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Indybay Feature

Holy Jesus Man! Johnny Wizard is staying for snacks! Holy Jesus Man!

by Johnny Wizard
Holy Jesus Man!

Have you heard the Revelations from India's government
to the FBI now made public?, regarding the principle
terrorist funder of Mohammad Atta being, the ISI's,
General Ahmad? The bush administration's personal
confidant, and top secret military strategist? See, it
was Jim at MSNBC that informed US of bush's terrorist
plan existing as once top secret presidential documents,
and, that this same general, was also responsible for,
according to several members of the Senate Intelligence
Committee, developing the said war strategy of invading
Afghanistan on behalf of the evil bushmob...
Holy Jesus Man!

Have you heard the Revelations from India's government
to the FBI now made public?, regarding the principle
terrorist funder of Mohammad Atta being, the ISI's,
General Ahmad? The bush administration's personal
confidant, and top secret military strategist? See, it
was Jim at MSNBC that informed US of bush's terrorist
plan existing as once top secret presidential documents,
and, that this same general, was also responsible for,
according to several members of the Senate Intelligence
Committee, developing the said war strategy of invading
Afghanistan on behalf of the evil bushmob, with the very
anti-human premise, of blaming bin Laden for a crime
without any evidence to substantiate our public
accusation, to murder more than a hundred thousand,
plus! A crime, 9/11, I will remind you, that for when
the evil plan was devised, hadn't even yet taken place.
But was threatened would happen, if the Taliban didn't
side for Enron's interests in serving for Ken Lay, one
of bush's many bum buddies. (They apparently do that
sort of thing on a regular basis, with all the members
in their secret meetings of the 'only Boners'
fraternity.) It doesn't take much either to understand
why rotten rumsfeld, corporate america's sweetheart,
(you know, the sadistic nazi war criminal who gets off
on murdering or torturing innocent people), told US he
wanted to have arrested those at the WhiteHouse and the
Pentagon, or even in the Military, who would dare as
Americans, to inform Americans what he and bush were
truly doing in their names.

Destroy the unelected unarrested heroin pushing American
cop killer war criminal, the demon we all know so well
as corporate america's false deity, the super evil doer
anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr. Now Patriot Soldier, and
be loved by all as Savior. Or not, and be a thoughtless
degenerate, a cowardly regressing nazi bush slave, who
would sacrifice your own family as yourself truly,
because JESUS CHRIST, life is living to survive for
Justice, as God is warranted to be as ourselves, with
equal rights to being as is of US all included. Mr.
ashcroft tells Americans he is purposefully destroying
their freedoms as legal due process because he, as an
idiot, and a traitor, has to fight ourselves as a
terrorist blindly in Our names without American Justice,
but never explains his action, is asked to, nor could
he. As ashcroft, like most in the bushmob are, is
founded completely unqualified. Why doesn't ashcroft
move to have bush and rumsfeld arrested or executed
immediately by following the criminal leads for 9/11 on
behalf of Americans as an American?, what with all the
ample evidence documented as factual and everything?
Instead, decides too, like the demon bush demands in
attempt to sway his capture, that evidence will no
longer be mandatory for him to decide who should be
stolen from, as the left dead to be robbed as forgotten
by Justice denied to all as Godly. American soldiers
are truly as represented, weak, slow, and painfully
pathetic cowards, refusing to protect their own families
as a national defense measure, instead, as nazi dumfuk
bush slaves, willingly support the murder of would be
themselves as criminals, truly against US all as the

Mr. bush was quoted once again defending his
irrationality as criminal murder rampages against the
innocent as ourselves like he did in New York City with
rumsfeld, by stating,

"Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say
something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an

The evil anti-Christ figures he'll just continue to rob
and murder American Patriots while destroying freedom as
Justice for US all, and simply escape Your wrath by
corporate america making no fuss to speak in Our defense
as the still living to be underestimated as equals.

Destroy Our Mr. bush Jr. now, and be loved by all as
God would!

From: British News
July 17, 2002
Britain backs US plan for attack on Iraq
By Philip Webster, Political Editor

(Quoting the terrorist supporter blair, Philip was),

``To be TRUTHFUL about it, there was no way we could
have got the public consent to have suddenly launched a
campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened on
September 11.'' ...

Oh, so there was a criminal intent known also by
yourself then blair to prop up heroin pushers to save
Enron's impending criminal bankruptcy?

We have repeatedly witnessed, CNN and CBC refusing to
represent our Democracies, our FBI officers, like airing
Coleen Rowley, General Ahmad, or the sabotaging of the
Moussouie investigation by ashcroft, or the CIA,
regarding the insider stock trades, or dealing heroin.
The innocence of the Taliban for 9/11, and the barbarity
of the Northern Alliance as heroin pusher slave owners.
No, every single american according to CNN being
unbiased, does not want bush the anit-Christ arrested
immediately for killing Americans in New York City to
steal our worths and freedoms as worthy of defence
matters by their own measure as corporate cultists. As
I told you, Bill Hemmer and several other celebs at CNN,
now are fully aware of bush and rumsfeld being the true
purpetrators of 9/11, yet, Bill continues to play evil
against US all, figuring nobody ever will know without
CNN coverage on his contempt for American Patriots he
asks to have sacrificed for as bushwhores like himself
and Blitzer. CNN refuses to protect Americans as equals
commited to Justice for US all.

It was just reported by Chris Marden on the 27 November
2002, that bush's top whore richard pearl, has advised
Britsh MPs, that bush secretly as the anti-Christ has no
intention of allowing the Iraqi inspection process to
succeed, and instead, is commited to murder ourselves
either way.

Again, bush and blair, like CNN, have no evidence to
substantiate their allegations against Saddam, and have
stated because they have no evidence, they therefor as
demons, can murder anyone on the face of this planet to
steal our lives in OUR names as US innocent. Mr. blair
and the bushmob have recently stated, that they have no
evidence that Saddam has any WMDs, nor, is any threat to
OUR WORLD community, and because of that, if the
inspectors find no weapons, and Saddam insists it is
because he doesn't have any, this, accordingly, would
give these criminal master minds a cause to murder
hundreds of thousands of innocent people, if not
millions, and steal all the assets of the Iraqi people,
while destabilizing our entire endangered species. They
are mass murderers, threatening humanity to recommit
more murder as TERRORISTS! Never while I stand ALIVE
evil nazi dumb fucks. KILL BUSH NOW! Hey, have you
heard about rotten rumsfeld's P2OG? "O", as in Oh
rumsfeld is truly an evil fuck! Apparently, rumsfeld
wants to provoke terrorist activity to murder ourselves
as innocent cilivilians, as an opportunity to invade any
country he wants to rob and plunder further. Also, most
importantly, according to the official documents, rotten
rumsfeld figures it would be important when he and his
mobsters commit these crimes, it be understood, that
nobody be able to trace it to himself, or his partners
in crime, so they figure, the criminal acts should be
carried out through his department at the pentagon,
then, get this, he won't therefor be accountable, or
scrutinized by the American people through corporate
news channels. The offical pentagon report details

