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by George Bush
Let me explainify the war against Iraq a little bit in Texas terminologragy.
Let me explainify the war against Iraq a little bit in Texas terminologragy.
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by Sadam Hussein
Fuck you, Bush.
by rock
If there's one person I'd believe without question and quote to support my beliefs it's Merle Haggard.
by this thing here
>But anti-American polemicists seldom feel any obligation to construct even the barest factual foundation for their accusations.<

But pro-Iraq-war polemicists seldom feel any obligation to construct even the barest factual foundation for their accusations. They simply repeat ad-naseum the same un-factual polemics of President Bush. When pressed, they repeat what un-named official sources in the Pentagon have cited as "proof" of Iraq's nuclear, chemical, and bio-logical weapons. The very same "evidence" the United Nation's weapons inspections teams had to demand and beg to get from Washington. The very same "evidence" that has yet to turn up anything in Iraq.
by Down with ignorance
First of all, I never use anything Bush says to support my arguments; in fact Bush was elected on the anti-left vote, a sign of what your extremism in the left has caused. (and of course that Al Gore is as boring as they come)
As far as finding chemical or biological weapons in Iraq, that will be near impossible since most if not all of them are in moving trucks and labs on wheels, hence the sending of U-2 planes. The US knows Saddam has them for the simple reason as you may remember it was the US that supplied Iraq with them in the first place, since many have never been accounted for, destroyed or what not, it doesn’t take a terrible gifted mind to realize something doesn’t add up. In any event, weapons of mass destruction (rather moderate destruction, and only to its neighbors and own people) are simply an excuse for the simple minded bible belt people to remove any evil dictator from power. Which nevertheless is a worthwhile cause that the new progressive left doesn’t support because then they would have to remove its self-imposed ignorance and except that there are still bad people in the world.
by swirli
Merle Haggard was a conservative during the Vietnam era. He criticized hippies.
HURRA ! HURRA ! HURRA ! The german De Gaulle is born He says NOTINOURNAME to Bush s war. Http:// European peace site nr. 1
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