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Congress Says War, We Say Peace (San Francisco Rally and Peace Camp, October 12, 2002)

by Will Doherty (wild [at]
In response to the US House of Representatives vote authorizing President Bush to declare war against Iraq, hundreds gathered in San Francisco on October 10, 2002, and marched to the Federal Building to establish a peace camp and plan civil disobedience actions.
In response to the US House of Representatives vote authorizing President Bush to declare war against Iraq, hundreds gathered in San Francisco on October 10, 2002, and marched to the Federal Building to establish a peace camp and plan civil disobedience actions.

More pictures of the event are available at
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by Fred Smart (fred [at]
We have an outlaw government that, day by day, is revealing more and more of how disconnected they are from reality.

War is the final solution to cover-up fraud at all levels - religious, political, financial and social.

War is insane and there can never ever be any rational logical justification for it unless one is purely defending oneself or others from an overt act of aggression.

The more the world examines 911 and many of the acts of destruction all over the world over the years the more we all are able to "see" that many, if not all of these events, have been planned, controlled and contrived act of aggression and terrorism against We The People.

We are witnessing the final phase of this Old Control-Distrust model that's been enslaving mankind for centuries. And as we move forward there will be less and less darkness to hide out in. Hence, there will be greater and greater competition for what remaining darkness exists.

A year ago this time wrote on the net that I believed George Bush would be the last President of our country as we have all mistakenly come to know it. Why? Because the Republic of free sovereign states died along with 600,000 soldiers who fought another competely unecessary war 142 years ago. The Civil War saw the rise in the Federal Private Corporate Master power thanks to the sell out by our politicians over the years to the international banking cartel. And the fraud, terrorism and plunder that's been committed against We The People of this country has reached to the high heavens.

There is only one way these Wizards can potentially try to escape being held accountable for these acts of social, economic and political terrorism against We The People of the world and that's by creating another contrive game of international division-separation chicken with the organization that, all along, they've been planning on using to take over the control of the world: The United Nations.

Don't buy it folks!

War is war!

Terrorism is terrorism.

And these two elements have been directed against We The People of the world by this cartel for years and years. Their only tool is war for war is the product of fear, insanity, division, separation, hatred and anger.

To examine and expose this fraud all you have to do is examine the flow of money. And the fact is that today ALL money is fraudulent in our world for non of it is backed by anything. Examine the Federal Reserve. Examine our tax system. Examine the IRS. And when you conduct these examinations be sure to do so in light of the Constitution for the united States of America. Notice I didn't write "The Constitution of the United States of America." There's a big difference betweeen the possessive-control aspect of "of" in the corporate version of the Constitution of the all-caps UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the service aspect of "for" in the original-organic regular case version of what constitutes our Constitution.

I will submit to you that we've been living inside a socialistic bubble for decades and what's happening now is the inevitable degradation to the final solution of communism and the total extinguishment of individual sovereignty, rights and freedom.

UN here we come!!

That's the core of what's driving this whole contrived drama about war. And the only source of truth and justice in this world will come from mankind's unconditional acknowledgement of a benevolent almighty creator who is full of infinite forgiveness, truth and love. Love is the antithesis of war and hatred. Love is the greatest revolutionary force in the universe. Love transcends and transforms. When this universeal Love conjoins with universal truth it naturally manifests into usefullness and service to others.

It's high time we hug and love these Federal Wizards of Oz that are hiding behind their curtains in their respective Castles all across our wonderful world. They are simply individuals who unwittingly are serving this beast called war, division, separation, pain, anger and hatred that can only lead to total-final destruction for our world. It's high time we not only hug them but work, together, to carry them - kicking and screaming if we have to - OUT of these dark Castles and into the fresh new air and light of this New Day in this New Age of Aquarius with infinite flowing waters of peace, light, hope, truth and love that will allow us all to transcend and transform above and beyond all of this dark, egoic madness.

I freely chose to see and share a vision for a New World of peace!

I freely chose to see and share a vision for a New World of light!

I freely chose to see and share a vision for a New World of love!

