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No To US War: Democracy to Iraq : Free Ocalan

by Free Ocalan Now!
Turkey said it would set up a "security belt" in northern Iraq if the United States hits Baghdad, and renewed a threat of military action to prevent the establishment of a Kurdish state in the region.
Turkey to establish security belt

ANKARA: Turkey said on Monday it would set up a "security belt" in northern Iraq if the United States hits Baghdad, and renewed a threat of military action to prevent the establishment of a Kurdish state in the region.

Defence Minister Sabahattin Cakmakoglu said in an interview with NTV television that if a US operation against Iraq triggered a refugee exodus, Turkish troops would move into northern Iraq to stop the wave within Iraqi borders.

"This will be a force of a number sufficient for such a job. This will at the same time (ensure) our border security and constitute a security belt," Cakmakoglu said.

Turkey, which suspects Iraqi Kurds of wanting to set up an independent state, has acknowledged it is already keeping several hundred troops in northern Iraq.

Ankara fears that a Kurdish state in the region could incite its own Kurds to separatism at a time when a 15-year Kurdish rebellion for self-rule in adjoining south-eastern Turkey has abated.

"The Turkish armed forces are a deterrent force both with respect to its size and its weapons ... If this deterrent force impedes the situation we do not want in Iraq, it will have have completed its objective," Cakmakoglu said. "But if we do not get a result through this deterrent force, then we have to move one step forward. This could be a show of force if necessary, or an intervention," he added.

Cakmakoglu spoke about a number of military options available to Turkey, while stressing that parliamentary approval was required for operations outside the country.

"I do not see the possibility of a war at present, but we will have to bring the issue to parliament and take a decision, be it a dispatch of soldiers, a (military) exercise, or even a show of force to indicate that we are balancing the situation," he said.

Democracy to Iraq
by Ocalan

Attracting attention to the no-solution-situation in Iraq, PKK President Abdullah Ocalan said, “The world should force Iraq to adopt democracy.” Ocalan continued to said the following: “There democratic political institutions whose self-defence comply with Turkey, Kurds, Iraqi people and the Middle East should be established and secured.”

Stating that as far as the latest situation in Iraq is concerned both USA and Turkey have no solution, PKK President Abdullah Ocalan said the following: There democratic political institutions whose self-defence comply with Turkey, Kurds, Iraqi people and the Middle East should be established and secured.”

Ocalan made a statement through his lawyers the other day, calling attention to the problems in Iraq and warning especially the Kurdish and Turkish peoples and their representatives. Ocalan emphasized, “There you should live truly, think truly and struggle truly,” adding the following: “Foreign forces, USA, Britain will not leave this area alone, they will continue their plays. Britain have been playing since 1920s, in fact even 1800s, the plot of two centuries have been continuing. The players will go on play and the Kurdish and Turkish peoples will bear the brunt of it.”

Stressing that the world should force Iraq to adopt democracy, Ocalan said with words to the effect: “If USA and Turkey want a solution they should force Iraq to adopt democracy. There democracy should be demanded. There democratic political institutions whose self-defence comply with Turkey, Kurds, Iraqi people and the Middle East should be established and secured.”

Democratic civilization

Asking “Well, what is the solution offered by Kurds?”, Ocalan continued to say the following: “Kurds should form legitimate self-defence forces and seek a solution in the Middle East within the framework of democratic dialogue. The dialogue with Iraq and Iran should be within the framework of the principle of democracy.” Ocalan underscored that Kurds should be the power and leader of democratic civilization in the Middle East, saying the following: “I consider important that Kurds find their identities, personalities on the basis of democratic civilization. Kurds should claim their identity for the Democratic Republic using their legitimate self-defence right. A democratic political institution should be established. It is a regime for freedom, I consider it a political means which complies with the interests of the peoples. Democracy needs consciousness and will, it is the dedication to the unity of peoples, their cultures.”

So-called Kurdists

Ocalan pointed to the position of various groups and persons who are so-called Kurdists and make so-called nationalism. Ocalan described the nationalism as the disease of the age, adding the following: “So-called Kurdists could not progress by following the nationalism down. They ate, they drank, they made religionism, they are still making. They compromised with the state. They compromised with Britain, USA for their interests for their families. But Kurds have rights, laws and democracy. They neglected all of them. The Kurdism of the so-called Kurds brings only misfortune.”