You see the American cop killer unelected bush or blair,
tommy franks the death squad recruiter child killer,
unelected rumsfeld or unelected cheney, unelected
poindexter or unelected ashcroft, you kill them
instantly for attempting to escape the criminal arrests
of those responsible for mass murder of Americans in New
York City. You either shoot them dead on the spot, or
tear them to pieces with your bare hands God lovers. No
legitimate judge, jury, or police officer, would do
anything but commend you for saving OUR lives. The
bushmob our threatening our entire humanity with
criminal murders to rob from ourselves deliberately.
Counting on american nazi troops to mindlessly slave to
their orders, soldiers so unbelievably dumb, weak, and
cowardly to allow the bushmob to rob not only from their
own parents and children, but even themselves as they
fall dead as cowards, before they even dare to publicly
ask questions about what the fuck they're actually
doing, that frankly, leaves me even beginning to have my
own doubts.


Mr. blair, you evil nazi fuck, you do not have OUR
consent to commit murder in our names against ourselves
as the innocent in Afghanistan, Iraq, or in Britain.
Especially now, what with your ties now made public to
terrorist acts through the IRA against innocent
civilians to steal our values, that you have threatened
US Brits to not learn of as having already. (Shayler.)
Mr. blair evil nazi fuck, WE DEMAND AS THE BELIEVERS IN

Americans, the world over are known as cowards, dumb,
and willing victims for bush sacrifice as lifeless
degenerates, but the Brits, well, you got a another
thing coming!

Johnny Wizard has decided to stay for snacks.

Some quotes from:

Americans Against World Empire, Americans Against Bombing

"Moslems don't hate us because we are "good" or "free."
They hate us because we have been killing them, a
million dead in Iraq, and humiliating them," Editors

"Bush, himself the most intellectually backward American
president of my political lifetime, is surrounded by
advisers whose bellicosity is exceeded only by their
political, military and diplomatic illiteracy," Gerald
Kaufman Former Labor Party Shadow Foreign
Secretary,Balt. Sun 8/23

`You know what I believe, and you know I can't do
anything about it with the crazies in this
administration.' Colin Powell's Eyebrows NY Times

"Americans will also have to accept that their
triumphalism and disdain for international law are
creating enemies everywhere, not just among Muslims,"
How Islam Lost its Way, WASH. POST 12/30

"Nevertheless, the president continues to divide
humanity into the moral equivalent of shirts and skins.
"Our responsibility to history," he said, "is already
clear: to answer these attacks and rid the world of
evil." Not only is this a ludicrous principle on which
to base a foreign policy but also an equally ludicrous
interpretation of the world's major religions. Mr.
Bush should pull out his trusty Bible and brush up on
what it says about original sin," Arianna 12/6/01

The Most Dangerous Man on Earth ---Today the world faces
a single man armed with weapons of mass destruction,
manifesting an aggressive, bullying attitude, who may
well plunge the world into chaos and bloodshed if he
miscalculates. This person, belligerent, arrogant and
sure of himself, truly is the most dangerous person on

"In 1960, when I came out of prison as an ex-convict, I
had more freedom under parolee supervision than there's
available to an average citizen in America right now...
God almighty, what have we done to each other?" Merle

"The Sudanese rebels had...Israeli support." Wall Street
Journal 9/17

"well-funded, semi-autonomous, unconventional centers of
U.S. foreign policy." America's Pro-Consuls

"Average annual cost per military service member,
including training, pay and benefits is now $98,425," NY
TIMES 4/19/02 according to study by Stephen Daggett,
military analyst at the Congressional Research Service

"Now, in the views of many scholars, Bush has restored
the ``Imperial Presidency,'' a term Arthur Schlesinger
Jr. used to describe Richard M. Nixon's administration
in 1973.

``The power President Bush is wielding today is truly
breathtaking,'' said Tim Lynch, director of the Project
on Criminal Justice at the libertarian Cato Institute.
``A single individual is going to decide whether the war
is expanded to Iraq. A single individual is going to
decide how much privacy American citizens are going to
retain.'' Wash. Post 11/22

"We do not agree that if Iraq complies with its
obligations concerning weapons of mass destruction,
sanctions should be lifted." --Madeleine Albright from
an essay by John Pilger (The Guardian 03/04/2000) This
never countermanded by Bush.

"'Smart Sanctions' make no provison for paying salaries
of civl servants in Iraq. Therefore, regardless of how
much medicine, chalk and chlorine arrives in Iraq,
doctors, nurses, teachers, water and sanitation
engineers will remain underpaid and desperate to find
the income to support their families The Iraqis' meager
income is already less than a quarter of pre-Guilf War
levels." ECONOMIST 1/26/02

At the other pole is Donald "Rumsfeld's Pentagon,
increasingly seen by some as an asylum where a coterie
of vengeful Cold War unilateralist relics plot a return
to a forceful, Reaganesque Pax Americana, broadening the
war to encompass military action against Iraq, Syria,
and Lebanon--essentially fusing Israel's national
security agenda with that of the United States. No fans
of multilateralism or diplomatic initiatives, this
crew--despite its majority's lack of uniform service or
time spent in combat zones--is particularly bellicose,
and contemptuous of Powell and his belief in conflict
limitation," Saddam in the Cross Hairs

"Making truth the first casualty of our war against
terrorism carries a price. Other nations and peoples
are more resentful of pious hypocrisy than of
Realpolitik bluntness." Bruce Fein, 10/9, WASHINGTON

``Who has reason to hate this country? Only a few
hundred million people -- Arabs, Muslims, Serbs, and
numerous others whose countries have been hit by U.S.
bombers. Imagine hating a country so much that you were
willing to cross an ocean and carry out an elaborate
revenge against its people, killing yourself in the
process. This is something far more than the sort of
ideological anti-Americanism that leads student mobs to
throw stones at U.S. embassies abroad; that's kid
stuff. This is an obsessive, fanatical, soul-consuming
hatred,'' Joseph Sobran column

Scott Ritter, the former UNSCOM inspector who dealt with
the Iraqis many times, recently told CNN on 2/18/01 "In
terms of large-scale weapons of mass destruction
programs, these had been fundamentally destroyed or
dismantled by the weapons inspectors as early as 1996,
so by 1998 we had under control the situation on the
ground." Saddam, says Ritter, poses no immediate threat.
Again confirmed Yahoo 4/11/02

