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Indybay Feature

SF protest photos

by bert
Bay Area says NO to Iraq war!
by bert
§no imperialism
by bert
by bert
§dumb blondes outraged
by bert
§free palestine
by bert
§when israel sings
by bert
by bert
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by bbbreece (zenoxenu [at]
Thanks for the laugh. Keep up the fine work. The globalization of the false is the falseifacation of the globe.
by TA (therealta [at]
Lets examine who's in bed together in the "antiwar" movement for a moment. On one side we have Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Sheik Ahmad Yassin (Hammas), Chirac, Schroeder (both with their dirty little secrets), the Hollywood left, and a bunch of 60's radicals (read socialist and communist) on one side. all with their agendas. In my best gomer pyle voice, "surprise, surprise". I wonder if it was Bill Blinton in Bush's position, would these peace-niks care about Iraq quite so much. Never mind, Bill wouldn't be in this position, to busy getting blowjobs.
by chiggins
point by point:

- your dismissal of around 10 million people in over 600 cities worldwide as "the hollywood left" and "60's radicals" is laughable. in fact, my observations in new york on saturday were that the crowds were incredibly diverse, ranging from people i'm sure you would consider "freaks" to very normal middle class people of all ages, as well as grandmothers and children, and yes, veterans. noticeably absent were texas oil interests.

- as far as agendas go, are you trying to say that the bush administration has a moral high ground? can there be any doubt what their agenda is? so far it's usurping the american government, eroding your consitutional and civil rights, and securing middle eastern oilfields for the energy industry so you can keep on fueling up your SUV. welcome to the orwellian nightmare, and thanks for helping them achieve it.

- osama bin laden is in fact NOT in the anitwar movement. while the iraqi government is not on his list of favorite people as they are secular and regularly commit atrocities on the 60% of the population who are shi'ite muslim, they will do just fine as a target for US aggression in order to galvanize the muslim world against us. as a recruiting campaign, he couldn't ask for more. and again, thanks for playing into his hands.

please take a few of the dollars you're quite obviously drawing from the dividends from your oil stocks and buy a clue.
by a
Goddamn that's a lot of people!
by Abel Ashes
Osamma was training the KLA in the Balkans in 1998 at the same time CIA was funding the KLA!
Both Bill Clinton & George W. Bush have sent nuclear reactor materials to Kim Jong Il in North Korea (now they say he's going to nuke us!?).
Mohammed Atta (the alleged lead hijacker) trained at Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida (so did two other hijackers)!Atta ALSO trained at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey California!!!
Do a Google or Alta Vista search on Lt. Col. Steve Butler.
Mr. Butler spoke out that Bush wanted "9-11" to happen so he could get a domestic police state and permission to bomb/invade any nation he wishes (it's really the people surrounding him.Bush is a useful idiot/puppet)!
Below are websites of conservatives who hate Bush and the scam/mass murder/pretext called "9-11", and the "War on Terror", which is really just a war for total world domination and subordination.

by Proud Jew
The second photo from bottom : christian soldiers die
for/becuase the jews.
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