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Protest Against Chechnya Genocide

by Serge
A protest is being planned for next week at the Russian consulate to protest Russian actions in Chechnya.
Russia to Shut the Mission of Europeans in Chechnya

MOSCOW, Dec. 31 — Russia announced today that it would shut down the mission in Chechnya of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, ending any permanent international monitoring in the republic after the mission's mandate expires tonight.

Also today, a Russian military court acquitted an army colonel, Yuri D. Budanov, who was accused of murdering an 18-year-old woman in Chechnya nearly three years ago. The move ended a long, contentious trial that was considered a test of the country's willingness to prosecute abuses by the military.

Representatives of the 55-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation, which is devoted to managing conflicts and other crises across Europe and Central Asia, negotiated intensely to renew the mission. But Russian officials insisted that the mandate be limited to providing relief aid.

The small mission, in the northwestern Chechen city of Znamenskoye, has overseen dozens of relief and economic projects, but the group has also criticized Russian forces for abuses against civilians.

Human Rights Watch in New York said the Russian decision, following the closure of Chechen refugee camps in the Russian region bordering Chechnya, "raises serious human rights concerns."

"Closing down the O.S.C.E. mission is part of Russia's strategy to cut off scrutiny of human rights conditions in Chechnya and portray the situation as normalizing," said Elizabeth Andersen, executive director of the Europe and Central Asia division of Human Rights Watch.

Rights advocates in Russia were similarly dismayed over the acquittal of Colonel Budanov, which followed a finding by psychiatrists that he was temporarily insane when he seized Elza Kungayeva from her home, took her to his quarters, cut off her clothes with a knife, beat her and then strangled her before ordering her body hidden.

The court in Rostov, in southern Russia, ordered Colonel Budanov to undergo psychiatric treatment, but it was not clear for how long.

"What can be said about justice in Chechnya?" Arsen Sakalov, a leader of the Chechnya Justice Initiative, a legal advocacy organization, said in an interview from the neighboring republic, Ingushetia. "Everything that happens proves that there is no justice there."

In a case that had attracted intense scrutiny, the verdict appeared timed to minimize public attention. The court announced its decision late this afternoon after many Russians had already left work to devote themselves to New Year's Eve, the most thoroughly observed of holidays here. Wednesday and Thursday are public holidays.

The parents of the dead woman did not attend the proceedings today. They now live in a Chechen refugee camp near Ingushetia's capital and could not be immediately reached for comment. The family's lawyer, Abdullah Khamsayev, said he would continue to press for Colonel Budanov's prosecution, appealing to Russia's highest court and, possibly, to the European Court of Justice.

Russian forces have been repeatedly accused of grave abuses during the war in Chechnya, but few have ever been seriously investigated, let alone prosecuted, according to Russian and international rights groups.

Colonel Budanov was the highest-ranking officer tried on criminal charges stemming from those abuses. The case against him dragged on for more than two years.

The colonel and his lawyers acknowledged that he had killed Ms. Kungayeva but said he did so in an emotional rage, believing that she was a sniper who had killed members of his unit. He had been drinking heavily. Charges that he had also raped her were dropped early on, even though an initial autopsy concluded that she had been raped.

Late last week, an assistant to the chief military prosecutor, Col. Aleksandr A. Derbenev, questioned the psychiatric evaluations, saying he believed that Colonel Budanov was in control of his actions. The Kungayev family's lawyer also argued that the fact he ordered subordinates to bury Ms. Kungayeva's body indicated that he knew he had committed a crime.

Colonel Derbenev called on the court to sentence Col. Budanov to 12 years in prison for murder; if convicted, he faced a maximum of 20 years.

Despite public outrage over the killing, Colonel Budanov won broad sympathy and support, especially from active and retired military leaders, who argued that he was unfairly prosecuted for extremes that occurred in war.

Asked how an officer suffering from insanity could have been allowed to serve in the army, Arkady G. Baskayev, a former commander now in Parliament, told the Ekho Moskvy radio station today, "The fact is that in Chechnya and the war there you have particular conditions in which very different things happen."
§Russian Consulate
by Dmitri
I plan to be at the protest


Address: 2790 Green Street
San-Francisco, CA 94123
Telephone: (415) 928-6878
Fax: (415) 929-0306
Office hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. (PST)
Open to public: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. (PST)

The Russian Consulate General in San Francisco is the national state office of international relations and is an integral part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. It is entitled to carry out its responsibilities on the territory of the following American states, which form its consular district, – Arizona‚ Hawaii‚ California‚ Colorado‚ Nevada‚ New Mexico‚ Oregon and Utah.

The main goals and functions of the Consulate General are:

to protect the rights and the interests of Russia, its citizens and legal entities, to render them help and assistance;

to promote trade‚ economic‚ cultural and scientific relations between Russia and the United States;

to spread in the consular district the official information about the internal and foreign policy of Russia, its socio-economic, cultural and spiritual life;

to provide visa and passport services in accordance with the Russian Law;

to conduct within its power notary actions‚ state registration of acts of civil status‚ institution of custody or tutelage‚ validation of documents;

to participate in preparations for the intergovernmental exchanges and visits of the official delegations.

Starting February 25, 2002 the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in San Francisco has been headed by Mr. Victor N. LIZUN.

Mr. Victor N. Lizun was born in 1950. In 1973 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

He fluently speaks Japanese and English.

Mr. Victor N. Lizun is a career diplomat. He was appointed to the Soviet and then Russian Embassy to Japan ('73 - '76, '82 - '85, '88 - '94) and to the Russian Consulate General in Osaka, Japan. Starting 1994 he worked as the Deputy Director of the Department of Consular Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

His diplomatic rank is Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 2-nd Class.

Mr. Victor N. Lizun is married and has two children
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by Richard
Please let us know where and when the protest will be held.
by Chechniyan
The demonstration is being planned for 3:00 p.m. on Monday, Janaury 13th.
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