Some 7,000 Jewish settlers in Gaza (mostly American
immigrants) take up 40% of the land, with 1.3 million
Palestinians crammed into the rest, WALL STREET JOURNAL

"The West Bank is not a political battle at all. It is
a contest over whether or not the word of God is
true....Israel has a right to the land," U.S. Senator
James Inhofe, Republican leader in Senate, 12/4/01

How Cheap it is to "Buy" Congress --Enron gave donations
of about $500,000 per election, Israeli Lobby gives 2

"Palestinians recognized Israel's right to exist, in
return for a future state in Gaza & the West Bank in the
Oslo accords," signed in 1993. Wall Street Journal,

"There is now one commissioned officer for every five
enlisted, it was one to six just 10 years ago, and one
to ten in WWII," Carlton Meyer

"Washington's turning a blind eye to Turkish human
rights abuses, and its sponsorship of the expansion of
Turkish influence in the region, have probably done more
than anything else to convince Russians that American
rhetoric about human rights is hypocritical, and that
the United States is implacably hostile to Russian
interests ....unnecessary and frivilous
provocations...." Anatole Lieven, NATIONAL INTEREST
winter 1999

"The Russian Defense Budget is $4 Billion, the
American--$284 Billion" NEW YORK TIMES 1/16/2000; "Rus.
attack Submarine fleet down from 200 to 20," WASH. POST
8/16/2000; Rus. surface fleet now 35 ships, English
Navy has 34, Since end of cold war Rus have cut their
fleets by 80%, LONDON TIMES, 10/20/00) Anatol Lieven
reports that the total Russian budget for 2001 is $42
Billion (NYT 4/13/01)

"The plight of the Russian military also raised
questions about the justification of U.S. military's
enormous budget, according to retired U.S. General
William Odom, a former director of the National Security
Agency, "It does raise the question of why we need 10
carrier battle groups and close to 100 attack
submarines," he said. The U.S. budget for 1999 was
almost $280 billion while the Kremlin Russian budget was
just a fraction of that, at an estimated $5.6 billion.

Under an agreement ratified by Kyrgyzstan, it would earn
US$7,000 for each takeoff or landing of a U.S. Air
Force plane.......some thirty to forty
U.S.fighter-bombers and several transport planes are to
be stationed at the airbase at Manas. JAMESTOWN MONITOR

"In another action, Ashcroft moved to inhibit press
freedom, a First Amendment right, by encouraging federal
agencies to use the pretense of national security to
hide public records that the press is ordinarily
entitled to receive under the Freedom of Information
Act. The law was passed during the Cold War to
encourage an open government. Last month Ashcroft
issued a memo to federal agencies telling officials that
if they decide to deny requests for information filed
under the FOIA, they "can rest assured that the
Department of Justice will defend your decisions ... ."
Helen Thomas

"U.S. military has established 'zones of exclusion'
near sensitive U.S. military installations and during
major exercises in which international airspace laws are
declared invalid. The Gulf of Sidra conflicts with
Libya in the 1980s occurred whenever the U.S. 6th Fleet
established a huge "zone of exclusion" just off the
Libyan coast..... In one incident, a hotdog Navy F-14
pilot shot down two Libyan Su-22s which were cruising
off the coast. The Navy concocted a phony "dogfight"
story...... For the past ten years, the USA has mocked
international law by unilaterally imposing "no-fly
zones" over most of Iraq and parts of the Balkans,"
Carlton Meyer

"Here we are, the most powerful nation in the world, the
sole surviving superpower, and around the globe our
military folks are hunkered down like inmates in
maximum- security prisons. In dozens of other overseas
hot spots, our soldiers live in virtual barbwire-
enclosed fortresses and call themselves POPs --
prisoners of peace," Col. David Hackworth

And 500,000 Iraqi children died, after PR atrocity lies
(Hill & Knowlton) that 20 babies were thrown out of
incubators by Iraqi soldiers. (ed.)

Rus. Military Spending $6+ Billion; China Military
Budget $17 Billion; Bush 6/01 wants $329 Billion

"There is virtually no situation anywhere in the world
that can't be made worse by U.S. intervention,"
Stromberg's Law (THE COSTS OF WAR, Transaction
Publishers, l997)

"The U.S. has perverted the U.N. weapons process by
using it as a tool to justify military actions, falsely
so. ... The U.S. was using the inspection process as
a trigger for war." --Scott Ritter, former head of the
U.N. arms inspection team in Iraq, on the NBC TODAY
SHOW, December 17, 1998.

