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Indybay Feature

A Look Into the World of Biodiesel

by Kate Dorman (katydid [at]
New College presents an intelligent solution to war and terrorism, environmental pollution, and the decline of family farms. Free panel discussion with leaders of the Northern California biodiesel movement. A four day hands-on workshop will follow for those who want to learn to make their own fuel or form a biodiesel co-op in Santa Rosa.
A Look into the World of Biodiesel

New College presents an intelligent solution to war and terrorism,
environmental pollution, and the decline of family farms

On Thursday, October 3rd at 7:30pm, New College hosts a free panel discussion with leaders of the Northern California biodiesel movement, at 99 Sixth Street in Santa Rosa. A four day hands-on workshop ($15-$50 per day) will follow for those who want to learn to make their own fuel or form a biodiesel co-op in Santa Rosa. The public can call (707) 431-7837 for more information.

Attendees of the evening event will hear a variety of perspectives on this burgeoning movement from Maria ?girl Mark? Alovert of the Berkeley Biodiesel project, a user-producer cooperative; Kumar Plocher and David Hawley of Yokayo Biofuels, a Ukiah partnership dedicated to expanding the use of biodiesel in Northern California; and Dave Williamson, of the Ecology Center in Berkeley, which runs all of its municipal recycling trucks on biodiesel.

Biodiesel, or methyl/ethyl esters, is a well-studied and accepted technology made primarily from vegetable oil and alcohol fuels. It allows users to take immediate and seamless measures to help clean up our air and water while reducing our dependence on foreign oil and promoting a sustainable domestic economy.

Cars using biodiesel fuels produce greatly reduced emissions compared to petroleum fuels. In case of spills, biodiesel, less toxic than table salt, biodegrades as fast as sugar. Biodiesel can be safely produced cooperatively on a community-wide level, or at home, using a cookbook approach, even by people with little technical skill. Several commercial manufacturers distribute it in the area.

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