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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

No War In Iraq : Pictures From 9/14 Protest

by Z
Pictures from the 9/14 "No War In Iraq" protest
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
§Pictures From Protest
by Z
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by RIcardo Montalban
Interesting relationship between peace-niks, race-niks, union-niks, Palestine-niks, and socialist-niks?

I guess politics makes strange bed fellows...
by Jane Walsh
If it weren't for Indymedia I would think I were alone in thinking war in Iraq was an insanity. But here I heard other voices than the regular media. There are people protesting!
by theman
we should invade iraq because its not about racisim , its about Iraq sucks
by somebody really stupid
because that way the entire Middle East will will flare into brutal, possibly nuclear, war, the price of oil will skyrocket and collapse our already teetering economy, terrorists will seek revenge on innocent American civilians, perhaps with weapons of mass destruction, and the government will declare martial law "to deal with the terrorist threat."

Then us stupid people will have gotten what we've been asking for.
That may be wishful thinking on your part, but it ain't gonna happen.
by Sheepdog
How do you know this? You have an opinion, do you have information? ( for-pwd)
by arf! - pwd
Burden of proof is on you to show that it will actually come to pass, puppydog.
by Sheepdog
Moron alert
we know who you are you know.

The ones with the poison.
Put up the cones, like vultures, one just went by.

Moron alert
Twenty-Five Rules of

1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
2. Become incredulous and indignant
3. Create rumor mongers
4. Use a straw man
5. Sidetrack opponents w name calling, ridicule
6. Hit and Run
7. Question motives
8. Invoke authority
9. Play Dumb
10. Associate opponent charges with old news
11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions
12. Enigmas have no solution
13. Alice in Wonderland Logic
14. Demand complete solutions
15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions
16. Vanish evidence and witnesses
17. Change the subject
18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad
19. Ignore facts, demand impossible proofs
20. False evidence
21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor
22. Manufacture a new truth
23. Create bigger distractions
24. Silence critics
25. Vanish
Identify the sample__ 19. Ignore facts, demand impossible proofs ________________________
Also some 1,2,9,18 ,you get a peanut.
by Ffutal
There's progress on the international front as well. The Times of London reports that "Germany edged closer to a U-turn on its policy towards Iraq yesterday by making clear that new evidence of President Saddam Hussein's weapons plans could dilute its resistance to a war." Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's government is under pressure from business leaders, who fear a U.S. consumer boycott over Schroeder's anti-American policies and statements.,,3-433369,00.html

In Canada, meanwhile, "the Liberal government has endorsed U.S. and British demands for military action against Iraq if Saddam Hussein fails to comply with UN weapons inspections ? and has indicated Canada could provide military support for such action," the Toronto Globe and Mail reports.
by aaron
Once again we see what a ruse democracy is.

"Fftual", I can assume, applauds Shroeder's betrayal of the campaign pledge that got him elected.

by uzziah
My favorite people group in the world I could say is the Arabic people. I have spent months in the Middle East sitting in coffee shops talking with these people. When Americans start talking about how we should do nothing about Sadam, we are saying we don't care about all the Kurdish people he has killed, or that we don't care about his invasion of Kuwait or we don't care about all the Iraqis that he is oppressing. I don't know what Sadam is doing or planning now, but he has not shown himself trustworthy. I don't believe he is in any threat to America but I do believe he is a great threat to the Middle East. I do not want to see inocent blood shed.
by Kren
Different cultures and different ways of life have also different ideals on how we should live and for this freedom of life to co inhabit the planet we must not force our way of thinking on one another, as is the case of america desperately trying to over throw saddam by starving new born children from sanctions which limit food supplys, which directly punishes the innocent children of which over 1 million have died as a direct result of sanctions in iraq since war broke out.
What the funk! Are these Americans!? A protest is one thing but turning my flag upside down and changing its appearance is another. If you have such a problem with my Country, my President, my Flag move your ass to Afganistan or Iraq, and keep me from fighting for someone who does'nt back me or my country up.
Regime Change? President Bush one by vote, not by Dictatorship. Sodamninsane punishes those who don't vote for him by putting a bullet in thier head. How else would you get 99% of the vote.
by unknown (unknown)
My parents are from Iraq and I would like to see it some day. I am only 12 but I know more than you think please let thier be no war in Iraq.
by hehe
"President Bush one by vote"

By all accounts well he did lose the popular vote.

