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Britain to Publish Files on UFO Sightings

by Jungle Jim
"These first steps mark important progress toward changing the culture of government and extending the public's right to know what is being done in their name," Freedom of Information Minister Yvette Cooper said in a statement.

Britain to Publish Files on UFO Sightings

Thu November 28, 2002 10:59 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government will publish files on reported UFO sightings as part of a shake-up of its laws on freedom of information.

Among the documents to be published is the "Rendlesham File," which deals with one of the country's best known sightings of an unidentified flying object.

Until now, only about 20 members of the public have seen the file, which relates to a sighting in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, eastern England, in 1980.

According to some UFO enthusiasts, eyewitnesses including U.S. officers at a nearby military base saw a brilliantly lit spaceship land in the forest on two consecutive nights.

Skeptics say the witnesses were fooled by the beam from a lighthouse on the nearby coast.

The Rendlesham file has been available to the public for some time but only at the discretion of the Ministry of Defense.

Now, the government says it will publish it on the Internet before the end of this week, along with other files on reported UFO sightings.

"These first steps mark important progress toward changing the culture of government and extending the public's right to know what is being done in their name," Freedom of Information Minister Yvette Cooper said in a statement.

The government says it intends to repeal or amend up to 100 pieces of legislation which currently prohibit disclosure of information. It aims to replace them with provisions of a new Freedom of Information Act, passed in 2000.


Did anyone notice how researchers are called "enthusiasts" by mainstream media?

Anyone familiar with the Rendlesham case know that it is HIGHLY improbable that trained military personnel would mistake a massive, beaming vehicle that LANDED and then blinded and burned them FOR A LIGHTHOUSE that they saw EVERY DAY. It's amazing what debunkers, sometimes mistaken for skeptics, will suggest as an alternative when people see or experience something that is clearly not from out contemporary reality zones.

And as an aside to all this, I present a relevant quote:

"…that there is a serious possibility that we are being visited — and have been visited for many years — by people from outer space, from other civilizations; that it behooves us to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation, and not the subject of rubbishing by tabloid newspapers."

-Admiral Lord Hill-Norton: Five-Star Admiral, Former Head of the British Ministry of Defense, July 2000

Is this disclosure? Will 2003 be the year of the extraterrestrial? Will corporate media ever stop sucking? we shall see....


A massive UFO has recently been sighted and videotaped in Norway. It appears to be a large slow flying fireball similar to slow flying fireballs seen in the Willamette valley of Portland Or.

The video was sent the video to the astrophysics department at the University of Oslo, where a 'fantasy prone' professor suggested the giant fireball might be an AIRPLANE. click on the link to see the actual article and QuickTime video of the UFO and ask yourself what kind of magical airplanes Norway physicists must be flying in.

and may debunkers please note: I am not suggesting the Norway video is an "alien space ship". I have no way of knowing that. I only know that it is not a freaking airplane. mkay?
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