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Indybay Feature

Ward Churchill Held in Columbus Day March Blockade at Colorado Capital

by bov
It looks brutal - at least one teenage girl got punched in the face by a biker. Extremely courageous and important action.
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by cp
is he held or not?
that sounds ridiculous - bikers beating up pre-teens. Someone should have stuck a nail in their tires - they wouldn't go very fast then.
by bov
And who else would punch a teen but a scared pig, a patriotic biker, or, possibly, a government employee desperate to work . . .
by cp
wow - that's cool how many people they had. you can see from the descriptions and the pictures that there were 2000 people for this, and Denver isn't nearly as big as the Bay area. Compare that to some of the rallies around here for issues that might occupy more space in the consciousness of bay area people such as the Iraq war and critical mass - where there were supposedly 8000 and 5000 at recent events (biggest critical mass ever?). Was there more than an extremely small italian american march around here today? I think it's fine to have yearly holidays or events for various american ethnicities as long as it stays like st. patrick's day or cinco de mayo. there isn't even a polish american or french american type of holiday at all.
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