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Indybay Feature

Who They Coming For...

by Redwood Sky (redwoodsky [at]
Who they've come for and who they coming for...

In the United States - They have first come for
Afghanis, Algerians, Bahrainis, Bangladeshis, Egyptians,
Eritreaians, Indonesians, Iranis, Iraqis, Jordanians, Kuwaitis,
Lebanese, Libyans, Moroccans, North Koreans, Omanis,
Pakistanis, those from Qatar, Saudi Arabians, Somalis, Sudanese,
Syrians, Tunisians, those from United Arab Emirates, and Yemenis
(Source: Immigration and Naturalization Service - so-called
"department of justice")

and I ain't speaking up because I am not a Afghani, Algerian,
Bahraini, Bangladeshi, Egyptian, Eritreaian, Indonesian, Irani, Iraqi,
Jordanian, Kuwaiti, Lebanese, Libyan, Moroccan, North Korean, Omani,
Pakistani, from Qatar, Saudi Arabian, Somali, Sudanese, Syrian, Tunisian,
from United Arab Emirates, or Yemeni - besides they're all illegal, moslem
types anyways -

Next, they'll probably come for the Jews (they always do, what
makes you think this time is any exception)

and I may or may not speak up because I am not a Jew

Then they'll probably go after those trade unionists, anti-war
activists, card carrying members of the ACLU, or maybe people
going to that World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil

but I might or might not speak up because I wanna be careful not
to offend people - and then I'm not a a trade unionist, anti-war
activist, a card carrying member of the ACLU, and I'm definitely not
attending that World Socialist thing taking place somewhere in porty
alergic -

Then they'll definitely go after those liberal commie Catholics and
Protestant types -and I am definitely not going to speak up
because I am a good Christian - none of that
liberal,progressive,commie stuff.

Then, they just might come for me -
but that's okay - I'll find out before they get to me - CNN, NBC,
ABC, good 'ol Dan Rather , and FOX - and PBS - the New York
Times they'll let us all know - we won't let it get that far...
(after all we got a free press, don't we?)

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