a dozen activists stood in the fall path of the tree endangering their lives. The logger who is a contractor hired out from Columbia logging is from Washington state and is surprised by the level of resistance of logging amongst the locals. He stops his saw and radios into his boss that there are people in the fall zone, the logger is ordered to cease cutting and all loggers are ordered out of the woods as logging is halted temporarily. Later, the activists are detained by the local Sheriff’s department and told they are being investigated for interfering with PL logging. The logger refuses to cooperate with the Sheriff and the activists are released. The next day there are reports of an FBI investigation into an eco-terrorist attack on a PL loader at the spot of the earlier blockade which they claimed had been sabotaged by eco-terrorists causing $22,000 in damage to the loader and rendering it inoperable.

The most well known form of Forest Defense as popularized by Julia Butterfly Hill is that of tree sitting. Forest defenders take up position in trees that are to be felled by PL. Each proposed tree to be felled has a large blue stripe painted on it. Tree sitters set up platforms in the trees and live among the branches of the trees. Most of these tree sits continue for several months. The latest tree sits to go up in Humboldt County are those set in the wilderness of the Mattole Forest, which feeds the Mattole River. The battle now is for Rattlesnake creek section of the Forest. Forest defenders have previously established free states, autonomous zones inside the Forest. The latest tree villages are going up in proposed Timber Harvest areas of the Forrest. The luxuriant forest is a veritable canopy of verdant cover which houses not only tree sitters but many endangered species such as the Spotted Owl. Viewing areas that have been clear cut in the forest you see large mudslides and creeks choked with dirt thus killing the Salmon that use the rivers and creeks for reproduction. The battle in the Mattole is not simply one of man versus nature but also one of corporations versus communities, capitalism versus communalism.

More forest defenders are sought in the Mattole if you are interested please contact the North Coast Earth First! Forest Defense Hotline at (707)825-6598

If you live in San Francisco, the Autonomous Collective is a supporter and participant in forest defense. You can contact the Autonomous Collective at autonomouscollective [at] The Autonomous Collective is actively seeking to supply food, camping and climbing gear to Forest Defenders. Donations can be dropped off at 2940 16th St, Suite 216 in the Mission District.

Needs List:
Climbing Harnesses
Truckers Rope
Climbing Rope (static and dynamic)
Head Lamps
Rain Gear
Wool Clothing or Artificial Clothing that is Water Resistant
Wool or Thermal Sox

The AC resupplies tree sits every two weeks.
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by druzer
takes real commitment like this forest defender to lockdown a 100 feet up in a tree.
by Donald Piccin
I live in ohio so there's not much i can do to help in California except make donations. But what is happening should be done and shouldn't be stopped. The people there are very brave and i wish them all the luck in the world ....dont give in to these corporations that think profits are more important than the environment.G/L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by R.B.G
As being a sitter, can I please say that tree sitters are despirately in need of moral support. Ground support is kind of shwagg when you are in a hot cut. So if any of you would like to be hard core, then bring it on. Freshwater loves you.
by schwag
ground support is kinda schwag when your in a hot cut. fuck you! as if some how not doing direct action isn't hard core. geesh, the lame attitude of who's more self righteous than others is bullshit. unfortionately, though a few trees might not be cut, because of the sits currently taking place, it aint gonna save shit. get out in the community or across the country and let folks know about the destruction. work on meaningless jobs organizing the masses. that's hardcore. treesitting is the easy part. nothing really hardcore about it at all.
by Mud
Working on meaningless jobs organizing the masses is harcore? seems more like bureaucracy to me. Direct action and informing the public are both needed. The people in these trees are risking lives and imprisionment by their actions so show a little support asshole.
by Ms. Manners
is not the most effective way to garner their support.
by schawg
you call me an asshole and expect ground support help or assistance. is exactly what i'm calling you on. quit being so self-righteous you narrow minded puppy. with all due respect, the level of ignorance on the sitters part is amazing.

and yes, dealing within the beauracratic bullshit month after month is hardcore.
by R.B.G
Man, it is people like you that fuel the destruction of this planet. This little self rightous puppy right here is doing something to make a difference, what are you doing? Please dont be aggro and just chill. Every little bit counts. Even though you have insulted me shwagg..I will forgive you and wish you the best of luck in your adventures.....F.L.A.N.
by notslinginMud
You can cut eachother down or lift eachother up to new heights. Keep up the hardcore bureaucratic battle Swag! And keep what little shit is left of the redwoods R.B.G. Your both some hardcore forest defenders. May your camels never be stuck in a box.
by schwagg
just pointing out that doing the bueracratic thing is just as worthy as doing the direct action thing. doing the grunt work whether it's mulling over thp's or putting together a food box for the sits with no recognition at all, ever, never asked for, day in and day out is hardcore also. trying to get you to think, that mulling over thp's and not asking for recognition is just as deserving of moral support as those who take to the tops of the trees. think about it, defending the planet comes in many forms and they are all worthy endeavors, but I will say one thing which gets my goat, is the self righteous attitude of i'm a better activist than you are. na na na naaa. tis bullshit, live long and properous and please think.

"democracy is like heroin"

PS...demanding support or spewing that support is at a low and being mean about it is a good way to push people away. knowing when to take breaks is another good thing................

la luchue sigue
by skahi109
the tree sittings are hardcore, especially if it comes to actually stopping the buzzsaw from reaching the actual tree which is the actual move that needs to be done because saving the trees isn't being taken seriously by the tree-harvesting industry. so more power to those who can afford time to sit there!
by I'm not stoned
Skahi109, if you feel that your statement about the "tree harvesting industry" has any merit, then please define any of the following acronyms and terms for me:

MMCA, GRT, late seral buffer, fully regulated forest, FPRs, CEQA.

No peeking, now. If you do not know what these mean, then you simply have no business commenting on this issue.
by activist
well, what can I say, I have come up against the self-rightous tree-sitter, many times, it really sucks when I'm planning an action, or doing jail-support, and some tree-sitters comes to me and tells me that what I'm doing isn't as important as sitting in a tree. The facts are in, and tree-sitting hasn't really save that many trees has it! Yet all sitters, including Julia, always think that the world revolves around them. I've done my fair share of support for sitters, I know it can be frustrating at times, but maybe sitters should have there support lined up before they climb, than they wouldn't have to tell me I'm worth shit, cause they need something up a tree!
by is it really worth it?
how many trees have the sitters saved? is it just the one that julia bought and payed for with donation money, so now that is her tree? i understand that there were 50 people lined up to sit in luna once julia came down, is that how it is with the other tree-sitters, that only they can sit in there tree? i know that these are hard ?s to answer, but maybe someone will have the guts.
by Barcode (
Why can't we all just get along? I'm with whoever said we should get the word out! I live in the Sacramento Valley ,and I spent a good chunk of last summer spreading the word, showing the movie "Tree Sit to local youth attempting to recruit more sitters, donations, etc. All this "in-fighting " is a bummer. But if you must, snivel on... With the War it seems that activist energy is somewhat diverted from the trees... People feel impowered, even if they are "in Ohio " if they can do ANYTHING! Altogether we can make a difference!
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