Johnny Wizard

Kill bush Now!
Ask any public american bush supporter, why do they
mindlessly as slaves without thought to question,
advocate as terrorists, the planned for murder of those
known by all to be innocent? As yourself, publicly
accused in our names without evidence, as done so by the
bushmob is still, and will be for always, the high crime
of murder in the first degree. A crime well
established, as again, I am filing as voiced publicly,
against the perpetrator war criminal bush Jr., and
rotten rumsfeld, as pirates of my freedom to live for
such willingly. I demand their immediate arrest or
execution as confessed guilty for 9/11. An american
soldier to not do so, is no American Patriot, but a nazi
coward, and a traitor against all the nation as America
for the People enshrined by the Constitution, as equals
under God, innocent until proven otherwise.
Do you think I'm going to go silent?, while the bushmob
murders innocent people in humanity's name to steal
freedom's won value?, as garnered only through Justice
ever fought for? Do you think US for a fool maybe
corporate devolving human haters? Mr. bush and
rumsfeld, who with General Ahmad, were the central
perpetrators of 9/11, as the actual evidence is
concretely established by the FBI and MSNBC with
presidential directive documents, with no contention
offered from anyone, for as vile evil is deceived,
they've already confessed to the deed as guilty of,
against the American people as it's Justice system is of
ourselves truly living.
But yes, american soldiers are too weak minded to pay
attention as even alive apparently, according to almost
all American corporate news broadcasts, as worth
consideration whatsoever. I'd have to agree, on general
terms, americans soldiers represented, are cowardly nazi
dumb fuck scums. Read posts at us.military by signed so
as bush whores. Barely literate, who spout endlessly
about how good it feels to drop bombs on US as the
innocent and practically defenseless, while cowering in
fear from those who suggest their job is to protect
America as the equal rights through law instills, not
for the evil, unelected anti-Christ, American cop
killer, Our Mr. Bush Jr. to steal further from the
American ideal.
We witness in silence to watch their OWN protectors run
away to be cowards to drop bombs on ourselves in
Afghanistan, so the bushmob can sell heroin and leave
the Afghans unprotected, and so further too, rifle all
our savings as won for already battles. A criminal is
only to be, as known so by evidence. Those to hide the
identity of bush's america war reason as good cause, is
a deceived nation murdering innocent people to steal our
purpose as themselves, unworthy. Like evil tommy franks
the terrorist does, murdering people indiscriminately as
the unrepresented by corporate outrage, to be denied
justice for yourself too american dimwit. Or rumsfeld,
who after implementing the strategy to murder good
police officers, offered a reward to kill Omar the Just,
because Omar publicly suggested arresting the terrorists
by following the actual ample evidence as the true
American belief system lost to the evil dictates of
Un-American rumsfeld's illegitimacy, unchallenged by
corporate standards. All of America's intellectuals are
forbidden from public acknowledgement through corporate
cult standards, though, like Chomsky, sell millions of
books almost yearly to US masses. Fuck, I'd destroy
American traitor, American cop killer bush, rumsfeld, or
death squad leader tommy franks in a heart beat, how
about you American Patriot Soldier? Evidence these
three sadistic nazi demon child killers demand we no
longer follow, to arrest the true criminals, for 9/11 as
example, which would be naturally, the bushmob
themselves, headed by the royal dumb fuk, america's
false deity, the anti-Christ, Our Mr. Bush Jr., the
evilest thing that has ever existed in the entire
history of humanity. The american corporate news
entertainers, do everything they can, to rob from the
great American people, their life savings and living
standards, by actively working to watch the bushmob
destroy the American Constitution through ample
corporate media access, er, coverage to not be so
concerned with those freedom living matters for our
entertainment value. Ask a dumb fuk nazi bush
supporter, what a regressive tax is, and they'll go
mindlessly blank, while advocating the robbery of their
Own grand parents with VLTs, as their very own family
being cheated, and mislead, which is why, they are so
stuck ignorantly evil, and dumb as themselves TRULY,
honest to God, whoreshiping to bush as their all knowing
false god unthinkingly. Americans are truly dumb son.
(2% Social Security are what Americans are getting back
in themselves as investment, but the nazi bush
supporters don't want Americans to publicly figure the
simple math, but instead, to get access to CNN almost
daily need only advocate further shysting, as americans,
on the whole, are genuinely stupid to be conned
generally as a nation that, in total, holds the highest
rates of illiteracy, innumeracy, incarceration, and just
overall, dumb fuckedness.) Mr. rumsfeld tells american
nazi soldiers he wishes to torture and imprison
completely innocent individuals as would be their own
brothers and sisters, as denying us all legal due
process, while purposefully, publicly advocating more
terrorism to benefit the coffers at the Pentagon, and do
American soldiers not just shoot him, and bush dead
immediately as war criminal mad men on the loose
re-offending? No. Not present anywhere as Brave
Americans ready for sacrifice apparently. Too fucking
stoopid to tink about duh American flag as worth
protecting as their own brethren still living. We hear
corporate america go on about how important it is to
murder established as innocent people for no reason but
to put more money in bush and rumsfeld's thieving
pockets, while managing CNN for less
responsibility,(Less investment for the time spent, or..
more money for the buck right?) all over the arguments
that terrorist threats exist secretly that no one
actually knows about, while I, Johnny Wizard, tell NRA
members publicly, and American soldiers to destroy bush
and rumsfeld immediately to many thousands the world
over, relying only on the facts clearly documented.
Yet, corporate america makes no mention about the
importance of practicing the tenants of law to apprehend
the two demon fascists, while instead, tells US those
that hate bush with a vengeance, just live in some cave
hidden away unknown somewhere secretly, and do so
because... We hate freedom under bush as dictator. Mr.
Bush, you demon nazi freedom hater, you and me, a fight
to the end, bare hands, televised, world wide, then
rumsfeld, ashcroft, and finally tommy franks and his
wimp ass slave boys. The evidence for 9/11 I stand
with, is irrespective of my opinion. The bushmob
actually killed Americans in New York city, and no one
can actually find disagreement with the documented to be
true facts, not the FBI, the CIA, the RCMP, nor, the
Secret Service. Nor any of the many police officers I
have spoken honestly with. But they, as the corporate
cult cogs down at corporate news command, continue to
lie as the American public to be drawn cowardly conning,
uninterested in arresting or immediately executing bush
and rumsfeld as mass murderers, instead, to continue to
murder and rob from those they believe are weak as
underrepresented by corporate control without themselves
as US being. Ever. Bill Hemmer knows bush killed all
those many, like himself in New York City, and he speaks
nothing in his defense as a victim to his own shallow
existence, as nor does he speak in defense of soldiers
sacrificed to be as easily propagandized to become
traitors to their own family and neighbors. Well, I,
for one, am willing to mark down cowardly american
soldiers for what they truly are individually, and will
continue to Fight as I have, as a true American Patriot,
until, those left standing for Freedom, are those who
uphold the Amercan principles as law in the American
Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, to garner true
happiness for the American Nation of Human beings the
Universe over. Think NRA member. I'll post this to
practically every American military usenet group, and
not one American Soldier will articulate a disagreement
with our findings as documented, however, CNN will
continue to broadcast, that WE, the God Loving, the Just
Living, the Atheists, are a poor minority worth
sacrifice in the millions for demon bush as the unheard
publicly from on the importance of your Justice to be
so. That they, the corporate cultists, wish YOUR
unquestioning faith and dying obedience for bush to
suffer and die undeserving for, is as they witness our
world to be what they see to be themselves. Practicing
their machinations as corporate agenda. Unthinking...
Kill bush now!
Johnny Wizard
Is Enron Behind The War In Afghanistan?
Look, American soldier..
You now should know, bush and rumsfeld murdered
Americans in New York City, and as consequence, have no
interest in acknowledging as pursued the criminal
investigations. CNN holds no responsibility, as we
witness repeatedly, to American soldiers, but to harbor
those who pirate our rights to openly steal real lives.
If bush makes no mention of himself stealing 50 billion
dollars, murdering American police officers, sabotaging
the weapons inspections process, funding israeli
atrocities against the God loving, and warring our world
as the anti-Christ by running death squads against the
innocent, well, CNN, the american success, sure ain't
gonna be speaking out for your stolen freedoms poor
dying comrades. For what benefit in market share would
there be to work for your living, dirt bagged? CNN is
so colorfully excited about selling the glossy bush war
to kill the poor stupid people, but for what american
fascist weak binded bushmobbed soldier without
principles? Again, how stupidly dunce does a poor
cowardly american soldier have to be to not believe?
Nobody but a cult corporatized illiterate fascist nazi
vermin parasite, just like Jew hater ariel sharon would
support the murder of American soldiers for a criminal
conflict that doesn't serve to protect. But if it, as
bush nazi evil does with little struggle over the masses
complaining, and america marches off to criminally war
the third world as the bad guys, our World, indeed this
Universe will then know the absolute true cowardice of
american soldiers, as premised upon the weakness of
america's army to not uphold America's own rule of Law
for freedom as themselves included. It only takes One
Soldier to turn this tide to destroy bush Jr. and
rotten rumsfeld, and that Soldier is where in America
partner? Who American soldier, do you think bush as
traitor does steal from as the duped General public as
corporately represented to be painfully unawares? Do
american soldiers have to convince themselves their
families are not worth fighting for, and instead, lay
their lives down in sacrifice to the bush demon who
would also steal from their graves as the lifeless to
speak out for themselves ever? Ever? Did you know
American Soldier, the Pentagon, after receiving
complaints from surviving soldier families, (some of
like the over a thousand documented American troops
slaughtered in Afghanistan) that taps wasn't being
played because of so little real talent present in
american military affairs, and that now, when a cowardly
American nazi soldier dies for the bushmob, the mock
national guard will hold a horn to his lips and act out
the part to your grieving as stolen from family, while
secretly pressing a hidden button, that will play a
cheaper recording? But shhhh...
The fact that you don't see this post, or others nearly
like it at american military internet sites, exemplifies
their fear and weakness to stand as a force worth
reconing with. (Look, we destroy bush and rumsfeld,
stop funding the drug trade and sharon, and begin the
public trials, all in three simple steps.) No, to be an
american soldier in bush's america today, you have to
hide from your cowardice like the 9/11 evidence, and be
something corporate news america is not. Involved.
Just go ahead and die for nothing american soldier, but
for to be unaccounted as hidden without value, while the
bushmob robs from your grand parents as unprotected.
Tis' true it does further seem, american soldiers, on
general terms, are super dumb ass nazi scums, who hold
little of no conviction to protect the America I
remember. Why? Because the unelected war criminal,
American traitor, mass murderer, cop killer bush is
still spewing his blind hatred for the progress of our
civilizations, instilled through law as a function to
gain justice for people, People who are suffering and
dying for bush's contempt of our American dream.
Destroy traitor bush and rumsfeld for escaping to
recommit murder today, and be actually caring for your
world tomorrow, or not, and deem yourself unworthy by
your own admission to play fair as the eternal standing
proud, strong, and forever free.
Free to be living justly for yourself
truly as caring to know this as everything.
Now, how about the Koran?