Understanding the sufferings properly

Saying “I have not made cheap Kurdism. I do not insist on my life and my wishes,” stressing the following: “Some facts should be understood. I have attempted to open the door for a democratic unity for four years. One should understand the sufferings, blood, tears should be understood properly, one should defend the modern truths with courage. My problem is not death or a pardon, I struggle for the truths. Some do not want it, no problem. But I will defend what I consider true. I have made efforts for twenty years, people have made efforts. I respect the labor, and I respect my own labor. You also make effort, you should take your efforts, yourselves serious. You should come together in order to be powerful.”

Inter-cultural dialogue

The statement reminded that there will a inter-cultural dialogue conference in Istanbul, and continued as follows: Inter-cultural dialogue is appropriate as far as my philosophy is concerned. Dialogue between civilizations should be developed.” Attracting attention to the importance of the dialogue between Western and Eastern civilizations, Ocalan stressed that the Eastern civilization is not consisted of only Muslim religionism but it has roots of 5000 years. Ocalan underscored the following: “The western civilization should be studied critically. The synthesis arises from it. But the definition of the civilizations and identities should be made clearly. It will contribute to the synthesis of a new civilization and a new enlightenment. Anatolia is an appropriate place for the synthesis of the civilizations.”

“Ataturk’s essence should be understood properly”

Stressing on the strategic meaning of legal and democratic solution for the Kurdish and Turkish peoples, PKK President Abdullah Ocalan said “The plot which has been continuing since 1925 should be put an end. Kurds and Turks have missed the opportunity to democratise the republic because of the English plot. They have to overcome it.”

Noting that a true unity will develop both Kurds and Turks, the President added that it will also be helpful to the Middle Eastern peoples. Ocalan said, “the brotherhood of Turk and Kurds of which Ataturk has said should be secured on the basis of strategic partnership,” adding the following: “You should create the free fellow citizen by consciousness, organization and education. Everybody should work for the free citizenship and democratic unity. Democracy brings richness but there are people who do not want it. There are not only Turks but Kurds who feed with blood, they only gain from the war. They wasted efforts, I was bitter about it, and now I am trying to compensate the damages.”

Indicating that republicanism is the essence of Ataturk and if there is no free citizenship the republic will cease to exist, the Kurdish leader continued with words to the effect: “There are talkes which Ataturk gave in 1924. The Kurdish problem can be solved within this basis. The Liberation and the Republic are the common work of both Kurds and Turks but the brotherhood was broken after 1925. The Republic have not been democratic, ten thousands of people have died, the republic have been poisoned. If we are to defend republicanism, we should defend its essence, the truths of the beginning of the establishment should be defended. Ataturk’s yearnings was not this.”

Ocalan reminded that Ataturk is not known as he was, adding, “The essence of Ataturk should be understood properly, Ataturk was not dogmatic between the two world wars, he did not support the polarization, he had progressive opinions. Although he could not establish a proper democracy but then his country was backwarded. Ataturk has succeeded to establish and secure the Republic. His activities should be translated as anti-Kurdish.”
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by news from the PKK
Peace Project

PKK Launches Peace Project

The Kurdistan Workers` Party (PKK) has now released a Peace Project with the aim of finding a permanent
solution to the Kurdish conflicts. The outcome of lengthy deliberations within the Kurdish movement and
endorsed after debate at a special party congress held in January, the official was launched to the public in
Brussels in March.

Key role of Ocalan
The Peace Project intends to build on proposals made by PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan since 1993, developed
when he was in Europe and later formulated in his defence from the courtroom on Imrali Island. While holding
firm to the view that Ocalan`s original abduction remains the result of an international conspiracy, the PKK now
sees the present situation, an unforeseen consequences of the abduction, as an opportunity for Turkey and the
Kurds to resolve their historic differences by peaceful and democratic means. The party points to contemporary
developments in conflicts elsewhere in the world and concludes that peace is now the only option and
geography, they must both learn to live together in the same land.