He probably "one" the electoral votes because Jeb stole Florida for him.

I thought they were strict on spelling in the AF?
by Sarah Goodson (frostspite [at]
Is this a democracy or a monarchy? Why are we seeing the same battles that were fought by the father now being fought by the son? Seems all a little too coincidental to me! No blood for oil please. I do believe that the Canadians are right - Bush is a Moron!
by Richard Jones (rjsoftware2000 [at]
You people suck. If you were dying from cancer I would like to stand outside your hospital with a banner saying "Stop evil doctors from killing poor cancer cells". It would be as stoopid a you.

Our president has warned us. We failed to recieve the warnings in time the last time. That cost us thousands of lives.

But that's the cost for freedom. We have to be exposed to people like you.

Thank god for Bush
by ....
What is the purpose of posting photos of protests? They don't really convey anything. Isn't a text article describing the protests more informative while not wasting bandwidth?
by a
Your president lied to you. For example, he (or poss someone else in his administration) said that the International Atomic Energy Agency released a report that Iraq was six months away from having a nuclear bomb. The IAEA replied that in fact that had never said any such thing.

There are many other examples, but this is probably the most blatant and publicized one.
by katana
For all you idiots who like to protest and believe that we don't have major problems in the middle east, well it sure didn't take a nuc. bomb for the twin towers! Imagine if they would have had one completed. I don't want to see the answer! PRO-Bush!!
Right on, Katana. The World Trade Center didn't drop by itself. But I might add that right or wrong Pres. Bush is doing a whole lot more than a bunch of holdover wannabe hippie protesters. We are just standing around watching this guy change the flat tire but we don't agree with the way he's doing it, so let's beat him up about it instead of getting off our ass-ends and helping. Anybody can criticize everything. Protesting everything and calling names is the easy, chicken way out.
by Sign-up or Shut-up
To all the above posters who are backing this war, I say: come you aren't enlisting to fight it? You want this war, YOU fight it!

And if you're too old, then send YOUR son!

Sign-up, or Shut-up!
by Radian
We have a volunteer army. That means people decided to do this job. No one is being drafted.

So unless you are about to be activated and sent to kuwait I don't see your position.

If someone really doesn't want to go they can ruin their millitary career and get out of a combat assignment.

I live in a millitary community. The people I meet are ready to do what should have been done in the last gulf war.
by danningtemple
How come when pres. bush became president the whole country started to go to pot.... energy crises, .rolling black outs...., war , reduction in services ,slowed economy.....strained international relations, eroding of the constitution, and civil liberties,.....i love my country , and we got a great system of government, but i beleive we got some really bad management.......god help us all.......
by antiamerica
wow great spelling especially since you are calling them "stoopid".
by Reply to A1C USAF
>>> by A1C USAF • Friday November 22, 2002 at 01:07 Regime Change? President Bush one [sic] by vote, not by Dictatorship. <<<

Last I remember, half a million more people in the country voted for Gore, but the people Bush's daddy appointed to the Supreme Court made sure GW became president.
How about starting deportation for desacration of the flag, "It is my first ammendment right" I will give you a right a right to go back to what ever third world s!@t hole you want to claim so you can feed thier children and find thier people jobs in stead of bitching about what is going on with this country, Have we let the memory of the folks at the twin towers go already?
I give you your right of freedom of speech by defending your freedom with my life every night while your in bed snuggled up I am training soldiers to go to combat and defend your freedoms so now I say be part of the solution not part of the problem or shut your suck!
by EC
>>>Last I remember, half a million more people in the country voted for Gore<<<

Ever heard of the Electorial College??
by hypocrisy
That's one of the things that negate the theoretical democracy of "one person, one vote."