Peace and God Bless!


by Ffutal
An antiwar op-ed piece by Stimson Bullitt in the Seattle Times is unworthy of note, except for its concluding paragraph, slamming President Bush for his willingness to act unilaterally against Saddam Hussein:

By violating our duty of "a decent respect to the opinions of mankind," in Jefferson's phrase, we terrify and offend other nations and thereby increase the numbers and passions of those who will aim terrorist attacks against us.

Jefferson's phrase comes from the opening of the Declaration of Independence:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Jefferson's point was that when a country declares independence from another, "a decent respect for the opinions of mankind" requires it to explain itself. If the same principle applies here, surely President Bush fulfilled his expository obligation with his Sept. 12 speech to the U.N.

Besides, when he became president Jefferson didn't insist on U.N. approval (or the early-19th-century equivalent) when he intervened militarily to protect American interests. After trying and failing to enlist allies in a campaign against the Barbary Pirates of North Africa, he decided America would go it alone. Writes the Library of Congress's Gerard Gewalt:

Jefferson's plan for an international coalition foundered on the shoals of indifference and a belief that it was cheaper to pay the tribute than fight a war. . . . Secretary of State Jefferson declared to Thomas Barclay, American consul to Morocco, in a May 13, 1791, letter of instructions for a new treaty with Morocco that it is "lastly our determination to prefer war in all cases to tribute under any form, and to any people whatever." . . .

When Jefferson became president in 1801 he refused to accede to Tripoli's demands for an immediate payment of $225,000 and an annual payment of $25,000. The pasha of Tripoli then declared war on the United States. Although as secretary of state and vice president he had opposed developing an American navy capable of anything more than coastal defense, President Jefferson dispatched a squadron of naval vessels to the Mediterranean. As he declared in his first annual message to Congress: "To this state of general peace with which we have been blessed, one only exception exists. Tripoli, the least considerable of the Barbary States, had come forward with demands unfounded either in right or in compact, and had permitted itself to denounce war, on our failure to comply before a given day. The style of the demand admitted but one answer. I sent a small squadron of frigates into the Mediterranean. . . ."
by Fred Jakobcic (fjakobci [at]
Once again Congress has been stampeded into action. It is another case of fools are those who follow the lead of fools. This being the bush administration in the "lead," with Congress following behind, with its tails between its legs. This does not include those with a bit more sanity, who voted against sanctioning the bush's idiocy. But let us not foreget all but a very few voted for th USA Patriot Act, and that is one big piece of crap on the American Public. My congratulation to those brave people who protested in San Francisco. Dissent should not be criminalized, but that has been the aim of the bush administration and those before it. They continue deny the fact that all is not well in American, that not all are stampeded by the bush spin on war, peace, the economy and the morality of right and wrong,and they are not allowing or accepting the continual violation of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution by the Idiot in the White House and his followers, most especial Jackasscrotch.

Thank you and keep it up.
by Will Levin
Thank you all so much for your bravery and willingness to ratchet up the resistence.

My heart is lifted and I can feel a heavy gloom falling away . I have been aching to figure out ways to be more effective in my/our activism for months now.

Your actions show at least one more life affirming and kick - ass way to stop the business as usual mentality that's creeping us closer to all out insanity.

You amazing people are helping others of us to rise up more strongly in response to the encroaching meltdown of justice everywhere.

I will proudly increase the commitment I'm willing to risk by stepping out on the line a few paces further as well.

Thank you again and again.


Will Levin, Portland, Oregon
by Wendi Sturgeon (corhanem [at]
The protesters have my full undying support! Wish I had known and could have been there! I am informing everyone I know of the actions of these brave souls ... God bless you all!!!
by Sam B.
> "We have an outlaw government that, day by day, is revealing more and more of how disconnected they are from reality."

Of course not. We have an elected governement that shows, day by day, how disconnected you all are from reality.

">War is the final solution to cover-up fraud at all levels - religious, political, financial and social."

No, of course not. There is nothing to cover up.

> "War is insane and there can never ever be any rational logical justification for it unless one is purely defending oneself or others from an overt act of aggression."

Read St. Augustine circa 400A.D. He blew away your argument 1600 years ago.

