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Indybay Feature

No war abroad; no budget cuts at home

by John Reimann (wildcat99 [at]
The coming war against Iraq is directly linked with the sharp cuts in social spending here it home. Everything that moves must be directly for the profits of US capitalism. If not, it must be starved out or bombed out.
Public meeting to discuss how to build a direct action campaign against all cuts.
You Can Pay Me NOW
(Or You Can Pay Me Later)

That’s the attitude of the corporations, the landlords and their politicians. They want you to pay them with your chance for a decent job, with your schooling, with your health care — possibly even with your life (if you get sent to Iraq). Their attitude is to take and take until there is nothing left to take at all.

That’s what these budget cuts are all about. In Oakland, they’re cutting from the libraries, from the parks department... you name it. At the state level, they’re cutting back funding for the junior colleges.

This is all part of a corporate war for total control over every part of your life... control for profit. (As is the planned invasion of Iraq.)

Maybe you can survive this particular round of budget cuts. But how about the next round? And the one after that? Sooner or later, you are going to be forced to organize and stand up to oppose this. And the longer a movement is delayed, the harder it will be to fight back.

So now is the time, while millions of people are so agitated about the corporate war against Iraq, while people are already questioning the direction of our corporate-controlled government. Now is the time to fight against this global corporate war against working class people. Now is the time to unite all those who will be suffering from any of the budget cuts. Now is the time to say: “We will not allow you to do this to us any longer.”
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 6:30 p.m.
Temescal Library*

f(52 St. & Telegraph in Oakland- meeting hall in back of building)
Come to talk about how to organize to oppose all budget cuts and win funding for all our needs.

Fight to win!
meeting organized by Labor’s Militant Voice
(510) 595-4676

Where the money is
They claim there is not enough money for our social needs. Here is where the money is:
$946,000,000,000 = total corporate profits in 2000
$396,000,000,000 = US military budget for 2003
$200,000,000,000 = initial estimated cost of US invasion of Iraq,
$5,600,000,000 = total spent on incarceration in CA alone.
$1,447,600,000,000 = total.
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