Historic Struggle
While adopting a new path, the Peace Project document pays full tribute to the efforts of tens of thousands of
individual Kurds, including the guerrilla forces, stressing that PKK' s long struggle had been effective in
awakening a sense of national identity in the Kurdish masses. The denial and oppression that was inflicted on
the Kurds were the root causes of the war and led to a total breakdown in relations between Turkey and the Kurds.

Cost of War
However, the high costs of war to both sides demand urgent steps are taken toward a lasting peace. The Peace
Project presents a detailed outline of these costs highlighting the following: the thousands of mainly Kurds killed,
the imprisoned, the torture victims, the five million displaced villagers, the 4.000 destroyed villages.
Such human costs cannot be underestimated, but the new analysis addresses the wider impact on Turkish
state and society. State expenditure on arms is estimated at in excess of 100 billion dollars. The massive
squandering of national resources has retarded the country's economy, impoverished the region, led to
deepening social instability and a distorted state structure biased toward war. The most insidious aspect has
been the growth of parasitic class of war profiteers, whose symbolic expression can be seen in the Susurluk

Deadlocked diplomacy
Turkey, which has the potential to play a positive role in the world and to develop a thriving society, has left itself
beset by conflicts with its regional neighbours and created a diplomatic deadlock with international community.
At times Turkey has faced being classed a pariah state with the threat of exclusion from the international arena.
Such as scenario demands the urgent necessity of finding a resolution for Turkey's oldest outstanding problem,
the Kurdish question. The PKK believes that all efforts need to be put into achieving a democratic peace in
Turkey and from a wider perspective it sees that will have ripple effects on the whole of the Middle East allowing
for a new era of democracy and freedom throughout the region.

Positive result of peace
The potential of the Peace Project has already showing results in the more relaxed political atmosphere and
quickening growth of the economy in Turkey following on from the withdrawal of PKK guerrillas in September
last year. Turkey's winning acceptance as a candidate member for the European Union illustrates the full
potential of the path of peace dialogue underlined the goodwill and peaceful intention of the party. The greatest
responsibility now lies with Turkey to make a positive response. To this end PKK is calling on Turkey to
recognize not only the distinct identity of its Kurdish citizens, but their historic role as principle founding members
of the republic. Until this is done the objective of a Democratic Republic will not be reached.

Aims and the proposal of the Peace project

The PKK' s extraordinary 7th congress took a whole series of decisions, which are embodied in the Peace Project
now presented to the world community and the main points are as follows:

1. Securing the life and freedom of Abdullah Ocalan, the fundamental guarantee for a successful and
permanent peace.

2. Recognition of Kurdish national identity and guaranteed full citizenship rights as the basis for
the acceptance of the Kurdish People by Turkey as principle founders of the Republic.

3. Freedom of thought, belief, expression and association to be guaranteed by law.

4. A strong democratic constitution should recognize the plurality of political groups, cultural identities
and differing beliefs.

5. Constitutional and legal guarantees for fundamental human rights, cultural identity, language and
other fundamental rights in line with the Paris charter, Copenhagen Criteria and UN Conventions.

6. Specific actions from Turkey include the lifting of the state of emergency, abolition of emergency
courts, the transfer of powers from the central authority to local administration.

7. Working within the present political borders of Turkey for the benefit of both Turkish and Kurdish people.

8. Abolition of the death penalty and the declaration of a general amnesty for all political prisoners in
Turkey and especially the armed forces in the mountains , as a way to ensure internal peace.

9. The return of the displaced people to their villages, with compensation and reconstruction of destroyed
and burned villages.

10. Increased investment in the region with the proviso that historic and environmental treasures are
preserved, on this basis a halt is called for to construction of the ilisu and Mercan Dams.

11. An end to the armed build up on both sides demands that the Turkish army reciprocate the actions
of Kurdish Guerrilla units which have withdrawn to defensive postures outside the Turkish borders.

12. Disbanding of the village guards and ending activities of illegal armed groups.

13. Effective measures including the use of international organizations for the clearance of land mines.

14. Renews its call for a ceasefire with the KDP and for securing national unity.

15. Resolution of the Kurdish Question through peaceful means also with Iran, Syria and Iraq for a
permanent peace and co-operation in the region.

16. The PKK calls for understanding, particularly from the states in the Middle East, that the attainment
of peace in Turkey will have a positive effect on peace in the region and the wider world.

