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Indybay Feature

No-fly blacklist snares political activists

by marco
SF Chronicle Staff Writer Alan Gathright wrote about
Milwaukee's trouble last April in the wider context
of US Gov't repression. I'll reprint much of that here.
"A federal "No Fly" list, intended to keep terrorists
from boarding planes," writes Gathright, "is snaring peace
activists at San Francisco International and other U. S.
airports, triggering complaints that civil liberties are
being trampled."

He goes on to write:

And while several federal agencies acknowledge that
they contribute names to the congressionally mandated
list, none of them, when contacted by The Chronicle,
could or would say which agency is responsible for
managing the list.

One detainment forced a group of 20 Wisconsin anti- war
activists to miss their flight, delaying their trip to
meet with congressional representatives by a day. That
case and others are raising questions about the criteria
federal authorities use to place people on the list --
and whether people who exercise their constitutional
right to dissent are being lumped together with terrorists.

"What's scariest to me is that there could be this gross
interruption of civil rights and nobody is really in charge,"
said Sarah Backus, an organizer of the Wisconsin group.
"That's really 1984-ish."

Federal law enforcement officials deny targeting dissidents.
They suggested that the activists were stopped not because
their names are on the list, but because their names resemble
those of suspected criminals or terrorists.

Congress mandated the list as part of last year's Aviation and
Transportation Security Act, after two Sept. 11 hijackers on a
federal "watch list" used their real names to board the jetliner
that crashed into the Pentagon. The alerts about the two men,
however, were not relayed to the airlines.

The detaining of activists has stirred concern among members
of Congress and civil liberties advocates. They want to know
what safeguards exist to prevent innocent people from being
branded "a threat to civil aviation or national security."


And they are troubled by the bureaucratic nightmare that people
stumble into as they go from one government agency to another
in a maddening search to find out who is the official keeper
of the no-fly list.

"The problem is that this list has no public accountability:
People don't know why their names are put on or how to get their
names off," said Jayashri Srikantiah, an attorney with the American
Civil Liberties Union of Northern California. "We have heard
complaints from people who triggered the list a first time and
then were cleared by security to fly. But when they fly again,
their name is triggered again."

Several federal agencies -- including the CIA, FBI, INS and State
Department -- contribute names to the list. But no one at those
agencies could say who is responsible for managing the list or
who can remove names of people who have been cleared by authorities.

Transportation Security Administration spokesman David Steigman
initially said his agency did not have a no-fly list, but after
conferring with colleagues, modified his response: His agency does
not contribute to the no- fly list, he said, but simply relays names
collected by other federal agencies to airlines and airports. "We
are just a funnel," he said, estimating that fewer than 1,000 names
are on the list.

"TSA has access to it. We do not maintain it." He couldn't say who
does. Steigman added he cannot state the criteria for placing someone
on the list, because it's "special security information not releasable
(to the public)."

However, FBI spokesman Bill Carter said the Transportation Security
Administration oversees the no-fly list: "You're asking me about
something TSA manages. You'd have to ask TSA their criteria as far
as allowing individuals on an airplane or not." In addition to their
alarm that no agency seems to be in charge of the list, critics are
worried by the many agencies and airlines that can access it.

"The fact that so many people potentially have access to the list,"
ACLU lawyer Srikantiah said, "creates a large potential for abuse."

At least two dozen activists who have been stopped -- none have been
arrested -- say they support sensible steps to bolster aviation security.
But they criticize the no-fly list as being, at worst, a Big Brother
campaign to muzzle dissent and, at best, a bureaucratic exercise that
distracts airport security from looking for real bad guys.

"I think it's a combination of an attempt to silence dissent by scaring
people and probably a lot of bumbling and inept implementation of some
bad security protocols," said Rebecca Gordon, 50, a veteran San Francisco
human rights activist and co- founder of War Times, a San Francisco
publication distributed nationally and on the Internet.

Gordon and fellow War Times co-founder Jan Adams, 55, were briefly
detained and questioned by police at San Francisco International
Airport Aug. 7 after checking in at the American Trans Air counter
for a flight to Boston. While they were eventually allowed to fly,
their boarding passes were marked with a red "S" -- for "search" --
which subjected them to more scrutiny at SFO and during a layover in

Before Adams' return flight from Boston's Logan International,
she was trailed to the gate by a police officer and an airline
official and searched yet again.

While Gordon, Adams and several of the detained activists
acknowledged minor past arrests or citations for participating
in nonviolent sit-in or other trespassing protests, FBI spokesman
Carter said individuals would have to be "involved in criminal
activity" -- not just civil disobedience -- to be banned from U.S.


