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Indybay Feature

what's Happening to Indymedia?

by ?
Where are all the stories?
Where are all the posts and comments?
Is someone messing around and hacking Indymedia in San Francisco?
by RS
I'm wondering the same thing. I've been trying to comment on that Andrew McCrae story all day without any luck. What's going on?
by random
The site seems to be getting hit hard -- it is linked to from a bunch of corporate media stories. That's probably why. I'm having no problem adding comments now.
by Office of Homeland Security (aka mike)
Ridge here. Don't you worry your little anarchist heads off: we just took the site down for a few moments to, er, fix it. Yeah, that's it. Get it right back up and running in no time, fitted with some of our nifty new "software."
You guys''ll never notice the difference!

By the way, things are going great here at the Office of Homeland Security since we started getting rid of the unions and implementing our flexible new labor policy. Of course, explaining to people why we're moving the Office to Mexico is going to be a bit of a challenge....
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