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Democracy Now!: Full Coverage of Central Park Jogger Case

by Democracy Now! (mail [at]
The Manhattan district attorney has called for the full dismissal of charges against the five African-American and Latino young men who were convicted in the notorious 1989 Central Park jogger case.
The Manhattan district attorney called Thursday for the full dismissal of charges against the five African-American and Latino young men who were convicted in the notorious 1989 Central Park jogger case.

The men were aged between 14 and 16 when they were convicted for participating in the brutal gang rape of the jogger, as well as for a series of muggings in April 1989. They each served up to 13 years in prison. They were convicted largely based on videotaped confessions that many believe were coerced. Much of what the youths said about the rape was incorrect, including when, where and how it took place.

Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau's recommendation to drop the charges today, does not have an immediate impact on the convictions of the five men - Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana and Kharey Wise. Only the judge presiding over the case, Charles Tejada, can vacate the guilty verdicts, a decision that is considered likely but not imminent.

Newsday is reporting that this may be the largest multi-defendant case ever overturned on faulty confessions.

The case was revisited earlier this year when convicted rapist and murderer Matias Reyes confessed that he alone had raped the woman in Central Park on April 19, 1989. DNA evidence backed up Reyes' confession. No other biological evidence was left at the crime scene.

Reyes was never questioned at the time of the crime. But The New York Times is reporting that an NYPD sex crimes detective in 1989 had determined Reyes to be a prime suspect in another Central Park rape that occurred just two nights before the April 19th attack.

But, the Times reports, the detective was soon transferred to another case. Reyes was never questioned. He would go on to rape and kill one woman and rape three more on the Upper East Side. He was never linked to the Central Park Jogger case, which at the time was considered a closed case.

A reconstruction of the night of the crime by the New York Times has also displayed a significant conflict: at the time the jogger was believed to have been attacked, the police also claimed that the teenagers were involved in muggings elsewhere in the park. But no evidence beyond the tainted videotaped confessions implicate the boys in the muggings either.

Archived of Demcoracy Now! coverage:
Dec. 6: The mothers of the Central Park 5 speak out as the Manhattan DA asks the judge to throw out their convictions

Dec. 6: Attorney Barry Scheck and NYC Councilman Bill Perkins call for mandatory videotaping of police interrogations

Dec. 6: "The court's role is to maintain the social order... Jesus couldn't have won it.": We go back in time with the words of famed attorney William Kunstler, Sharonne Salaam, mother of Yusef Salaam, and historian Robin Kelley on the Scottsboro Nine

Dec. 5 Manhattan DA expected to call for dismissing Central Park Jogger 5 convictions: Protesters gather at New York courthouse to demand justice, we talk to attorney Michael Warren

Dec. 3, 2002: Manhattan DA Set to Determine the Fate of the Central Park Jogger Rape Case this Week: Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist Sydney Schanberg Discusses the New Evidence and the Power Politics that have Always Swirled Around this Controversial Case

Oct. 31, 2002: Juror Speaks Out Against Convictions in the Central Park Jogger Case: A Meeting Between the Juror and the Mother of One of the Young Men Who Was Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

Sept. 20, 2002: The Manhattan District Attorney's Office Asks for More Time to Investigate the Famous Central Park Case: A Roundtable Discussion on Forced Confessions

Sept. 6, 2002: Central Park Jogger Case is Reopened After New DNA Evidence Shows Five African-American and Latino Youths who were Imprisoned for Years Did Not Commit the Rape

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by Rick St. Clair
Everyone, but everyone, knows those savages incarcerated for the "wilding" of the investment banker are guilty.

They should have been executed.
by Daryle Lamont Jenkins (antifa [at]

by Rick
Well, the wilding went on and women such as my wife were brutally raped for kicks. Just becuase these thugs may not have raped the New York Jogger, we can not ignore the fact that there are criminals walking free who conducted such gang rapes. Are we to forget that. New York media seems to have forgotten all of the victims and that there were many attacks that went completely unsolved.

Good Job New York police. While looking for a fast conviction and media satisfaction, why not open up some old wilding cases and get some concrete convitions.

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