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Indybay Feature

Man arrested in cop killing

by ap wire
a man was arrested in NH after claiming a cop killingin Red bluff last week on IMC sites
November 26, 2002

Calif. Cop - Slay Suspect Caught in N.H.

Filed at 10:55 a.m. ET

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- A man suspected of killing a police officer in California last week was arrested Tuesday morning after a standoff in a downtown hotel, police said.

An officer at the scene said Andrew McCrae, 23, suspected of fatally shooting a Red Bluff, Calif., officer a week ago, was arrested without incident at the Holiday Inn around 10 a.m.

McCrae is accused of fatally shooting Officer David Mobilio in Red Bluff, Calif., on Nov. 19 while Mobilio, 31, was putting gas in his cruiser.

Police said the suspect identified himself on a San Francisco news Web site.

In one of two letters posted on the site Monday by a man identifying himself as McCrae, the writer claims he shot and killed the officer to protest ``police-state tactics'' and corporate irresponsibility.

The writer claims he is immune from prosecution because he incorporated himself as a protest against corporations who ``murder thousands of people each year.'' Corporations shield people from personal liability for a corporation's debts.

Gov. Gray Davis was to attend a memorial service for Mobilio in Red Bluff Tuesday.

by Bonnie
I stood on the sidewalk and I watched the procession pass by. What honor this man was given today. It took well over a 1/2 hour to watch all the vehicles from the police, sheriff, Dare program, fire department, forestry department, highway patrol, probation departments, college police and our neighbor hood watch programs drive by. You could not help but cry. His wife was pregnant with their second child. That child will never know his father.

When will the violence stop?
by Eric
I'll tell you when. When websites like are shut the fuck down! That's when. SF IMC incited the violence against this police officer. And if the FBI doesn't gather enough evidence after reviewing their archives to shut this, and possibly the WHOLE NETWORK of IMCs down, then we must do it ourselves!!

I have been saying since the day I started posting here that SF IMC was going to have blood on it's hands and now it's a reality. My only regret is that I stopped taking you bastards seriously.

See you at the trial.
by Pissed Off
<h1>Honor my nuts bitch. Fuck the pigs that parade was such a waste of taxpayers money. Close the roads so I can't get a beer to celibrate his death.</h1>
by jefe
love it or leave it... the FBI will have its way soon enough, figuring the way things are going right now. That sure was a very skimpy article, however; they didn't even mention how the guy got traced all the way to New Hampshire.
by -
Look, if this person had e-mailed his manifesto, would you suggest that we should shut down all e-mail servers? If the person had mailed the manifesto, should we have halted mail delivery? If he had read it out loud on a street corner, should we have muzzled everyone in the streets?
by Pissed Off
Cops have been busting down doors all week pointing guns at small children and harrassing people just because they are skinheads, and we had nothing to do with this. Fuck them and there Dead Cop.


by Jimmy Breslin
So Eric, does that mean the NY Post should have been shut down when David Berkowitz kept on sending letters to them (that they actually had to physically publish)?

You're an idiot
by Eric
Shut down indybay? Hell yes.

Read that bizarro militants confession letter. He's and indymedia brainwashed psychopath. IMC breeds them. Panders to them. Rewards them.

by Eric
indybay created this monster. The NY Post didn't create Berkowitz you fucking moron.

Anyway, it doesn't matter much. It's almost over now for good old indybay.

I'm just going to hang around an gloat until the servers go down.

by Eric
A wrongful death class action law suit is looking pretty good right now.
by JB
You mean the way that Marilyn Manson created the Columbine killers, Nirvana and David Fincher created the smiley face mailbox bomber, or the the GTA created the snipers?

You're the moron.
by RS
Indy Media will never get shut down because of a little something known as the First Amendment, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech. The only thing that the class action whores and gestapo pigs will get out of all this is one big disappointing failure and shit on their face!
by JOse
hey, whiteman sould not goverrn america. whiteman is stuipd
by Quiksilver_96080 (quiksilver_96080 [at]
I think that it was tragic about the killing, and all these people think that they are being badass because they say "kill cops" and whatnot. Being a resident of Red Bluff and wanting to be a future cop I think that the people that think that cops should die are messed up. What would happen if there were no cops? the answer, you would end up a loser like the "heil hitler" fag.
by Me
You are going to burn in hell you fuck up! I am sure by the time you read this they are going to be knockin' down your door, blowing off your fuckin' face, and you are going to be wishin' you were never born you shit for brains low life idiot waste of space! You will know the worst pain in the world when the cops who knew Dave find you and make you pay...then we will have a parade going thru our town with you in it strung up by your wrinkly little balls and we'll all be cheering and clapping that your sorry weak freaky ass is off the fuck!
by .......

