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I Will Not Subsidize Big Oil with the Blood of My Sons and Daughters.

by Lloyd Hart (dadapop [at]
Take the pledge "I Will Not Subsidize Big Oil with the Blood of My Sons and Daughters" and e-mail it to all the parents you know, especially those that have son's and daughters being shipped to the Gulf as we speak.
I Will Not Subsidize Big Oil with the Blood of My Sons and Daughters.

By Lloyd Hart

As interesting as Charles Rangel's military service equity proposal might be to get people to think about the invasion of Iraq in real terms of sacrifice, equal rights never meant becoming like the feudal lords that oppress you in the first place. The Rangel bill will never make it through the House let alone to the Senate and most certainly will not be signed by the Commander and Thief. So the poor and working-class white and minority population of the U.S. will serve up their sons and daughters as the poor and working-class everywhere have always done since long before the rise of the Roman Empire. The feudalism in this equation is not lost on me and as long as the poor and working-class keep making the choice of military service as a means to rise up economically, to get an education and then to use their own blood to publicly subsidize the corporate feudal powers of today, peace and democracy will never exist.

Using the poor and a working-class to militarily oppress the poor and working-class is quite simply classic feudalism. Whether there be a draft or an economic system where people are paid just enough to live and reproduce, this behavior could only be described as feudalism. And in all conscience I cannot cooperate with a system that would use my sons' and daughters' blood on the battlefield as a public subsidy to the oil companies or for any other industry for that matter. Take the pledge "I Will Not Subsidize Big Oil with the Blood of My Sons and Daughters" and e-mail it to all the parents you know, especially those that have son's and daughters being shipped to the Gulf as we speak.
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by Phillip
Are there REALLY still people who are stupid enough to think that the war against Iraq is about subsidizing oil companies?

Why is it nobody gives a damn about the thousands of people Saddam has killed and the even more thousands that he is going to kill? Now THAT is about oil and a dictator drunk with power.
Dear Phillip,

The difference between our policies toward North Korea and Iraq should conclusively demonstrate that the unelected Oil Executives in the White House are focusing on Iraq only because it has the world's second largest reserves of Oil.

I would go further and say that the whole invasion of Afghanistan was about OIL -- and the cheapest route for an OIL PIPELINE to FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS worth of OIL in the Caspian Sea region.

Maybe you ought to quit watching so much propaganda TV.
by check
The US has been in Afganistan for at least a year. If it is all about oil, where is the pipline? If it is only all about oil, we sure don't need to pick on Sadaam for it, we could just annex Kuwait. We sure wouldn't need to fight for it.
And if the oil IS a factor, let's get rid of the guy who gasses his own people, hides behind his nation's women and children, tortures his enemies, and get control of the oil in the process. It is flatly wrong to be motivated only by the oil, because the oil is nothing compared to suffering. But we have an opportunity to end the suffering this puke causes, AND maybe, just maybe, come away in a better position regarding oil. Or, shall we stay hands off, get no oil benefits, and let this jackass brutalize his own people? Shall we just stand by and watch?
by exterminator
Phillip, you're right. It IS about the people this mad-dog has killed, and the countless others he has yet to kill.
We need to look at him as just another cockroach in the process of global pest control. We need to exterminate him and move on. Unfortunately, pest control is an ongoing thing. We are going to have to chase the little roaches out of all the corners of the world, and kill them as they multiply to keep them from infesting the planet.
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