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Pacifica Feb 15 coverage: Almost live mp3 archive right here

by ziggy
Pacifica Radio's coverage of New York and global Feb 15 anti-war demonstrations
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As a back-up, I'm archiving the KFCF (Fresno sister station to KFPA) mp3 files and placing them here.

Stream connections might be jammed all day given all the people trying to listen. If you find that happening, go over here to get the mp3 files. I will upload files to this message thread as the day proceeds. Keep checking back and you'll find new ones.

The file name timestamp corresponds to Eastern Standard Time.
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by ziggy
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11:30am to Noon file
by ziggy
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Noon to 12:30pm file
by ziggy
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Noon to 1pm EST file
by ziggy
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1pm to 1:30pm EST file
by ziggy
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1:30 to 2pm EST file
by ziggy
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2pm to 2:30pm EST file
by Sheepdog
Do appreciate it.
Again thanks.
by ziggy
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2:30 to 3pm EST file

Thanks Sheepdog :-)
by ziggy
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3 to 3:30 pm EST file
by ziggy
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3:30 to 4pm EST file
by ziggy
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4 to 4:30pm EST file
by ziggy
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4:30 to 5pm EST file
by ziggy
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5 to 5:30 pm EST file
by ziggy
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5:30 to 6pm EST file
by ziggy
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6 to 6:30pm EST file
by ziggy
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6:30 to 7pm EST file
by ziggy

Here's the program summary for all the attached files.  I uploaded the files with Eastern Standard Time noted within the file names, so subtract 3 hours and it will correspond to the notes below.  Perhaps some enterprising soul will listen and make notes on speakers and names of those interviewed in each segment.  It's also possible that Pacifica will upload files somewhere to put all this in the public domain.  Keep an eye on their website or  If they did that, you will not have the problem with the few lost seconds found in the transition between KFCF's files (sorry about that, but I can't do anything about that). 

- ziggy


For coverage notes on Sunday's coverage of San Francisco and the source page for the below, go to:

Saturday, February 15th:
WBAI, New York City Protest
8AM-1PM Pacific Time

Amy Goodman and Robert Knight and WBAI-Pacifica staff will anchor coverage of "The World Says No to War" as thousands of people will converge on New York City, joining millions of others around the globe for what will most likely be the largest day of protest in history. Sponsored by United For Peace and Justice, a rally will be held at noon, Eastern time, at First Avenue Stretching north on First Avenue.

Some featured speakers will be Rev. Desmond Tutu, Patti Smith, Harry Belefonte and Danny Glover. The City of New York has denied United for Peace and Justice a permit to march and Federal Courts have upheld this denial. United for Peace and Justice has called for vigorous protest against this stifling of the growing opposition to Bush's war. Pacifica coverage will follow events as they unfold on the streets of New York City on Saturday.


Saturday February 15th:
KPFA - Live on-air Teach-in

1:00PM - 4PM Pacific Time

"The War in Iraq & the US/World Resistance Agenda." In this three hour Teach-in with live studio audience, Dennis Bernstein, Host-Producer of KPFA's Flashpoints show with co-hosts Robert Knight from WBAI in New York, will confront the myths and talk about the realities.

The on-air teach in will include reports from Baghdad, occupied Palestine and around the country and world. We will examine the dangers of war and the hope that grows out of resisting war for the peaceful alternative. The broadcast will also include a live studio audience of experts and live reports from affiliate stations.

by please see this master page


by Sheepdog
not this time.
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