The Associated Press contacted SF Indymedia to find out about this kid who killed a cop in Red Bluff. But I had some questions of my own about the blood on AP's hands.
by unkown
the quicksilver guy is the biggest dumbass of all but his mom his mom is fine from hitler
by Stormy
Wow, talk about some mean assholes!!!
This world is becoming corrupt and falling apart, This is gay ass Dead bluff and there are cops being killed. Its kind of weird having this happen here having it be a small town, I thought this mostly happend in L.A. or what not.
by Stormy
Hey e-mail me!
by me 2
I never thought something like this would happen in Red Bluff. Red Bluff was always the town ful of love. now it's totally different. I hope that guy pays for what he did.
by greendog shutdown should get the fuck off of about the Lowest form of rats!!
by dan paris
It sounds like you need another beer. You are the best reason to keep abortion legal. It's too bad that your mom didn't abort or swallow, then we wouldn't have to put up with the likes of you.
by jefe
Red Bluff has to be one of the worst towns of California, next to Redding, Cottonshit, Gustine, Denny, Corning, Merced, Stockton.....

anyways, Tom Hanks was from Red Bluff
by RS
IndyMedia will never get shut down because of a little something called The First Amendment, free press, and free speech. The only thing that the Class Action Whores and Gestapo Pigs will get out of all this is one great big disappointing failure and shit on their face. IndyMedia should be commended for NOT being a puppet of the corporate media establishment, for not succumbing to the pressure of the law enforcement community, and for giving average citizens like you and me a platform to be heard. Long live IndyMedia!
by Good Grief
Actually, Red Bluff is a nice, ordinary town. Not too big yet, still pretty quiet most of the time. We have crime here. Not the worst crime rate in the world, certainly. Overall, it's a nice place to live. Of course, we have a few complete wastes of resources like Mr. Pissed Off. I wager if he got a surprise search of his home it was because he is likely on parole for a violent crime. There were some heavy duty searches going on for the homes of violent parolees. Jee, I thought that was sort of the price you pay for getting out of prison early, little feller. You agree to that when you apply for parole.
Well, enough about that fool.
The cop that was killed was an instructor in our dare program. That's a school outreach to teach the kids not to use. There are a lot of kids in this city that knew him. He had a wife, a baby, one on the way. He was a young man with all of his life, and the lives of his family in front of him. He will never play with his children, never kiss his wife. She will have to give birth to their second child without him. She and the baby will go through Thanksgiving and Christmas this year with grief. The babies will never know their daddy.
The man who did this to that cop, and to every person who loved him, is the worst kind of coward. It is unfortunate that we don't have the electric chair anymore. For this fella, we have a nice little needle.
May he see it soon.
by Gofofmass
Yup White man is too stupid to run America.

White man was so stupid the managed to come up with the Declaration of Independence,
The US Constittution
The Pure Food & Drug Act
The Bill of Rights
The principle of Innocent until Proven Guilty
The concept of a President instead of a king (Washington was the first president of the world)
The Concept of the willingness to give up power.
The Gettysburg Address
The Abolition of Slavery (Over the objections of African States)
Child Labor Laws
Civilian Control of the Military
The Theory of Relativity
Blood Transfusions.

...and finally a country so great that tens of millions all around the world, including people of color from all over come here to better their lives and the lives of their children and grandchildren.

Very few people in today's America have lived under true repression. For that you will have to go to North Korea, or maybe Iran where students are protesting in the streets. Because we have not had this we don't really appreciate what it is really like to be oppressed.

Ask a person who lived in the great depression as my parents did. If I could go back in to the 30's and tell them about a place where a person could go and eat all they want including meat and dessert they would think it was a feast for kings. If I then told them that could be had for the price of the hourly wage of a menial worker they would say it was heaven, yet many resturants offer this, so much so that going to such a place can be considered a sign of poverty.

