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by xpwe
Well, surprise surprise. A Swiss lab suggests that the most recent Bin Laden tape is a fake. If this is true, I wonder who was responsible for creating this tape? (cough, cough) CIA. The release of that tape was also very convenient as it came during debate about passage of the Fatherland Security Bill.
Bin Laden tape a fake, Swiss lab says
Scientists compared recording to 20 other tapes of terror chief

PARIS (AP) - The latest audiotape statement attributed to accused terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden is not authentic, a Swiss research institute said.

The Lausanne-based Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence said it is 95-per-cent certain the tape does not feature the voice of the long-absent terrorist leader.

The review of the tape was commissioned by France-2 television and its findings were presented by the institute's Professor Herve Boulard in a special TV report shown late Thursday.

He said the institute compared the voice on the tape, first aired two weeks ago on Al-Jazeera, an Arabic television network, with some 20 earlier recordings of bin laden.

U.S. experts maintain the tape will likely never be fully authenticated because its poor quality defies complete analysis by even the most sophisticated voice-print technology.

But U.S. experts who have heard it generally support the conclusion by U.S. law-enforcement officials that it probably is bin Laden speaking.

In the tape, the speaker refers to recent terrorist strikes U.S. officials believe are connected to bin Laden's Al Qaeda network. If fully verified, it would provide the first evidence in a year that bin Laden survived U.S. bombing in Afghanistan.

by Sean P. McNeill (spm [at]
As far as the conspiracy angle is concerned, "who benefits"? If Bin Laden is alive, the "war on terrrr" is a failure. If he is dead, there is still an irrefutably large amount of islamic mayhem going on to justify the "war on freedom". And, if you check out the story on google, theres a guy from the ever pro-mercan pro-cia French Republic that agrees that the tape is probably Bin Laden and thinks the Swiss guy's analysis is flawed. So, either the CIA is vastly competent and subtle (doubtful) or there is no conspiracy (probable).
by this thing here
not that i'm espousing conspiracies, but a fake osama is perfect for keeping the fear levels in america high. it just keeps on feeding the frenzy. and keeps that war of terrorism going and going. and keeps congress, the senate, and all the committees more willing to give in to the bush admins. demands because "there's a war on"...

i would agree that even if osama is "no more", there's a lot of possible terrorism to go around. osama is symbolic more than anything else.
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