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Are israeli snipers testing their newly arrived at cia toys causing mayhem here?

by you conclude
"Not only is it an effective killing weapon but it is designed to create panic. A target can be sanding in the middle of a crowd one moment. The next moment he keels over - dead," an Israeli source told Globe-Intel.

Israel's crack-shot snipers are to be equipped with "invisible" nickel-tipped bullets.

They have no give-away muzzle flash when fired - and there is no recoil. The bullets are designed to be used in rifles CIA armourers have developed. They have twice the range of ordinary sniper weapons and a killing accuracy of a mile.

The weapons were originally designed to be used by U.S. Special Forces in Afghanistan.

But preceding George Tenet's latest visit to Israel this weekend, fifty of the state-of-the-art weapons and ten thousand rounds of "invisible" bullets have been secretly flown to Israel. They left Kennedy Airport, New York, on an El Al freighter to Tel Aviv.

Israel's best army snipers - some of whom are women - were sent to a secret base in the country's Negev Desert to familiarize themselves with the weapons.

Until now Israeli snipers have been unable to operate at night - due to the risk of discovery from the give-away flash from their rifle barrels. Using special night sights, also developed by the CIA, the snipers will be able to pick out a target without any risk of detection once they shoot.

A team of snipers equipped with the weapons accompanied the latest incursion into Hebron by Israeli tanks this week (Thursday). The weapons were not used as no "suitable targets" were found, says an IDG source.

"Not only is it an effective killing weapon but it is designed to create panic. A target can be sanding in the middle of a crowd one moment. The next moment he keels over - dead," an Israeli source told Globe-Intel.

Prime Minister Sharon has also ordered Mossad's most secret unit - its kidon assassination tams - to be ready to move into the killing fields of Gaza and the West Bank in the event of renewed mass violence.

Sharon insists any response he authorizes is "no more than an attempt to show the Palestinians they must learn that they will achieve nothing through violence and terror."

Yasser Arafat has said the deployment of specially-equipped snipers and the kidon teams "shows the world that Israel is ready to use any methods to destroy us."

The kidon unit normally operates overseas - killing terrorist leaders who mastermind the suicide bombers from afar.

The kidon unit consists of forty-two men and six women. All are in their late twenties and are based in a restricted area of a military base near the desert town of Beersheba. The area includes a mock-up of an Arab village, a suburban street and a variety of buildings where the kidon teams practice their deadly art.

They practice with a wide range of hand-guns and knives and learn how to administer a lethal injection in a crowd.

They also study their failures. The most embarrassing was the September 1997 failure of a kidon unit to kill Hamas leader Khalid Meshal in the streets of Amman, Jordan.

The team had been equipped with a deadly poison made from the seeds of the castor-oil plant. It had worked before with spectacular success on a London Street in September 1978. A Bulgarian defector, Georgi Markov, was killed by one of his country's agents, who jabbed him in the thigh with the tip of an umbrella smeared with the nerve agent.

But the kidon team sent to Amman bungled their mission - and were captured.

It had needed an abject apology from Israel's then Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu, to the late King Hussein of Jordan before the luckless would-be assassins were freed.

To avoid such a debacle again, the kidon have studied the faces and habits of every potential target.

These include the Hamas and Islamic leaders as well as key members of Yasser Arafat's Force 17. The PLO commando unit has long been Arafat's personal security force.

But down the years kidon units have assassinated its members - most notably those involved in the massacre of the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. Every member of the team that had killed the athletes was cornered and killed by the kidon.

Each kidon unit is a team of four. One is assigned to do the actual killing, the others to provide back-up such as a getaway car or planting obstructions for pursuers.

Every three months a kidon member has a meeting with a Mossad psychiatrist on handling stress and how to relax.

Later they undergo aptitude tests to establish their emotional stability and self-confidence. Each kidon is assessed to see if he or she shows signs of becoming a "lone wolf." That could be fatal in an operation where teamwork is essential.

Part of each training day is given over to testing a kidon's sheer physical stamina. There is a forced march in the fierce noonday heat of the Negev Desert. Afterwards a kidon faces further psychological tests.

Sample questions: "An Arab girl spots you on an important mission: do you kill her to preserve your mission? You are taken prisoner: do you surrender or kill yourself? You come across a wounded Israeli soldier hit in the Intifada. Do you stop to save him knowing he will certainly die - though it means aborting your mission?"

The questions are intended to see how a kidon reacts under pressure. How long does he or she need to give an answer?

GORDON THOMAS - read more of his amazing work - Seeds of Fire: China And The Story Behind the Attack on America - Gideon's Spies : Israel's Secret Warriors - The Jesus Conspiracy



From Ronnie
Ronnielichti [at]

Dear Jeff Rense,

I wanted to add my 2 cents worth to the Gordon Thomas article. As an amateur ballistics and firearms maven I have several MAJOR problems with his article. Chief among them is the incredibly vague and ambiguous references and sources cited.

However, that aside there are several glaring problems that frankly call into question the authenticity and accuracy of his entire article. Indeed, if one did not know better, one would think the entire story was invented without any real thought given to actually researching the plausibility of it. Doubtless, it is all credited to some anonymous 'source'.