Isn't it good to live in a country where obesity is a problem for the poor? When has this ever been true in the world but here?

We have it great here, we don't get how good we do, but as long as people don't realise it or continue to decieve themselves saying this country is evil they will be miserable and will deserve to be so.

Should this site be closed, of course not, but as long as people refuse to acknowledge history and live in reality they will never progress.
by barb_z
For a great cop cover-up story stay on this site (, at search button pick "image," type in: janedoe187x4, hit search, and click open "Who Killed Dallas?"
by Rob
This is for the person who claims the title "Pissed Off." I was just wondering what you do when you are the victim of a crime? Do you call you friends to investigate the crime or do you call your local law enforcement agency. You are a chickenshit person to write what you do, because I know for a fact that you are some poor little person with all the time in the world on your hands. By the way you write, you sound like the typical person who has had negative contacts with the cops and shuns their existance whey they stop you, but when you are the victim, the cops are not there fast enough to help your stupid-ass taxpaying self. And I bet you point that out right away to them. You have probably guessed by now that I am a cop. You are correct and I have been dealing with very bad people and very good people for a very long time. I have also had to deal with the unsatisfied, ignorant, bitchy people like yourself as well.
by one of the editors
Posts by "Pissed Off" were hidden because we do not allow Nazi propaganda on this site.
by Millia
Maybe I am missing something here...

There are people bitching and moaning to get Indymedia shut down and rambling on about how awful it is..then WHY are they visiting the site? WHY are they posting here? I know if I detested something, I wouldn't spend portions of my day hanging out at that place. What the...

And it is psychotic to blame a website for promoting this murder. Just because the moron decided to post his confession on here. What if he posted it on the Walt Disney website?

I suppose you think Ozzy Osbourne is responsible for teen suicides as well. Actually, maybe Eminem is to blame for this murder.

Lets just BAN EVERYTHING in the words of Jello Biafra.

People are insane. I can't take it anymore.
by Millia
Maybe I am missing something here...

There are people bitching and moaning to get Indymedia shut down and rambling on about how awful it is..then WHY are they visiting the site? WHY are they posting here? I know if I detested something, I wouldn't spend portions of my day hanging out at that place. What the...

And it is psychotic to blame a website for promoting this murder. Just because the moron decided to post his confession on here. What if he posted it on the Walt Disney website?

I suppose you think Ozzy Osbourne is responsible for teen suicides as well. Actually, maybe Eminem is to blame for this murder.

Lets just BAN EVERYTHING in the words of Jello Biafra.

People are insane. I can't take it anymore.
by google


'I Didn't Think He'd Ever Kill A Police Officer'

November 26, 2002
By Molly Shen

dave_mobilio.jpg"OLYMPIA - There is a local connection to a bizarre and tragic story unfolding on both sides of the country.

An Olympia man has confessed on a Web site to killing a police officer.

The FBI arrested the Olympia man in New Hampshire Tuesday morning.

He's accused of killing a police officer in Red Bluff, Calif., all to make a political statement.

The police officer, Dave Mobilio, was laid to rest Tuesday. Nearly 5,000 people packed his funeral service.

Mobilio was shot in the head while he was pumping gas a week ago, marking the first time an officer was killed in Red Bluff.

Mourners find some solace in an arrest 3,000 miles away in Concord, New Hampshire.

The FBI arrested 23-year old Andrew McCrae Tuesday morning after a standoff at a hotel. As far as investigators know, McCrae did not live in New Hampshire.

He lives in Olympia at the Capitol House Apartments, where his arrest comes as a shock.

Gina Gervasi says she lived across the hall from McCrae.

"He just seemed like a normal guy. A kid, you know, 20's," Gervasi said "I didn't think he'd ever kill a police officer. I don't know. I can't believe that."

Neighbor Peter Serrano didn't know McCrae, but as the son of a police officer, he was horrified by the news.

"I can't even imagine... a criminal," he said, flustered. "I'm a peaceful man, but this stuff happening. It just really angers me."

There is also anger and confusion in Red Bluff.

"You never know what may be going through the mind of humanity that we deal with," said Red Bluff Police Chief.