Johnny Wizard
Christ I'm Actually Rising!
Destroy the traitors to our humanity, the unelected
lawless dictator Mr. bush, and rotten rumsfeld the
sadistic savage now American Patriot Soldiers. Stand up
for your country, and live for your family. The
corporate TV news professionals show you, as an American
Soldier a concern for your life as unworthy of
discussion, actively censoring the political reality on
bush's america, while encouraging soldiers to commit
crimes against our being, by keeping us all uninformed
as the sacrificial sheeple. The bushmob have actively
worked to not arrest themselves for 9/11, and in so
doing, are purposefully ignoring the public evidence
that is freely available. Mr. Tenant and Mueller would
have you believe the officers of America, who have
completed the criminal investigations outlining the cop
killer bush, are unworthy as American Patriots serving
the cause for freedom and liberty to not be publicly
acknowledged, while blaming Laden for every terrorist
crime that happens before an police investigation even
begins! See? Evil deceived. What do you think? Is
not a list of all supporters of the bushmob in Congress,
who voted to dismantle the Constitution, and wage a
criminal war, as without just cause to murder Soldier
families for stolen Human values, a good list to be
broadcast? Or shall we sit in doubt while these
talentless demon monsters murder millions of US as
innocent cowards? Who isn't a freedom fighting al-Qaida
member according to the evil tommy franks dum fuk's
conclusion? How stupid can an American Soldier be, to
be asked by rumsfeld and CNN, to destroy their own
principles, and to sacrifice their lives for such
cowardice in whoreship to the evil dictates of the
anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr.? And, to the still
groggy, without the payoffs of corporate america's holy
Larry King even!, or the anti-Semitic fascist Saturday
Night Live troop to boot your stupid carcass to the
front line as entertainment? BA HA HA HA (like SNL's
new, it's all so hilarious audience, paid for likely
because the degrading intolerant bigoted news crew, have
so little real talent performing to the robbed and dying
to be devalued and murdered by their inaction to even
joke about it. Why? No money in contributing to the
poor stupid people without TV contracts, or TVs,
electricity, or running water now that the clouds are
being privatized.) $155,000 is the base pay of bush's
now anti-American criminal congressmen, and that's
before corporate bribes, oops, I mean corporate BRIBES
to urge YOUR "willed" sacrifice in corporate america's
"democracy", now that bush's america is convinced
evidence is no longer a requirement to convince US, who
is truly an evil doer, or who actually wins elections on
behalf of the People. You ask yourself, again, who are
you dying for American Patriot Soldier? Know that this
paper, like all the rest, will reach the CNN and Coast
to Coast network staff under one name or another, and
yet, they'll continue to turn against the interests of
American soldiers by not addressing our present top
priority concerns regarding the facts on your schedule
for departure. Only broadcasting the popular, bush
contempt for all American lives as too much trouble, as
unworthy the free time to openly discuss things before
"they" die, all those nasty evil powerless People. I
dare you American, to be a Soldier and email this to
your brothers and sisters, to convince them with tough
Love, how you wouldn't want to see them die unjustly for
Mr. bush Jr., Art Bell, or even me as the Wizard. Or
spew instead, how you would as a traitor to yourself,
your family, your country, and God too, sacrifice your
worthless self as unfactored, but for to be a pitiful
coward, falling to die by your own sword on stupid evil
bush's corporate command over your rights to be
represented fairly. Be your own Savior!
Big G is cool, or not. You decide Holy.
The truly most as the living god King of all as Creator,
your servant and trying to be friend, a wizard and Thor,
the Secret Flower and Odin, Allah, Omega, Adam, Alpha,
Krishna, Shiva, Mithra, Mahdi, Anu and Yahweh. And even
a blade of grass, a snake and a elephant, a lion, rat,
monkey, giraffe, spider, shark, wolf, and bat, Lucifer
Morningstar, Jesus Christ, Oberon, an all mighty nobody
kinda even all ready.
P.S. Don't miss the awesome magic Johnny Wizard papers,
"Let Love Rule", or "Strange is Strange", slowly now
disappearing from your nearest search engine dealer!
Get your free copy now, before they're all gone to the
slave owners who truly have know power anyway...
Johnny Wizard
George Bush Plans High Crimes and Misdemeanors:
Why We Are Marching on October 26th
By Carl Messineo and Mara Verheyden-Hilliard
The authors, attorneys and co-founders of the
Partnership for Civil Justice ~ LDEF, are members of the
national steering committee of the A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act
Now to Stop War & End Racism) Coalition
George W. Bush has declared his intention to wage a
"preemptive" war against Iraq and is now seeking to
strong-arm the international community, the U.N., and
the Congress into support and submission. As members of
Congress rush to show their obedience and member states
of the U.N. line up to receive the anticipated spoils
of war, the administration is now waging a campaign to
convince the people of the United States to fall into
step and finance with money and blood this war brought
for conquest on behalf of the corporate and oil
interests that make up Bush's true constituency.
Bush's preemptive war is a war of aggression. The U.S.
policy supporting the war is not the rule of law, but
the rule of force.
But no U.N. resolution and no Congressional resolution
can legalize an illegal war. With pen to paper and
votes of support, they can only commit to wilful
ratification, complicity and responsibility for illegal
acts by endorsing a criminal enterprise.
A war of aggression violates the United States
Constitution, the United Nations Charter, and the
principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal. It violates the
collective law of humanity that recognizes the
immeasurable harm and unconscionable human suffering
when a country engages in wars of aggression to advance
its government's perceived national interests.
The National Security Strategy: Blueprint for Global
On September 20, 2002, the Bush Administration issued
its blueprint for global domination and ceaseless
military interventions, in its comprehensive policy
statement entitled "The National Security Strategy of
the United States."
The National Security Strategy sets forth the U.S.
military-industrial complex's ambition for the U.S. to
remain the world's superpower with global political,
economic and military dominance. The stated policy of
the U.S. is "dissuading military competition"1 and
preventing any other world entity or union of states
"from pursuing a military build-up in hopes of
surpassing, or equaling, the power of the United
The strategic plan elevates free trade and free markets
to be "a moral principle. . . real freedom"3 and
endorses a comprehensive global conquest strategy
utilizing the World Trade Organization, the Free Trade
Act of the Americas, the International Monetary Fund,
the World Bank, among other mechanisms.
The Washington Post reports that the National Security
Strategy gives the United States "a nearly messianic
role" in its quest for global dominance.4
The National Security Strategy confirms and elaborates
what was reflected in the January 2002 Nuclear Posture
Review, that the Bush Administration maintains a policy
of preemptive warfare contemplating the use of
non-conventional weapons of mass destruction as a first
strike measure.5
Turning Logic on Its Head
Bush's preemptive war policy is a war without just
cause. Under international law and centuries of common
legal usage, a preemptive war may be justified as an act
of self defense only where there exists a genuine and
imminent threat of physical attack.
Bush's preemptive war against Iraq doesn't even purport
to preempt a physical attack. It purports to preempt a
threat that is neither issued nor posed. Iraq is not
issuing threats of attack against the United States. It
is only the United States which threatens war.
It is not a war for disarmament. It is the U.S. which
has stockpiled nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
It is the U.S. which is directly threatening to use
these weapons against another country. It is the U.S.
which has bombed Iraq relentlessly for more than ten
years, killing scores of innocent civilians.
The Bush Administration turns logic on its head,
twisting reality in order to create the pretext for its
war of aggression. The Administration claims that the
necessary prerequisite of an imminent threat of attack
can be found in the fact that there is no evidence of an
imminent threat, and therefore the threat is even more
sinister as a hidden threat. The lack of a threat
becomes the threat, which becomes cause for war.
By the U.S. Government's own claims, it destroyed 80%
of Iraq's weapons capability in the earlier Gulf War,
and subsequently destroyed 90% of the remaining capacity
through the weapons inspections process. There has been
no evidence that Iraq is capable of an attack on the
U.S., let alone possessing the intention of carrying out
such an attack.
Bush's Proposed War and Current Threats Violate the U.S.
Constitution, the U.N. Charter and International Law
Bush's preemptive war policy and proposed attack on Iraq
cannot be justified under any form of established law.
The preemptive war policy and Bush's threatened new
military assault on Iraq violates U.S. domestic law and
international law. The warmongering, preparations for
war, and threats of violence coming from Bush, Cheney,
Rumsfeld, Rice and other White House and Pentagon hawks,
are in and of themselves violations of international law
and constitute crimes against peace.
Article VI of the U.S. Constitution establishes that
ratified treaties, such as the U.N. Charter, are the
"supreme law of the land."
The Article 1 of the U.N. Charter establishes
"The purposes of the United Nations are. . . To
maintain international peace and sovereignty, and to
that end: to take effective collective measures for the
prevention and removals of threats to the peace, and for
the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches
of the peace and to bring about by peaceful means, and
in conformity with the principles of justice and
international law, adjustment or settlement of
international disputes or situations which might lead to
a breach of the peace. . . ."
Article 2 states that all member states "shall act in
accordance with the following Principles"
"...All members shall settle their international
disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that
international peace and security, and justice, are not
"All members shall refrain in their international
relations from the threat or use of force against the
territorial integrity or political independence of any
state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the
Purposes of the United Nations...."
Under this framework, acts of aggression, such as Bush's
threatened attack, are to be suppressed and force is
used only as a last and unavoidable resort.
The U.N. Charter was enacted in 1945 in the aftermath
of the devastation and suffering of World War II. The
Charter was enacted to bring an end to acts of
aggression, "to save succeeding generations from the
scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought
untold sorrow to mankind."
Disputes which might lead to a breach of the peace are
required to be resolved by peaceful means.
Chapter VI of the U.N. Charter, "Pacific Settlement of
Disputes," requires countries to "first of all, seek a
resolution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation,
conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort
to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful
means of their own choice."
No Resolution by the U.N. Security Council can Legalize
a Preemptive War or First Strike Plan
Bush has asked the U.N. Security Council to support
execution of Bush's policy of a potentially nuclear
"preemptive" war, as if that Council could endorse a war
of aggression. The Security Council lacks the legal
authority to grant such permission. The Security
Council, by affirmative vote or by acquiescence to U.S.
policy, cannot abrogate its own mandate. No collective
action by the fifteen permanent and temporary members of
the Security Council can lawfully violate the Charter
which is the sole source of their collective authority.
This is made clear in the U.N. Charter itself, which
provides in Article 24, that "In discharging these
duties the Security Council shall act in accordance with
the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations."
While there are, of course, procedures by which
collective use of force may be authorized by the
Security Council to maintain or restore international
peace and security (Articles 41 and 42) those procedures
may not be used to endorse aggression in violation of
the primary purposes of the U.N. Charter. Article 51
of the U.N. Charter acknowledges the right to
self-defense "if an armed attack occurs against a Member
of the United Nations until the Security Council has
taken measures necessary to maintain international peace
and security." None of the provisions allow for
authorization for Bush's war plans and first strike
strategies. Any resolution authorizing a preemptive war
of aggression is ultra vires, or null and void as beyond
the authority of the Council to enact.
The very issuance of the Bush doctrine of preemptive
warfare and also the threat to wage war against Iraq
are, each, a violation of international law as a crime
against peace, which is defined in the Nuremberg Charter
as the "Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a
war of aggression or a war in violation of international
treaties, agreements or assurances."
Responsibility for War Crimes
Neither Congress nor the President has the right to
engage the U.S. in a war of aggression and any vote of
endorsement, far from legalizing or legitimizing global
war plans, serves only as ratification of war crimes.
Under the principles of universal accountability
established at Nuremberg, "The fact that a person who
committed an act which constitutes a crime under
international law acted as Head of State or responsible
Government official does not relieve him from
responsibility under international law."6
The execution of economic sanctions by the Bush I, Bush
II and Clinton Administrations, which has caused the
deaths of over one million people, primarily children
and their grandparents, is likewise sanctionable as a
crime against humanity under the Nuremberg Charter and
under the International Criminal Court Statute as "the
intentional infliction of conditions of life,. . .
the deprivation of access of food to medicine,
calculated to bring about the destruction of a part of a
The Bush Administration has rejected the International
Criminal Court treaty signed by over 130 countries.
This rejection is an admission of the administration's
consciousness of guilt and of criminal intentions. The
Bush administration acts with a conscious disregard of
humanitarian laws and a stated intention to avoid
accountability for their crimes under international law
prohibiting crimes against the peace, war crimes and
crimes against humanity. The National Security Strategy
promulgated by the Bush administration states that the
United States "will take the actions necessary to ensure
that our efforts to meet our global security commitments
and protect Americans are not impaired by the potential
for investigations, inquiry or prosecution by the
International Criminal Court (ICC), whose jurisdiction
does not extend to Americans and which we do not
Endless War, Aggression and Terror
Once this policy of preemptive wars of aggression is
invoked by the Bush Administration to justify unprovoked
attacks against the centers of population in Iraq, the
doctrine will be used by the hawks in the administration
time and time again, and will also be adopted by nations
and individuals internationally as a justification for
the preemptive use of catastrophic violence against
centers of population worldwide. The legitimization of
preemptive wars of aggression will be used to justify
attacks against U.S. centers of population, and will
bring greater violent retribution upon the cities and
people of the United States for actions that the
government is taking in their names, without their
informed consent.
The risk of suffering harm because of this doctrine is,
of course, not distributed equally among all residents
of the United States. Those who will lose their lives
fighting in wars of aggression will be the young,
disproportionately persons of color, and those who must
enlist in the U.S. military because of bleak economic
opportunity. Those who derive their wealth and security
from the transactions of war, from increased oil profits
caused by global instability or conquest of oil rich
regions, and from the constant re-building and re-arming
necessary to conduct endless wars against countless
peoples premised on imperceptible threats - - they will
have the means to acquire seclusion, protection and
greater safety.
Preemptive war will not stop with Iraq. Constant
military interventions worldwide are necessary to
enforce Bush's stated policy of global economic,
political and military domination. Just four days after
the September 11th attacks, the CIA presented its
"Worldwide Attack Matrix" identifying scores of
countries that the CIA wanted permission to attack.
Bush approved the CIA wish list, and authorized
immediate covert and lethal CIA operations in over sixty
Taking to the Streets
As the U.S. moves at breakneck pace in execution of its
stated policy of global domination and over military
interventions, the need for the people to take action is
Congress will not stop this policy of aggressive warfare
and global domination. Many in Congress are well served
with the tithing of the war profiteers and their
corporate sponsors who see U.S. military domination as
a way to enforce their interests, to exploit human labor
at starvation wages overseas and to drive down wages
domestically, to mine vast sources of environmental
resources globally, and to impose and expand the reach
of their "free" markets.
The U.S. Constitutional framework provides that,
regardless of who temporarily holds office, all power
remains in the hands of the people. It is time now for
the people to take the reins of power back from those
who have stated their intention to act in violation of
all laws that humankind has struggled to create to end
global conflagration and prohibit wars of aggression.
When law will not restrain the government, the people
must. We must take to the streets in mass numbers in
organized and spontaneous acts of resistance. The
message must be clearly conveyed that if the Bush
administration refuses to be accountable to U.S.
domestic law, to the U.N. Charter, to international
law, to all known standards of just conduct, then the
people of conscience within the United States will rise
up to demand accountability. And the message must be
sent that the people of the U.S. will not allow the
Bush administration to spend the blood of the people of
the United States and the people of Iraq who are not our
enemies, in a needless war for oil.
September, 2002
The authors, Carl Messineo and Mara Verheyden-Hilliard,
constitutional law and human rights lawyers, are the
co-founders of the Partnership for Civil Justice Legal
Defense and Education Fund, a public interest legal
organization in Washington, D.C., and authors of the
forthcoming book "Empire at Home: George W. Bush and
John Ashcroft v. the Bill of Rights"