17. Finally, calling on all the relevant state bodies, political parties, NGOs , trade unions, induviduals
for constructive contributions to this process
by The US Cares Nothing For The Kurds

10/14 08:51
Turkey May Send Troops to Northern Iraq, Defense Minister Says
By Ben Holland

Ankara, Turkey, Oct. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Turkey may send troops into
northern Iraq to block a mass influx of refugees if the U.S. attacks,
Defense Minister Sabahattin Cakmakoglu said.

``This would be for the security of our borders, it would be a security
belt,'' Cakmakoglu said in an interview with NTV television. The move
would ensure that Turkey wouldn't have to host as many as half a million
refugees from its southern neighbor, as it did in the 1991 Gulf War, he

Turkey, NATO's only predominantly Muslim member, hosts U.S. planes
patrolling northern Iraq and may be used as a base for U.S. forces if
Washington decides on military action to overthrow Saddam Hussein's
regime. Turkey opposes an attack on Iraq, arguing it could lead to that
country's breakup and the creation of an independent state by the Kurds
in northern Iraq. That could raise demands for autonomy among Turkey's
Kurds, analysts said.

Turkey will prevent the creation of such a state with ``if necessary a
show of force, and if necessary even an intervention,'' Cakmakoglu said.
by PKK News
16 October 2002

KADEK: War provocation

KADEK Presidential Council belied the claims of the Turkish media that KADEKestablished a Kurdish government-in-exile, warning that they tried to bring the war into the agenda again in order to keep forces of democracy under the DEHAP flag from succeeding.


Osman Ocalan, member of KADEK Presidential Council, participated by telephone in the news program on Medya TV and stated that they had neither an initiative nor plans to establish a government-in-exile. A number of channels including CNN-Turk have argued that KADEK has been making preparations for war against Turkey and trying to establish a government-in-exile.

“Such news are altogether figments of imagination” said Ocalan. The Kurdish leader reacted to the news, calling on the media not to provoke war but to contribute to solution. Ocalan continued to say the following: Some of the groups within the Turkish ruling elite try to change the agenda in order to keep forces of democracy united under the DEHAP flag from being successful. They make efforts to bring the war into the agenda. And these efforts depend on false information supposedly coming from the KADEK Presidential Council. I emphasize clearly: The Presidential Council has not any scenario to establish a government-in-exile nor any such initiative. Such decision has not been taken. The Kurdish people must improve its democratic organization everywhere. KADEK supports unity. Such a line does not need a separate government either in home or in foreign lands. We want for Turkey to be democratised. Our strategic approach is a parliament elected by free elections and a democracy program. Therefore we consider the elections extremely important. For us representation of the will of the Kurdish people in the parliament is of vital importance.”

Peace, not war

Emphasizing that KADEK had been trying to make a solution possible by taking over PKK’s legacy, Ocalan said with words to the effect: “As a requirement of our line, we want peace, not war with Turkey. We show it at every opportunity. We say that only in case of an attack against us we will defend us. We do not place guerrilla forces within the borders of Turkey, nor make preparations for war. On the contrary reactionary forces that do not support democratisation resort to war provocation. The Turkish media has launched a similar campaign. We say this: War barons have begun to act. They want wreak carnage in the Middle East. They are preparing to make an operation on South Kurdistan. They try to make KADEK a tool for it. KADEK will not be a tool. Our call to Turkey is peace, not war.”

KNK: Ploys of war barons


Yasar Kaya, member of Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Presidential Council, declared the news of government-in-exile to be false, saying the following: “All these are ploys of war provoking groups that do not want the Turkish-Kurdish brotherhood. Kurds do not want war. Do not point to the way towards mountains.”

Kaya, in a statement on behalf of KNK, continued with words to the effect: “KNK does not have any plans to establish a government-in-exile. Such news are said with an aim in mind at such a period. It deserves thinking. Deep state tries to manipulate the public by such methods in order to attack against Kurds.” Underscoring that there were important developments in the Middle East and South Kurdistan, Kaya added the following: “Iraq is an independent state whose borders are determined. And Kurds have a federal system since the Gulf War. Now today they strengthen the system. It is absurd to raise hell about it.”
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