We do have a peek into Andrew McCrae's mind. "I killed a cop in Red Bluff," McCrae confessed in a lengthy rant about "police state tactics" and corporate greed on a San Francisco Web site.

He quotes the children's story Peter Pan, and writes "Peter Pan hates pirates, and I hate pirates. Corporations are nothing but pirates."

McCrae formed his own corporation, and claims as a corporate officer, he cannot be tried for Officer Mobilio's death.

Of course that does not sway prosecutors.

They have charged McCrae with murder, and will extradite him to California.

For more information on Officer Mobilio, check out

by K.O. Buck
Bubba is a hayseed, he got kicked in the head by a mule when he was a kid, he likes dressing up like a woman, and he has sex with sheep.
by Sheepdog
Does that make us all accomplices in a terrorist
organization by posting? Non favorable posts?
To anyone not on the current lists of non persons??
Could I not say for instance that our own Mr. Bush is not
a good and just and wise man but a mere cardboard cutout for
the policies of greed? Oh my. I've gone too far.
by Lauren
so if indymedia is responsible for the killing, then how come more pigs aren't dead? Things like websites and games don't pull the trigger people. That one person does. and nobody can make that descion but themselves
by pissed off
Fisrt of all Bitch I'm not on Parole. The pigs Had No Right to kick in my door. The only reason they did is because in this podunk town pigs don't care about rights. Well I don't care about pigs getting killed. Well except Clay Parker. I voted for the man and I kind of like him.
by Your Worst Nightmare
So Pissed Off wants to celebrate with a beer? You letter impressed me ... impressed me with the fact that life can exist without a brain. There are some 3,000 to 5,000 people that would like to buy you a beer --- laced with a baseball bat up along side your thick dim skull, you fuck!!! Next time someone kicks your fuckin' teeth in, rapes your daughter, steals your shit (yeah, the shit you probably stole from others) let's see who you call for help. Call the cops and let's see how willing they are to help a sick, demented fuck like you...oh, they will do their best for you regardless of your sick, twisted views, because it's their job and they are dedicated. They despise helping a waste of life like yours but do it because they swore to uphold the law. Let's see how many will show up to honor your death fuckhead.....and dancing on your grave doesn't count. I'll provide everyone with free beer just so they can piss on your grave. FUCK OFF!
by Pissed Off
Lets get thoether for that beer and celabrate the <h1>CHILD MOLESTORS DEATH</H1> That's right a molestor who liked to handcuff little kids and watch them squirm.
by Pissed Off
Lets get thoether for that beer and celabrate the


That's right a molestor who liked to handcuff little kids and watch them squirm.
by devodav
"Hey", Pissed Off learn how to spell. Stupid!
by Pissed Off
I'll be at the P.R. Friday night. Lets have that beer and all are invited
by Todd
From the cops that want to harasss you;

"It is not easy. In California we average one cop for every 2000 people.
About 60% of those cops are on patrol, where we do most of the harassing.
One-fifth of that 60% are on duty at any moment and available for harassing
people. So, one cop is responsible for harassing about 10,000 residents. When
you toss in the commercial, business, and tourist locations that attract
people from other areas, sometimes you have a situation where a single cop is
responsible for harassing 20,000 or more people a day. A ten-hour shift runs
36,000 seconds. This gives a cop one second to harass a person, and
three-fourths of a second to eat a donut AND then find a new person to
harass. This is not an easy task. Most cops are not up to it day in and day
out. It is just too tiring. What we do is utilize some tools to help us
narrow down those, which we harass. They are as follows:

PHONE: People will call us up and point out things that cause us to focus
on a person for special harassment. "My neighbor is beating his wife" is a
code phrase we use. Then we come out and give special harassment. Another
popular one on a weeknight is, "The kids next door are having a party."

CARS: We have special cops assigned to harass people who drive. They like
to harass the drivers of fast cars, cars blasting music, cars with expired
registration stickers and the like. It is lots of fun when you pick them out
of traffic for nothing more obvious than running a red light. Sometimes you
get to really heap the harassment on when you find they have drugs in the
car, are drunk, or have a warrant.

RUNNERS: Some people take off running just at the sight of a police
officer. Nothing is quite as satisfying as running after them like a beagle
on the scent of a bunny. When you catch them you can harass them for hours.