Free to be living justly for yourself
truly as caring to know this as everything
What a horrible day as history. We witness the likes of
The happen to be "wealthy" as extremely disturbing
american, Bill Hemmer or Blitzer, or CBC's corporately
managed professional news teams, who would as they have
done, propagandize our communities with intentional
deceit to not cover, the top priority established facts
on our actual murders, and happily watch US fall further
robbed, as Mr. bush Jr. victims, while feigning a just
representation on behalf of our civilization. Look,
phone them yourself. These corporate cultists do not
offer any counter to the facts that stand before US all,
but for to practice censorship against Humanities
interest in nabbing the prime 9/11 suspects. There is
no dispute found with those who are aware of the
evidence that directly implicates bush Jr. And rumsfeld
for our murders on 9/11. But Bill doesn't want to
actually work for the People to protect the interests of
Americans as police officers, such as those directly
involved in the criminal investigations, and instead,
sides to leave yourself in the dark on bush Jr.'s true
nature, as the super evil anti-Christ, actively,
actually, really, no doubt about it, trying to further
destroy the American dream as no longer Our own as
equals committed to freedom through representation.
Destroy bush today and be loved by all as Saviour.
Johnny Wizard Reveals
Bush did 9/11
A war plan to kill the people of Afghanistan for Enron's power plant
in India was on the White House desk on the seventh of September. A
plan to blame bin Laden for a crime without providing any evidence.
Then 9/11. None of the ample evidence implicated Laden, like none of
the suspects were from Afghanistan, so why not seek the true culprits
responsible? FBI officers have claimed publicly that warrant requests
were sabotaged by someone at headquarters just prior to 9/11. The CIA
has publicly claimed stock options were played on the loss of the two
airline companies as insider trading. FBI officers claim Mr. Atta
received $100,000 in terrorist funding by General Amed, who was
meeting with the Bush administration a week prior and after 9/11. Then
rumsfeld and bush stood against our humanity without reason to steal
our lives, playing out an evil never before shown to sway their
capture as traitors to the American dream. I demand my voice be heard
through our corporate news services, to accept any debate from those
who fight to keep us ignorant on our ability to freely communicate.