Muzzle flash is caused from the explosion (actually a high speed burn) of the powder rocketing out of the end of the barrel and it's reaction with the atmosphere. This 'rocket' like effect is partly to blame for the weapons recoil, (the other part being the laws of inertia and the weight of the bullet, blah, blah blah.) Point being, if one wishes to eliminate muzzle flash, one can use what is called a 'flash hider' which in effect dissipates and deflects the gas, though it does not truly hide the flash. Besides, unless someone is staring right at the shooter when the gun is fired there is no one to see the flash. Yes, it takes a certain amount of care to hide it, just as it takes care to hide the 'dust burst' when firing from ground level in day light. Regardless, this fact has not stopped snipers from being extremely effective day and night for decades, or more.

Two, nickel plating is a relatively soft largely cosmetic metallic material useful as an anti-corrosion material, though there are far better ones. It's effect as a bullet jacket material would be useless in having anything to do with range or power. It can be useful for preventing brass cases from tarnishing.

Third, for those involved with government/military/police sniping, if the situation calls for it there are ample silenced weapons including the 5.56 and 7.62 nato rounds as used by Israel. Though not as quite as the 'hollywood' versions, this does solve muzzle blast and flash, though unless subsonic rounds are used, it is still rather loud due to supersonic bullet crack.

Fourth, one can observe that any gunfire, even that with rubber bullets, causes panic in a crowd, so certainly from a panicstandpoint it is counterproductive to use a silenced weapon, though certainly there are plausible tactical reasons for doing so if one wished a bad guy to go away without the crowd noticing. But causing panic is not one of them. Likely few would even notice the person fall and certainly would not link gunfire to the reason without the telltale sound of it.

Fifth, the probable kill range for a military sniper is well in excess of 600 metres (1/2 mile) with normal shoulder fired rifles.The .50 caliber specialty weapons are considerably more. Lethality is not the issue - it is the trajectory that makes it difficult to impossible at extreme range. Theoretically, if one could hit a target at 2 miles with an average deer rifle it could easily kill a man. So, the 'lethal range' comment is moot.

Last, there are many variables in ballistics, but essentially, one must either increase velocity OR projectile weight OR projectile aerodynamic properties (or all three) without decreasing the other factors in order to gain retained down range velocity, and thus power and accuracy. Without moving to something exotic like a particle beam or laser, it is highly problematic to increase velocity while eliminating recoil and flash.There are exponential type forces at work when talking speed v. propellant so to get twice the range would require much higher velocities and power.

Bottom line, the entire premise is flawed to the max. I say this to Mr. Thomas. If you want to spin fiction, research it first so you are good at it like a Stephen Coonts or a Tom Clancy. Conversely, if you wish to report 'facts' it would also be good to do some it due diligence. if you will.

This is also true with the supposed training regimen of the Jewish Special Forces group he alluded to. These 'training' measures sound as if the 'source' was actually a very poorly researched Hollywood movie.

By the way, in keeping with the 'nit picking' essence of this letter, the poison is called Ricin and is made from Castor beans. Castor Oil is pressed from the beans in the similar ways as sunflower oil might be made.

This letter is overly long considering the importance of Mr. Thomas's article. It could be effectively argued that ANY response would be too long and a waste of time. But, I respect the Rense site immensely and a great deal of the information there is very well done. Besides, I am up late anyway. :)

I may not agree with everyone's viewpoints, but I can respect that view if it is at least thought out. To allow such irresponsible and inaccurate 'journalism' only discredits the actual news. There are ample 'conspiracies' that need no embellishing and to create poor quality fiction merely undermines the entire fringe news system.

Frankly, I believe one of the primary reasons so few mainstream people give credence to stories such as NWO or UFO's etc are because of all the inane stories that cloud the issues. Listening to the breathless writings of some of these authors makes one wonder where their 'meds' are!

To the Renses, Drudges and countless other journalists who defy the party line and report the news professionally and ethically, I say Bravo!

To all those others, I can only pray you are either playing a joke or have gotten professional help, because it would be scary if you actually believed some of what you write...almost as scary as what the talking heads pass off for news on the boob tube.



PS- I will certainly apologize publicly if Mr. Thomas can come up with any corroborating material that is remotely scientific or technical in nature.

From: Christopher

While I agree there is a lot wrong with the orginal article I think your readers should know that silenced, flashless sniper bullets do exist. Not only do the russians have them, but they have been posted to the internet.


The short story is that these shells use the billard principle and have the powder push a rod that then hits the bullet and lodges itself in the casing. The result is that there is ZERO flash or powder bang. You still have to use subsonic ammuniton to avoid the rifle crack of the sound barrier being broken. This reduces the range conciderably and makes accurate shooting hard.

If the russians have such shells, I'm sure the CIA has their own (or a stock of stolen Russian ones).

by Food not bombs
Palestinian bomers skiped their boms with Sharp metal objects to create a Flashet like effect - but I guess that is OK.

Signed: Food not bombs as lons as their not palestinian bombs
by ...
As long as Israelis occupy Palestine, Palestinians have a right to fight them.

I know that is hard for you to understand. As far as your concerned, Palestinians ought to just take whatever the Israelis do to them and maybe even thank them. Fighting back is just terrorism. Even if Israelis commit far more terrorism against Palestinian civilians.

Anyway, why not just let UN Peacekeeping troops in like the Palestinians have requested. Is it because Israeli troops are too busy killing, maiming and torturing Palestinians and don't want anyone to witness this or get in the way? Surely, if you were interested in reducing Israeli casualties (not to mention the far more Palestinian casualties), you would support this one proposal that has been requested by the Palestinians but blocked by Israel.
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