CODES: When you can think of nothing else to do, there are books that give
ideas for reasons to harass folks. They are called "Codes"; Penal, Vehicle,
Health and Safety, Business and Professions... They all spell out all sorts
of things for which you can really mess with people. After you read the code,
you can just drive around for a while until you find someone violating one of
these listed offenses and harass them. Just last week I saw a guy smash a car
window. Well, the code says that is not allowed. That meant I got permission
to harass this guy.

It is a pretty cool system that we have set up, and it works pretty well.

I seem to have a never-ending supply of folks to harass. And we get away
with it. Why? Because the good citizens who pay the tab like that we keep the
streets safe for them.

Next time you are in my town, give me a single finger wave. That is a
signal that you wish for me to take a little closer look at you, and maybe
I'll find a reason to harass YOU.

Looking forward to meeting you."
by Pissed Off
Case, Florida cops turn dogs into house, 10 year old girl with headphones torn apart, oh sorry wrong house. cops shoot 12 year old boy in Ca while raiding his dads house oh sorry finger slipped. Cops shoot man holding cell phone oh sorry thought it was a gun.on and on and on and on. Cops see a man with Tattoos and a bald head they pull him over and search him. Cops drink and drive case in point corning chief gets pulled over then followed home. I heard CHP officer Matt Shoulda Colusa County when he was very drunk at a club say he could drive home because he had the BRASS PASS you cannot tell me cops are not currupt.
by me
I think what he is saying is that not all cops are corrupt
and are human beings just like you who make mistakes. And that you shouldn't stereotype all cops the way you have been.
by Sheepdog
I enjoyed your response, particularly the acrid humor. Hey You guys got a hard job. This is not about all cops.
Some of your brothers are thieves liars and assholes who do not understand professionalism. One thing.
-RUNNERS: Some people take off running just at the sight of a police officer. Nothing is quite as satisfying as running after them like a beagle on the scent of a bunny. When you catch them you can harass them for hours-
...Reasonable cause and other constitutional laws would make your like and job easier.
by U R a freak
What time would you like to meet at the Palomino Room?

I'm sure you won't be hard to find. All you low life scum stick out like a sore thumb.

You know it's funny---I have lived in Red Bluff for several years and not one time have I had a run in with the cops. Why do you think that is? Oh, let me guess...They are just picking on you because of the way you look. Good! Maybe they will harrass you and all your tweaker friends right out of this town.

See ya on Friday if you are brave enough but I doubt you are.

by Devodav
STUUUUUUUPID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a life and go back for your GED.
by Devodav
Where's the Palimino Room ? Is it SOMA? I would like to meet Pissed On also. Maybe we can arrange to get some of that lunch money he lost in grade school back for him.
by Haystack
I have been reading these message boards and I must say there are a lot lot of evil, evil God fearing christians out there. All wanting to kill and maim and cut nuts off.
Well I'll be at the Palomino Room also, I'll be the guy at the table with your women because you are in jail for drunk & disorderly conduct.
by Devodav
I am a woman.
by Sheepdog
... you're going to...?
Get his lunch money back? How helpful. Nice to know there are some people willing to help their fellow man.
All this spatter about some unfortunate murder. Why is this news? Because he posted on IMC?
Get on with the background investigations. Then we’ll have news.
Deep regrets to the family and forgiveness asked for the rhetoric not sensitive to the loss.
by Haystack
Then you should not be fighting. You should be sitting on my lap also.: ) I would like to say to the moron above, They were just doing there job. I also was questioned, actually I took a lie detector test. No big deal. If one of your family members were killed, wouldn't you want them to do everything they could to find who did it?
by bud
The only real Haystack was Haystack Calhoun. You sound like a sexist fat slob. The only lap dance you will ever get is at a $10 strip joint you loser.
by PoPo
Only doing your Job is never an excuse for your behavior, Soldiers are only doing there job when they kill innocents.

If someone were to rape my daughter and steal all my stuff I wouldn't call the cops I would kill them myself. I don't need someone third party to determine justice for me, especially when they almost allways get it wrong.

If this guy had killed a homeless person to make a statement none of you fascists would care but because he killed an Police man you want blood. Just like it was in the south when a Black man kills a white man he gets death but not the other way around.

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