The difficult struggles of equal representation are systemic to the
entire body politic. Equal rights for all, is understood to best serve
every individual. The reasons stand in a mutual agreement, when
understood. The truth of living is of living as truth is. We exist.
Those in positions against the betterment of the whole, are honestly
shown to be by illustration. By CNN ignoring everyone, setting no
priorities on behalf of the dying humans, censoring basic facts known
by everyone else, makes US as the living, speak louder in the balance.
For you alone as creation looking for comfort as of being a part of
perception, as shared with all love, can bring to understand Justice
to be a human thing. My struggle to be heard is to be alive for my
love as God to do what I can as a man capable of understanding such
wonders as basic simple things.
> > > Here is the original post regarding the Tribunals:
> > > And this one is a shortened version, three paragraphs with Jeff, on
> > > the discussion so far with many military usenet sites on the charges
> How can one argue against what is documented as proven fact?
> Do fascists fear intelligence?
Again, we witness no counter argument for bush and rumsfeld's treason
against all the American people. They both have struggled diliberately
to hide the culprits responsible for 9/11, blamed a nation of millions
without evidence to murder for Enron, have attacked the American
Constitution, stolen billions from cowardly Americans silenced by the
corporate agenda through frauds blatant...
And, they both need to immediately be tried for war crimes, or taken
out by loyal American Patriots who will stand up for freedom to be
"Peace Now" wrote in message
news:5a99e95.0205290823.23469d2a [at]