But, Carter added, "When you say 'activists,' what type of activity
are they involved in? Are they involved in criminal activity to
disrupt a particular meeting? . . . Do you plan on blowing up a
building? Do you plan on breaking windows or throwing rocks? Some
people consider that civil disobedience, some people consider that
criminal activity."

Critics question whether Sister Virgine Lawinger, a 74-year-old
Catholic nun, is the kind of "air pirate" lawmakers had in mind
when they passed the law. Lawinger, one of the Wisconsin activists
stopped at the Milwaukee airport on April 19, said she didn't get
upset when two sheriff's deputies escorted her for questioning.

"We didn't initially say too much about the detainment, because
we do respect the need to be careful (about airline security),"
the nun recounted. "They just said your name is flagged and we
have to clear it. And from that moment on no one ever gave me any
clarification of what that meant and why. I guess that was our

Five months later, the 20 members of Peace Action Wisconsin still
haven't been told why they were detained. Even local sheriff's
deputies and airline officials admitted confusion about why the
group was stopped, when only one member's name resembled one on
the no-fly list.

At the time, a Midwest Express Airlines spokeswoman told a Wisconsin
magazine, the Progressive, that a group member's name was similar to
one on the list and "the (Transportation Security Administration) made
the decision that since this was a group, we should rescreen all of them."

At a congressional hearing in May, Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold
pressed FBI Director Robert Mueller about the Milwaukee incident,
asking him pointedly for an assurance that the agency was not including
people on the list because they had expressed opinions contrary to the
policies of the U.S. government.

Mueller's response: "We would never put a person on the watch list solely
because they sought to express their First Amendment rights and their views."


The law orders the head of the Transportation Security Administration
to work with federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies to share
database information on individuals "who may pose a risk to transportation
or national security" and relay it to airlines, airports and local law
enforcement. It also requires airlines to use the list to identify suspect
passengers and "notify appropriate law enforcement agencies, prevent the
individual from boarding an aircraft or take other appropriate action."

In November, Nancy Oden, a Green Party USA official in Maine, wound up
being a suspect passenger and was barred from flying out of the Bangor
airport to Chicago, where she planned to attend a Green Party meeting
and make a presentation about "pesticides as weapons of war."

Oden said a National Guardsman grabbed her arm when she tried to help
a security screener searching her bags with a stuck zipper. The middle-aged
woman, who said she was conservatively dressed and wore no anti-war buttons,
said the guardsman seemed to know her activist background.

"He started spouting this pro-war nonsense: 'Don't you understand that we
have to get them before they get us? Don't you understand what happened
on Sept. 11?"

Airport officials said at the time that Oden was barred from boarding
because she was uncooperative with security procedures, which she denies.
Instead, Oden pointed out that the American Airlines ticket clerk --
who marked her boarding pass with an "S" -- had acknowledged she wasn't
picked by random.

"You were going to be searched no matter what. Your name was checked
on the list," he said, according to Oden.

"The only reason I could come up with is that the FBI is reactivating
their old anti-war activists' files," said Oden, who protested the
Vietnam War as a young office worker in Washington, D.C. "It is
intimidation. It's just like years ago when the FBI built a file
about me and they called my landlord and my co-workers. . . . They
did that with everyone in the anti-war movement."


In his testimony before Congress, Mueller described the watch list
as an necessary tool for tracking individuals who had not committed
a crime but were suspected of terrorist links.

"It is critically important," he said, "that we have state and locals
(police) identify a person has been stopped, not necessarily detained,
but get us the information that the person has been stopped at a
particular place."

None of this makes the peace activists feel any safer -- about flying
or about their right to disagree with their government.

"It's probably bad for (airport) security," said Sister Virgine.
"Stopping us took a lot of staff away from checking out what else
was going on in that airport."

Ultimately, she said, "To not have dissent in a country like this
would be an attack on one of our most precious freedoms. This is
the essence of being an American citizen -- the right to dissent."


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by this thing here
"senator mccarthy, you have 5 minutes."

"thank you. ladies and gentlemen in the audience. collegues here beside me. in this breifcase, here before me, i have the names of 240, secret, communist, agents, living here in america. due to reasons of national security, i cannot, and will not, disclose these names, nor how i came to know them. this list of 520 names exposes a massive, secret, red communist conspiracy, to take over this government, this nation, and the world. it is my sincere belief that this list of 430 names will help the house un-american activities committee root out the evil communist menace from the glorious shores of the united states of america..."
by history buff
but if history teaches us anything, it is that it takes but a stroke of a pen to transform a watch list into a round up list, or worse, into a hit list.

It is interesting to note, however, that the powers that be are not the only ones making lists.
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