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Indybay Feature

Volunteers Needed

by Leilani Dowell (answer [at]
It is now just a few days before the mass protests against the Bush war in Iraq. All indications are that this is going to be very big. We are appealing for people to volunteer to help make this critical march a big success. Call the ANSWER office, 415-821-6545, or come to the volunteer table at 10 am on Saturday at Justin Herman Plaza.
photo: Bill Hackwell, Basrah Iraq
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by bov
To me, and to others I've spoken to, there seems to be a scarcity of fliers, particularly in the East Bay, in public spaces. I know that they clean everything off all the time, but now *is* the time.

The other thing, a flier appropriate to hand out at BART to middle-of-the-road people should be made, not the typical type, but something that the masses will respond to better. It could talk about the things that the masses like - what food will be there, what entertainment, how many others will show, what things will be for sale, what Hollywood stars speak against war, etc. For the masses to join, it needs to appeal to them in a way to make them less afraid to be seen as a hippy if they attend.

I wish I had more time and could have assisted in organizing - and you guys do a great job - but I'm on the verge of getting sick as it is everyday from all the stuff I'm doing.

If you can get people to BART with fliers, or get them en masse onto car windshields, I think you can catch more people.

And then there are the banners . . .
by Saddam go bye-bye
It will be a pleasure to free her and her people from the evil dictorial police-state of Saddam Hussein so that they may live without the fear of being gased or shot or raped or whipped or dismembered or to continue to be sold into slavery or forced to eat feces and drink urine in order to suppliment their diet as they watch slave labor build for Saddam a new larger and more beautiful palace than the 7000 he already possess' or forced to pour gasoline on themselves and light a match so they may burn for Saddam's own personal entertainment or nailed to crosses and set on fire alive in order to light his gardens or made to become guinea pigs to test Saddam's latest nuclear advancements and chemical weapons of mass destruction.
by Nancy Mitchell (answer [at]
We couldn't agree more. Mass leafletting at BART on Thursday and Friday at rush hour is critical. Flyers can be picked up in SF at the ANSWER office 2489 Mission and in the East Bay at Ink Works Press 2827 Seventh St. and there is another supply at La Pena on Shattuck. There are also a group of activists who are going to leaflet the World Series games at Pac Bell tonight, tomorrow and Thursday starting at 4:30. They could use help. Look for the banner that reads "Baseball Not Bombs"
by bov
It's important to post that type of info. Even one more person can make a difference.
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