> "The more the world examines 911 and many of the acts of destruction all over the world over the years the more we all are able to "see" that many, if not all of these events, have been planned, controlled and contrived act of aggression and terrorism against We The People."

Against the U.S., you mean. The more one examines your thinking, your desires, and your distinctly anti-democratic behavior, the more one realizes you are against democracy and for those who are agressors against us, We The People.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

by Sheepdog
Exactly how long HAVE you lived in
your little fantasy land?
You talk like you know what you're saying
but all I hear is the sound of a broken, warped
record. After you unplug your ears, take the
liberal/conservative blinders off, maybe we
could get rational dialogue from you.
I know it's a lot to hope for.
by Sam B.
Rational dialogue, Sheepy?

I have seen no "rational dialogue" from any of you, only mindless repetition of Marxist nonsense, assertions without evidence, union members advocating murder of those they don't like, and exhiliration at "protests" that feature dancing, drum beating, street "theater", puppet shows, knitting and baking.

Give us a break, Sheepy. Stop the bloody hypocrisy.

by Koba
Preemption is nothing new. This is exactly the same
reason that Adolf Hitler used to justify the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.
by Mary (marygreeley [at]
How worldly are you?
War and rumors of war.
But what are we really going to war for?
To help the economy?
To stop a threat of future terrorism?
Here is a thought.
How would you like to be arrested and found guilty just because some one said you might break the law.
How many people have moth balls, bleach, and a few extension cords laying around? Got a digital clock and a few extra batteries, gas can? Things you have around the house could be used to make a bomb.
How many people have spoke out of anger and said "I could just kill him or her"?
Today this would be enough to put a person under suspicion.
Would you be willing to go to war because of this?
Yes I know this is a bit extreme but has any one in Iraq sent biological weapons here to the U.S.?
Ok so some say war will help the economy and keep the oil flowing.
Economy= goods.
Oil= goods
All this is worldly.
Will they be willing to send their son's or daughters to a altar to be sacrificed so we can prosper or to keep their standard of living?
What dollar amount is their life worth?
Sacrificing children is called "Moloch".
Who really gets rich from war?
Iraq didn't do 9-11. And lets not forget it was our own CIA that trained Bin Laden.
This is the truth no mater how it is twisted to look other wise.
Many people don't like to face the truth.
When will they? Only when it affects them I fear.
by sam b.
Sam B. is a loser who goes around and posts stuff to anger people on other sties also. Not worth people's breath and anger.

Give yourself a limit - a 2 line response or something, if you can't actually ignore him.

I know its hard to ignore him, because he responds to others point by point, etc., but its clear what his agenda is.

It's like Ollie North - I remember watching hours of those Iran Contra hearings and I really felt intuitively that this man believed he was doing the right thing.

No one convinces people like this of what they are really doing.
by just wondering
Could be. He certainly exhibits symptoms. But there is another possibility. Could it not be that he is getting paid to write this crap?
by Sam B.
I note the paranoia inherent in Indymedia regulars. I also note that you all have a difficult time confronting your own hypocrisy.

It's the nature of the beast.

by Gillian Rodney
Your government was not elected by the people. It forced it's way in through fraudulent means and deceit. Wake up tomorrow and go buy 'Stupid White Men' by Michael Moore.
by me
This war is crap. I mean how many lives will we take per gallon? Yes Saddam has done bad things but we (the government, the us) gave him stuff to do it with! Bush is fighting his fathers war, and if this war continues so many innocent people will die. I wonder if George would go along with this if he knew both his daughters were going to die, and his wife too. HOW CAN HE IGNORE THE PROTESTERS? TURKEY! PALESTINE! IRAN! WASHINGTON DC! SAN FRANSISCO! SEATTLE! GERMANY! FRANCE! ITALY! JUST TO NAME A FEW! JUST THINK IF SOMEONE DROPPED THE AMOUNT OF BOMBS ON CALIFORNIA (WHICH IS ABOUT AS BIG AS IRAQ) THAT WE ARE DROPPING ON IRAQ THINK WHAT CALIFORNIA WOULD LOOK LIKE. THINK HOW MANY PEOPLE WOULD DIE.
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