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Indybay Feature

Israel is World's Largest Gated Community

by American-American Citizen
Israel is the world's largest gated community, and guess who pays for it ?
Israel is the world's largest gated community, and it is paid for mostly by US taxpayers, most unwittingly, and most unwilling if given the chance to vote on where their tax dollars go to.

Whiles Israelis live in posh settlements, many illegal according to UN Resolutions and international law, with green grass lawns and swimming pools, just a stone's throw away, Palestinians live in towns that are reduced to rubble and teetering-tottering bullet-riddled, tank-rammed buildings, where the Palestinians are kept virtual prisoners.

For instance in Khan Younis on the Gaza Strip, Palestinians live in the surreal remains of a town, where they are only permitted to leave and return through strict checkpoints. They must show a special permit, and they are not allowed any visitors.

Although they can see the beautiful, glittering Mediterranean about a half mile away, the Palestinians are denied access to the beaches there.

Daily life is excrutiatingly difficult, which literal and figurative roadblocks at every turn of their existance.

Do Americans really want to support this racist, anti-democratic, apartheid country of Israel, which is the Zionist Jews home away from home for JEWS ONLY?

I, for one, don't think so. Everyone must speak up about this, and spread the word!

Get involved! Contact for a great start. Then the rich Zionists lobby groups will not be able to buy out our politicians to force them to follow the Zionist agenda, like for instance, just the other day, Zionists forcefully included verbage in a big general US resolution about undivided Jerusalem being the capital of Israel, a direct affront to the peace process whereby Jersusalem would be shared internationally, or whereby East Jerusalem would be the capital of a newly created state of Palestine.

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