Time to tell
Last night broadcasted nationally in Canada on CBC's
Counterspin, discussing among other things, bush's
ignorance as american barbarity in Latin America, and
Cuba's revolution for independence:
"We have not discussed the real interest behind all
these things. Somebody is profiting from the massacre,
exclusion, and impoverishment of most of Latin
America.... ..They're profit interests mostly in the
u.s., and elites throughout Latin America with specific
expressions in each country. We can discuss examples of
dictators, or pseudo democracies. The winners are
corporate interests that are extracting and exploiting,
the losers are the people of our continents that are
increasingly murdered or massacred if they fight for
their rights. Let's wake up."
The mindless cult members of Corporate America refuse
to allow discussions on why some people would commit war
acts of defence against terrorist states. Of course, it
is often because someone feels their rights are denied,
or are stolen from. Why can not their positions be
looked at, and remedied if true? Because bush and
rumsfeld the terrorists, like sharon, need to continue
killing and robbing US innocent people to steal American
values. Why is that? Because generally, American
soldiers are represented by the corporate agenda as
cowardly, illiterate, and refuse to protect the
Constitution as The People, Justice for US all. Knowing
we all witness first hand, that the super evil villians
bush and rumsfeld, do not wish Americans to learn who
murdered those good people in New York city like police
officers, which should to a proud and brave American
soldier, give good reason to demand we be met with
debate from corporate America in defense of ourselves to
be true, or the immediate call as Patriots, for the
arrest or execution of bush and rumsfeld, traitors
charged for treason of the highest degree ever.
(Wow! What an entrance! It's like I'm really playing
Jesus! Gee, I hope I can score at least a supper out of
this deal..)
quoting from this very document:
"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning."
What do you say?
"Why then does the Administration remain steadfast in
its opposition to an investigation into the biggest
terrorism attack upon our nation"?
Rep. Cynthia McKinney
We see corporate America refusing to report on their
criminal behaviors against all American interests. We
hear now how the mysterious cheney is sure that
terrorists unknown to the Mueller's FBI who speaks with
the CIA's Tenet everyday, will be likely terrorizing
more American civilians, like the same way in New York
City, but maybe worst "without a doubt" with him in
charge understanding squat. Is that pipsqueak cheney
maybe threatening US then I'm asking every clear
thinking American soldier, and NRA member to pay
attention to the facts made public already by Mueller
and the DEA? Mueller now back tracking on his comments
of bush and rumsfeld, by publicly saying only a week or
two ago, there indeed was no evidence whatsoever to
implicate Afghanistan for 9/11, now says suicide
bombers, like sharon committed to the Jews in Israel is
highly plausible, now that cowardly America is publicly
open about committing injustice against US as innocent,
while everyday OUR world witnesses bush and rumsfeld the
terrorists, continue to escape their rightful arrest or
execution for 9/11, to commit further injustice against
US all. We can all understand the general ignorance in
America due to CNN's continuous propaganda, with America
having the worst managed health care and school system
of the developed world, but cheney is suppose to know
bush and rumsfeld is known as likely responsible, while
he states further terrorist actions against Americans
are probable. Hmmm. That isn't fear cheney's
expressing as his own, but a threat I would suppose.
What do you think? Remember: evil is dumb. Maybe we
should be strongly investigating cheney's involvement in
9/11 as well. Did you know Tom Delay the repuglican
nazi, is attempting to pass a law in america that states
nations who attempt to bring those individuals
responsible for crimes against humanity through Justice
in a public court room of law in every nation on our
planet, will be threatened by every American citizen
demonized the world over now, if Tom isn't stopped for
questioning as a traitor by CNN censors? Who will
ultimately suffer for American cowardice to protect
themselves as equals? Israel the terror nation funded
by the American tax payer, murders and steals from
innocent civilians, US people, as criminals. What can't
you figure nazi slave dying corporate sell outs to
yourselves losing? (One out of seven Americans are
functionally illiterate, and American soldiers have yet
to be smart enough to execute cop killer rumsfeld as a
traitor to America. Why? Too cowardly and stupid to
stand on their own as real American.) Bin Laden is not
so bright unfortunately when he equates the Israeli
Government as that of the Jews. The Israeli Likud
government holds no practicing Jew, in fact, they often
have them, (like school kids I swear), arrested for
testifying to the teachings of the old testament, like,
don't murder and steal from good people as criminals.
The false claims act was removed so rumsfeld and his
band of nazis can continue making false claims through
the Pentagon, fraud, pocket the tax payer money for
themselves, and escape criminal prosecution, because the
FBI can no longer do so, in the new lawless bushmob
dictatorship of cowards, murderers, traitors, and
cheats. Where are the Americans, or are they only found
in myth?
Quoting a paper from by Jason Vest available
also at
From the Irv Rubin Bust To The Stern Gang
-The Rich History Of Jewish Terrorism
and another from,
available also at
Mossad Agents Arrested
In Attempt To Bomb Mexican Congress
[The American Jewish Committee recently stated]
"categorically condemns in the strongest possible terms
the alleged JDL plot," and went so far as to follow up
with a personal letter to Republican representative
Issa, decrying "such wanton lawlessness," which is "so
clearly contrary to the fundamental tenets of our faith,
and to the basic principles of justice and liberty that
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