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Indybay Feature

Roadblock at Monument Gate

by Shunka (shunka_2002 [at]
The sight of halted sweet it is...come to Humboldt NOW to get involved in this final push to get Charles Hurwitz and his Maxxam Corp. out of our home, Humboldt County. Come one, come all!!!
This truck was stopped by merely sitting in front of the gate...the purpose was to converse with the workers, not to get arrested, so the truck was let by after a few minutes of dialogue...this was before the stay order, and before the wholesale slaughter of the Mattole began, so the atmosphere was much different then.
Now, people are locking down left and right, because not only did Maxxam/PL begin a full-scale onslaught on the Mattole, they have also been ignoring a direct court order to halt operations for a few weeks, at least until the missing documents can be recovered(did the dog eat their homework?).
We would like to invite you all to come to Humboldt County to do some direct action for the last of the last of the Old Growth forests left on the planet.
We could also always use donations through the mail, especially cameras(video and still), cell phones, warm clothes, food, etc.
Please contact us to find out how you can help, and, again, come to Humboldt County...we'll be looking forward to seeing you!
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by Maul
Why is it that a lot of the arguments for protesting are to save the last old growth on the planet? The majority of the old growth left on the planet is “saved” in parks and reserves. So please when you state you want to save old growth, refrain from saying the last on the planet and state the last left in areas zoned TPZ and in private ownership, which gives the legal right to harvest and grow trees.
by Snarl
The fact is there is no excuse for cutting down any more ancient Redwoods-except to make a fast buck. It does not matter where they are located,private land or in parks-mother nature knows no boundarys. Our lives are a blip on the screen compared to the ancient Redwoods. there is no logical argument for cutting them down. Period.
by Maul
No, the fact is there is a perfectly good reason to cut down ancient redwood trees. Growing and harvesting trees is a form of farming, once a crop is “ripe” it is time to harvest that tree and to plant a new generation of trees. Since humans are a part of mother nature, it can be said that we have a right to use the product available to us by mother nature. After all as our “collective mother” knows an individual life does not last eternally, but once an entity pass on, it creates room and frees up resources for new generations. If our forefather and foremothers did not pass on would there have been any room or resources here for any one of us? And as far as your logical argument is concerned, logic is defined as a particular system or method of reasoning which varies according to each individual so there can if fact be a many logical arguments for or against cutting ancient redwoods down. Period.
by Bull Buck
If ancient redwoods where no longer cut down, would protesting stop? Would loggers be aloud to harvest large second growth? Or are the ancient redwoods a soap box to stand on while the real motives are to end logging all together simply because some radial individuals disagree with it or don’t like the way it looks?
by to harvest
there's three percent old growth up for grabs in the northwest. after that, the soapbox will probably die out. doesn't mean it's right for this generation to cut the rest of the ancient ones. short sided mindset. yes there are some protected areas, not enough though. it is nice to use wood products. using them with the correct harvesting methods isn't a problem. cutting second growth responsibly is a good thing. cutting three hundred year old plus trees which can live to be thousands of years old is against our natural heritage.

why is it fifty year old houses can recieve protection from the historical society and thousand year old trees can't get the same protection?

doesn't even get into the watershed wide protection discussion, but something to mull on.................

why are the rivers dying?
by questions
Why do you have to see clearcutting as synonymous with the future of American lumber? If it is why is tiny little Sweden outlumbering the states three to one without any clearcutting at all? Why do we have an 80% tarriff on Canadian lumber since they moved towards selective cutting? Why are American logging companies packing up for central and south america after they've stripped an area clean?
Clearcutting and taking old growth is just plain dumb. Its more money for corporations that will leave, but it means less jobs, less exports, less forestry in the US. Its a policy for looters, not responsible industry.
by Gypsymoth
First things first. Sweden is not a small country. The level of mechanized havesting and industrial crop row growth is hardly something that should be held up as a beacon to other cultures. They mass produce small logs in artificial forests and utilize a very small work force.
Secondly, Bull Buck never metioned clear cutting in the posted argument. You made that up.
As for jobs, old growth set asides do not increase jobs. Ask the people of Orick (need some burl?). It did not work for them. It will not work with the recent set asides in the Headwaters area either. Old growth is nice to think about, but boring to visit. Harvesting in areas of old growth would allow for a profit to be made presently, while the legal requirements for planting and restocking would insure that a future crop would exist. So while one corperation may move out of an area, the timber (which dictates the work force) will always be there.

Log on
by Reality
Oh, so Mother Nature needs a favour? Well, maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts and floods and poison monkeys. Nature started the fight for survival and she wants to quit because she's losing? Well, I say Hard cheese!
by Gemmil
poison monkeys? wtf? you think mother nature CAN lose? You're nuts. Always she has the cockroaches. The only ones that can lose are the kinds of creatures we are familiar with. WE can lose, basically. I mean humans and the kind of life that we like to be around, like trees and mammals and stuff. You can't defeat mother nature, no way. The germs and cockroaches will win. All you can do is cut off your own arms and jump around saying "I win! I win!" thats pretty dumb.
by Shunka
It's still the last 2.5% left on the planet, and the government is cutting in the parks, too, so saving ALL of the Old Growth FOREVER is crucial.
The Old Growth that we are striving to preserve is the last on the planet, since there are so few left.
I hear what you're saying, yet I feel that saying the last left on the planet is still an accurate statement.
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