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Yawn, Just Another Palestinian Kid Killed By Israel for Throwing Stones

by Ralpho
Just more of the same (it happens EVERY SINGLE DAY!) Palestian Kids make poor Israeli Snipers kill them by Throwing stones at their tanks. WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS!!!! (stones can hurt, and imagine mental anquish of the poor nervous young Israeli snipers).
Palestinian, 15, killed by IDF gunfire in Nablus
IDF troops shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian during clashes Saturday with dozens of young Palestinian stone-throwers in the West Bank city of Nablus, doctors said.

Residents said more soldiers and tanks were deployed Saturday in Nablus and in adjacent refugee camps.

Nablus has been under almost continuous curfew since mid-June when Israel reoccupied most West Bank towns in response to two suicide bombings by Palestinian militants.

Many Nablus residents routinely defy the curfew, emerging from their homes when they don't see soldiers in the area. Many children attend school, and troops often ignore them.

However, there have also been clashes, mostly between children and teen-agers who throw stones at tanks and draw tear gas, rubber bullets and live rounds.

Two such clashes erupted Saturday, one in the center of Nablus and the second in the Al Ein refugee camp near the city.

Ammar Rajab, 15, was killed by a shot to the head in the refugee camp, doctors said. Witnesses said two other youths, aged 13 and 16, were wounded.

The IDF said it was checking the report.

On Friday, Mohammed Ali Zeid, a 15-year-old Palestinian was killed in a West Bank village when soldiers fired at stone throwers, and a 12-year-old was gravely wounded by army fire in Nablus.
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by Mossadistic
I hope there's another IDF "investigation"! WHERE WERE THOSE PALESTINIAN PARENTS! I feel so sorry for those poor Israeli snipers! Maybe it's time for another congressional resolution condemning Palestinian violence and giving Israel a couple of hundred million $ more. Poor brave little democracy! We should invade Iraq for them, after all, they are "God chosen people".
by J. T.
I don;t know about you but I think Israel is passé’ for tourism, the new swingers hot spot (just next door ) is occupied Palestine!
Talk about exciting! All night fireworks and bulldozer shows.
Try out the, get some water and food, target gallery run!
Scream in absolute horror as your family gets killed all at once or one at a time after braving the checkpoint hazard troll going to school/work/family etc.
Get close and personal with a battle tank (one of the best, I assure you. ) and see what it can do.
Join the natives in the quaint custom of the” rocks against armor” folk dance ...
Don’t forget your cameras because the IDF put on some truly impressive air shows and weapons demonstrations.
by Latuff
by svan
Poor palestinian stone throwers
Video of poor Israeli soldiers defending themselves from a Palestinian terror child -- with the father clearly goading him on to attack the helpless Israelis.

"An ambulance driver who tried to rescue the boy and his father was also killed, and a second ambulance driver was wounded."
by Actually
Actually Muhammad al-Durrah was shot by the Palestinians.
That's right. And to make it look good, they also waited around and killed a Palestinian ambulance driver trying to rescue them and then shot a second ambulance driver trying to rescue all three...

What sinister thing will Palestinians think of next to make the poor Israelis feel bad.
by ...
The Israeli army later admitted that the shots which killed Muhammad had "apparently" been fired by its troops, and apologised for his death.

But before they did so, other Israeli officials questioned whether the boy was killed by Israeli bullets and said he could have been hit by stray Palestinian gunfire.

But witnesses say the Palestinian youths were armed only with stones, not guns, and the shooting was all from the Israeli side.

There was no "crossfire" unless you consider the Israelis shooting from every direction a crossfire.

According to all accounts from witnesses on the scene (except those by Israelis), no one but Israeli soldiers were shooting.

And from the sound of the video, they were shooting up a storm...
The Israeli soldiers who shot and killed the twelve year old boy were interviewed by Sam Kiley, but he was told by his editors to file the report on those soldiers "without mentioning the dead kid" -- pretty much destroying the story.

He worked for Rupert Murdoch's newspaper, "The London Times." Rupert Murdoch (who owns many newspapers and TV stations as well as Twentieth Century Fox -- Fox News and the hollywood studios) is a good friend of Ariel Sharon having visited him on many occasions on his ranch in Israel. He goes into fits of hysterical rage if his newspapers or media outlets say anything "anti-Israel."
Guardian article:

Kiley attacks Murdoch's friendship with Israel

Jason Deans
Wednesday September 5, 2001

Sam Kiley, the former Times Africa correspondent, has spoken out for the first time about why he quit the paper, blaming its allegedly pro-Israeli censorship of his reporting on the latest Middle East conflict.

Mr Kiley said Times owner Rupert Murdoch's close friendship with Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, and heavy investment in Israel were the reasons behind his decision to resign.

"In the war of words, no newspaper has been so happy to hand the keys of the armoury over to one side than the Times," Kiley wrote today in the Evening Standard.

"The Times foreign editor and other middle managers flew into hysterical terror every time a pro-Israel lobbying group wrote in with a quibble or complaint and then usually took their side against their own correspondent," he added.

"I was told I should not refer to 'assassinations' of Israel's opponents, nor to 'extra-judicial killings or executions'.

"No pro-Israel lobbyist ever dreamed of having such power over a great national newspaper."

Kiley said Murdoch executives were so scared of irritating the media mogul that when he interviewed the Israeli army unit responsible for killing a 12-year old Palestinian boy, he was asked to file the piece without mentioning the dead child.

"After that conversation, I was left wordless, so I quit," he said.

"In an 11-year stint for the Thunderer, I'd lived out a childhood ambition to be its Africa correspondent, served my time in the Balkans and the Middle East, been shot, jailed, and had my ribs cracked," said Kiley.

"I'd faced (mock) execution twice and had more of a whizz-bang time than any young man could want. Then last month I threw it all in, because of the words I was asked to use, or not to use."

His revelations of the intimate relationship between Murdoch and the Israeli premier and its reflection in the politics of the paper will tarnish the historical reputation of the Times as the "newspaper of record"

He said both sides in the conflict seek to censor their crimes and celebrate their causes.

"But in the war of words no newspaper has been more happy to hand the keys of the armoury over to one side than the Times," he said.

His comments about the paper come just days after the Independent's foreign correspondent, Robert Fisk, accused broadcasters of caving in to pressure from Israel to avoid terms such as "occupied territories".
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