And yet Americans have the unmitigated gall to accuse other nations of being "undemocratic."
by Americans are a people without shame.
No wonder they hate us.
by Patriotic
What is wrong with all you people? Have you so soon forgotten the what the flag stands for that you desecrate the one thing our country stands for? I don't understand everything but I do know that there are people overseas risking their lives for you and me... I have a close friend who is about to join the hundreds of thousands who are willing to fight so that you might have the freedoms that you enjoy today. So, stop protesting and start supporting those brave soldiers.
by ..........
That's one of the things that negate the theoretical democracy of "one person, one vote."

The electoral college is a representative system. A state is represented by it's electors, who are representing the voters. The "one person, one vote" part is when the state decides who the electors are.

Remember, the United States is a representative democracy.

by anarchist
There is no such thing as "representative democracy." Only direct democracy is real democracy. Anything less is a fraud and a sham.
by Grim Reaper (grimreaper [at]
I read through this site and got a good laugh. Thank you very much for the comical approach to life you all have. Maybe next time their is an election you'll get out there and vote instead of whining on the streets and blocking traffic. You're all a bunch of gutless asswipes, EACH and everyone of you should be ashamed. If things are broke, vote someone else in next time, otherwise shut the fuck up.
by For
You stupid dumb ass motherfucking moron, I'll tell you since you have your head stuck up someones ass, the majoraty of this country did not vote for Bush, so there goes the idea of voting for someone else, so maybe come up for some air, it will realy help the few brain cells you have left...
by anarchist
it would be against the law.
by Randy of the Redwoods
you wrote;
>>>By all accounts well he did lose the popular vote.
He probably "one" the electoral votes because Jeb stole Florida for him. <<

I have seen all the recount results that were tabulated by independent groups and none of them had the Florida election going Gore's way..

so how come you whining losers always cry foul ?? Should the Supreme Court have put the Presidency on hold for 10 months while all of the ballots were hand screened ?? Who would have been the executive in charge during those months ?? And then as has been documented time and time again...Gore loses...and don't try to blame the butterfly ballot...a ballot which was iapproved and instituted by a democrat BTW...

All Al Gore had to do was win his own home state and the florida results would have been moot...But he couldn't fool those that knew him best...

No excuses for losing your own home state...even his mother voted for Bush...

by Grim Reaper (grimreaper [at]
You are hilarious. Did your mommy help you write your comments? Learn how to spell too would ya? Anyone in their right mind who had political science knows that our system of government is based on the Electorial College... not the majority vote so it don't matter. But be under no illusion that your vote does count. Hollar at all your liberal friends in the states that didn't win Gore any votes through the electorial college. Then sit down with your political science book and read the damn thing. BTW if Gore was in charge we'd still be going to Iraq. No one likes war, no one wants to see innocent people killed but sometimes the end justifies the means. Stick that in your ass crack you call a face and smoke it!
by Adam Lewis (Skateboarder_fan [at]
i completly understand that you dont want to go to war with Iraq but if you stand back and let Sadam keep his powerthen the whole world will be totally screwed and all because of your lame excuses not to go to war. get the point?? want to keep your fancy car or your house or MAYBE YOUR LIFE????!!!!! give up your crappy excuses. we need to stand behind our troops and we wont let another Veitnam happen!

