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The Hitler. Oops, I mean the Bush Doctrine

by Lloyd Hart (dadapop [at]
Recently the comparison was made that the tactics of the Bush regime were the same as Hitler's in the thirties. With the release of the so called Bush doctrine this week which should really be titled The American Global Primacy Plan, it should now be quite clear to our liberal friends in congress that the Fourth Reich has finally risen.
The Hitler. Oops, I mean the Bush Doctrine

Recently the comparison was made that the tactics of the Bush regime were the same as Hitler's in the thirties. With the release of the so called Bush doctrine this week which should really be titled The American Global Primacy Plan, it should now be quite clear to our liberal friends in congress that the Fourth Reich has finally risen. This twisted perversion they dare call a strategy is nothing more than publicly declaring a global dictatorship. We are going to take control of the oil in the Middle East so we can build our fortress against the brown people while our mechanized armies crush anyone who attempts curtail the flow of cheap resources to the fortress. And of course if you dare question these despots in the white house a chorus of frothing at the mouth Rand corporation briefed manifest destiny zealots are sent out to shout you down accusing you of being immoral and unpatriotic for suggesting that W has something more in mind other than the defense of the American People. And worse yet charged with aiding and abetting terrorists just for being brave enough to give constitutionally guaranteed legal representation to terrorists. And even more worse yet the linking of us protesters with terrorism as a means of silencing dissent. Didn't Hitler blame the left wing for the burning of the Reichstag.

Well if the US civilian government is transforming it self into an open and public global despot then we should begin to talk about the actual power that is facilitating this coming out of the thinly veiled closet. As someone once said "Power is at the end of the barrel of a gun!". The Generals and their cronies are the only source of real power in America and quite frankly the Bush Reich Doctrine could not have been released without approval of the Generals first infact the Generals probably wrote themselves. The Generals want control of the strategic oil supply in the Middle East. The Generals will not allow their global primacy to be challenged in this matter and all others for that matter. The Generals participated in the theft of the election in 2000 for this very purpose. The data was analyzed a decade ago and planning set in motion.

With a monopolistic control over the strategic oil the supply the Generals believe they can preempt any rise from poverty that the Brown People are demanding and therefore keep the coddled masses in Europe and America economically happy and compliant with the status quo. The Generals have had enough with democracy and are taking complete charge with their hand picked ballot box stuffed stooge in the White House doing their bidding.

If anyone was wondering why the Democrats rolled over so easily, they are afraid for their lives. They are afraid of the Generals. They fear a Night of the Long Knives or in the case of modern times, biological warfare in the capitol. The politics of fear have taken over in Washington and the charade that was democracy in America completely revealed. Just as the Generals in Hitlers Germany made sure there was written policy and law in place before they participated in the slaughter of the Leftwing, the Jews, the Gays, the Lesbians, the Gypsies and any Dissenters or misfits, the Generals in America are writing their psychosis down on paper as a ritual to seek legitimacy in their own minds for the genocide they are planning to commit in the name of freedom, that is, their freedom to rule the world.

If the left wing in America does not resist this massive power grab we will be rounded up put in concentration camps, worked to death in our blossoming prison sweat shops and or executed in secret as terrorists. One way or another they are coming after us. We need to fill the streets with dissent at every rally that our protest groups call. We need to educate the minimum wage youth that have had their future stolen from them by NAFTA and get ever greater numbers into the streets. We need to change the love of the Flag to the love of the constitution. We need signs in the streets that say we are defending the Constitution of the United States from the dictates of the World Bank, the IMF and the Generals. And most of all we need to fund all of our protest groups. I personally have contributed over a thousand dollars so far this year and will be giving more as we head into this next round of IMF/World Bank protests in Washington. I have a middle class income so it is easy for me to give but many of you folks spend all your funds just to show up.

Well, everyone needs to become a fund raiser. Raise funds from family, friends people just met that can't show up to the protest themselves asking for small contributions to sponsor you to the protests, pay for your protest expenses and then contribute the rest to your favorite protest group. Tell your family and friends which groups you plan on giving the excess contributions to, giving them as much back ground info as you can. Put on protest bake sales to raise money. Form local fund raising efforts in any creative way you can think of. Make T-shirts and bumper stickers, buttons and flags with the slogans of our movement. But for earth's sake raise the money.

Another thing that needs to be done is to place more pressure on the environmental and labor lobbies to call their members out to the streets. Stop contributing to these groups until they consistently join us in the streets.

The only thing that can be done now, is to put large numbers of protesters in the streets. People need to show up regardless as to who calls for a demo. In other words, the Anarchists need to show up at the ANSWER rally in Oct. in Washington and the Socialists need to show up at the IMF/World Bank protests on the 28th of Sept.. The Liberals need to show up period. We can not allow the Fourth Reich in the White House and the Pentagon to put us down like they did in the thirties when they relied on the divisions in the larger left wing community. We must recognize that the new regime is serious about removing dissent from the streets by linking us to the Patriot Act. Our response needs to be an overwhelming and resounding united "No to the Dogs of WAR!"

We are at the crossroads of life or death of a planet. If we choose a lesser commitment to this moment in our journey the journey will end. For the sake of all life on this planet let us mend our fences and come together as one voice. If some kids throw a garbage can through a window of a starbucks or a Macdonalds let us not fragment. If provocatuers attempt to direct traffic follow your heart stay with people you trust.

The threat is real and requires a real response.

See you in the Streets.

Lloyd Hart
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