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Report sept 11 demo : US Embassy : Wellington : Aotearoa : New Zealand.

by Vara Geshuay
Report sept 11 demo : US Embassy : Wellington : Aotearoa : New Zealand.
Report sept 11 demo : US Embassy : Wellington : Aotearoa : New Zealand.
by Vara Geshuay 10:28pm Wed Sep 11 '02 (Modified on 7:11pm Thu Sep 12 '02) article#33395

Report sept 11 demo : US Embassy : Wellington : Aotearoa : New Zealand.

Report sept 11 demo : US Embassy : Wellington : Aotearoa : New Zealand.

"HowOn September 11 2001, the world was rocked by a terrorist attack in New York killing up to 2500 innocent people.
On the same day millions of innocent people died all over the world as a result of American Foreign Policy. The same thing happened the day before and the day after and is still happening today.

Commemorations of the dramatic events of September 11th at the US Embassy conflicted with mainstream thinking when a gathering of Wellington residents expressed outrage at U.S. foreign policy and asked the question "Who are the real terrorists?"

One young punk who had come to protest at the arrogance of the American Administration and to give a voice to these unsaid truths was arrested at the US Embassy.

"We are going to arrest you because we find that offensive"
- Officer Paul Berry said while arresting a young punk with a papier mache rocket that read "Payback Inc - est Sept 11"[photo insert]

One demonstrator spoke about how they found the actions of the US Government offensive:

"When the United States Superpower claims to act in the interests of freedom and democracy, they are lying. They have an atrocious human rights record in relation to indigenous peoples within US borders and people of colour all over the world."

Many people felt that the real questions of September 11 that are constantly avoided by the corporate media or had so much spin on them that they were getting dizzy.

This was articulated by Joe Mau an indigenous speaker when he said "We are at the US embassy today because - fuck the media - because the media doesnt tell the fucken truth".

Many spoke from the heart, raising questions of their own:

"Why won't The United States Superpower acknowledge that the time has finally come to stop jeopardizing the future of this planet?"

"Why does the United States Superpower refuse to acknowledge that the atrocities that they commit around the world are directly linked to the retaliatory acts of September 11?"

Demonstrators in the group who had done their research shared information with other protestors about how the United States Superpower has broken international laws, and killed people all over the world in the name of freedom and democracy.

One of these persons informed the group:
"They (The United States Superpower) asassinates world leaders and forces indigenous peoples from their lands all over the world, holding guns to their heads while stealing oil from them and funding military dictators like:



"outsideSuharto in Indonesia
Saddam Hussein in Iraq
The Shah in Iran
Augusto Pinochet in Chile
Armas in Guatemala,
Pol Pot in Cambodia,
Marcos in the Phillipines....

in order to stop popular uprisings.

They supported Turkey's genocide against the Kurds.
They subvert the decision making process at the United Nations by using the influence of their stolen wealth, and refuse to abide by International Law.
They refuse to support the establishment of an International Criminal Court because evidence against the American Military regime is becoming more and more damning every day, and it is a proven fact that the United States Government has broken international law on many occasions, including when they took military action against Nicaragua."

The protestor's point was that terrorism is carried out all over the world by the United States Superpower aswell as suicide boeing pilots, and that an event such as the twin towers terrorist attacks, requires the citizens of the United States to demand answers as to why their own Government's foreign policy is making them a target.

Press Release and all the photos here


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