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Latest on ILWU, CF and UC workers on SFLR

by Larry Shaw (larry [at]
Labor Line on San Francisco Liberation Radio (93.7 FM) this Sunday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. will feature updates regarding the ILWU negotiations, discussions of UC workers issues, and an analysis of the recent failure of Consolidated Freightways.
Labor Line on San Francisco Liberation Radio (93.7 FM) this Sunday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. will feature updates regarding the ILWU negotiations, discussions of UC workers issues, and an analysis of the recent failure of Consolidated Freightways.

Labor Line will be guest-hosted this week by teamster Art Persyko, a former employee of Consolidated Freightways, and banjo-picking songwriter/activist Larry Shaw. Art will speak with Michael Belzer, professor of industrial relations at Wayne State University and a former teamster about the failure of Consolidated Freightways.

Jack Heyman, business agent for International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10, will discuss the latest developments in the negotiations between the ILWU and the Pacific Maritime Association.

Marianne Ring, an employee at UCSF, will discuss recent layoffs at UCSF, and UC worker issues.
by Bumkusfiveal
As a person who is victimized by the ilwu workers everyday, i beleive tha there is a third side that is not being heard in a ll the fuss about the poor overworked, underpaid, oppressed dockworkers. This third side would be the people whose livelihood is generated by the actual movement of containers off of the port, the intermodal trucker.
I hear the hue and cry that pma is a terrible orginization. Yet when I go to the port the people that have been the most difficult to work with are the p.o.s. ilwu members. From lack of common courtesy to a general disdain for being required to labor for pay it has been the poor longshoreman. I would like to just see the same work ethic at the port as is shown at the neighborhood Mcdonalds. And I think it would be equally amusing to see all these bleeding hearts actually do business with the fuck face port workers. hey you go get your own shit from the port and really see how it is. dumb fucks
by ken morgan
Yes the port truckers are exploited. The only remedy for this is unionization. The ILWU and the ILA have agreed to assist the Teamsters in organizing port trucking workers around the country. Are you participating in this, are just sitting on the side lines and griping. If you say that you are anti-union, then you deserve to get your ass kicked. On the other hand, if you're willing to show some guts, and try to organize instead of sucking up to management, and acting nostalgic for 19th century working conditions, then you have a right to ask for help from ILWU and all union members, in your organzing campaign, and to improve your working standards.
by mike buck (mikebuck [at]
It sounds like you have an attitude from the get go.You're probably getting service with a smile from McDonald's employees because their spitting in your food.It would be most amusing if you had been sitting in the cab of that truck.EVERYONE would be smiling then.

mike buck

As a person who is victimized by the ilwu workers everyday, i beleive tha there is a third side that is not being heard in a ll the fuss about the poor overworked, underpaid, oppressed dockworkers. This third side would be the people whose livelihood is generated by the actual movement of containers off of the port, the intermodal trucker.
I hear the hue and cry that pma is a terrible orginization. Yet when I go to the port the people that have been the most difficult to work with are the p.o.s. ilwu members. From lack of common courtesy to a general disdain for being required to labor for pay it has been the poor longshoreman. I would like to just see the same work ethic at the port as is shown at the neighborhood Mcdonalds. And I think it would be equally amusing to see all these bleeding hearts actually do business with the fuck face port workers. hey you go get your own shit from the port and really see how it is. dumb fucks
by mike buck (mikebuck [at]
It sounds like you have an attitude from the get go.You're probably getting service with a smile from McDonald's employees because their spitting in your food.It would be most amusing if you had been sitting in the cab of that truck.EVERYONE would be smiling then.

mike buck

As a person who is victimized by the ilwu workers everyday, i beleive tha there is a third side that is not being heard in a ll the fuss about the poor overworked, underpaid, oppressed dockworkers. This third side would be the people whose livelihood is generated by the actual movement of containers off of the port, the intermodal trucker.
I hear the hue and cry that pma is a terrible orginization. Yet when I go to the port the people that have been the most difficult to work with are the p.o.s. ilwu members. From lack of common courtesy to a general disdain for being required to labor for pay it has been the poor longshoreman. I would like to just see the same work ethic at the port as is shown at the neighborhood Mcdonalds. And I think it would be equally amusing to see all these bleeding hearts actually do business with the fuck face port workers. hey you go get your own shit from the port and really see how it is. dumb fucks
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