by Bolt Haul
The whole world is already totally screwed. Saddam is responsible for only a tiny portion. Look at our own leaders. You can tell just from their names. Dick, Bush, Colin . . . no wonder we're screwed.
by Hollis Johnson Jr. (soldierboy101 [at]
We should invade Iraq because what they did to the twin towers will not be forgotten. I'm in the Army and I'm looking forward to kicking some ass.
by duh!
You dimwit! not a single Iraqi was involved. Most of the hijackers were Saudis. Why aren't we invading Saudi Arabia? Could it be because the Bushes and the Bin Ladins are partners in the oil business?
by Megan
I just love being an asinine, warmongering fascist. I also love watching reruns of "Hee-Haw" and "The Dukes of Hazzard." I'm too much of a simpleton to understand anything else.
by Megan
I just love being an asinine, warmongering fascist. I also love watching reruns of "Hee-Haw" and "The Dukes of Hazzard." I'm too much of a simpleton to understand anything else.
by megan (meg289 [at]
we should invade Iraw b.c it is not about is about our freedon..fighting for our country..the soldiers out there are they because they want to be a part of this! they are supporting our rights as united citizens'! you should too!!
by megan (meg289 [at]
we should invade Iraw b.c it is not about is about our freedon..fighting for our country..the soldiers out there are they because they want to be a part of this! they are supporting our rights as united citizens'! you should too!!
by Non-Frenchy
I'd like to see the Iraqi people get ahold of your carpet-munching lesbian ASS and see if you protest then you dumb penis envied wanna be a man. Any intelligent person can see by the way you hold your sign post that you're mad at any man with authority. I think you and Butch should carry your un-douched selves to Iraq. You're manly enough to fit in and those sheep shearers won't be offended by the smell.
by Smart Guy
You protesters amaze me. Elections average a 25% turnout so, first of all, 75% of you idiots don't have the right to bitch. Secondly, you throw your idiotic opinion in front of everyone's face citing "free speech" then bash everyone who disagrees with you. Iraqi citizens are dying for the right to remove a picture of Saddam from the side of their buildings and yet none of them would burn their national flag. Don't you folks have any values at all? This is the greatest country in the world, a nation where you have the right and freedom to be anything you desire, and you burn flags and disgrace us to the rest of the world. You have taken the freedoms fought and died for in a nation UNDER GOD and have perversed those freedoms and the founding principals of this country to tolerate your homosexual, moral-hating, O'Hare idolizing, selfish, egotistical lifestyles. I wish those of you protesting this war would move to Iraq and see how tolerant that government is to the perverted lifestyles you impose on the rest of us. The people of Iraq deserve the same freedoms you take for granted and I am proud that we are fighting to give it to them.
by Laura
England and America should not have attacked Iraq initially even though the dispute with Iraq has been going on for years. Now they have done it there is no turning back and there's nothing protesting is going to do now. Protesters you need to back the boys, don't think they don't hear whats going on back home because news reporters are in permanent contact with home, if their own people aren't with them then who is? Your telling Blair and Buah to think about their actions, well you need to think about yours. They need the support from everyone. It's their job and duty so you need to stop shouting in the streets and causing havoc and deal with it like the other millions of people are doing, war had to happen if it didn't more deaths would have been caused through nasty, dangerous, vile, outrageous attacks so they have to be stopped,
by Julia And Canaan
Dumbasses u need to fucking get shot in the need to watch the television and see what is going on..we do not have a choice to fight or please get a fucking clue and give it up..and if u keep on protesting and it acctuallyw orks witch i doubt it will, then we will become apart of another country where we will not be free!!! take this advice and fuck off!
by Kyle Ducheneaux (Orion-fett@hotmail)
I do not recremend war on Iraq, but if Saddam wants it then he will get it. War is a great issue on America, and for the children, they haven't got a clue on what this means if their father or uncle is drafted. I am a 14 year old boy, and my name is Kyle Ducheneaux. it is not really fair to make a man go to war just because he is 18 or because he faught war already.
by chillicothe
bush is doing the right thing because if he wouldn't go after iraq now then in the near future there will be another event like there was on 9/11/01 and bush should keep doing what he's doing to make this a better counry and so every one can be free again and not have to worry about another 9/11/01 because bush has taken care of that with what he's doing now
by me
bush is doing the right thing because if he wouldn't go after iraq now then in the near future there will be another event like there was on 9/11/01 and bush should keep doing what he's doing to make this a better counry and so every one can be free again and not have to worry about another 9/11/01 because bush has taken care of that with what he's doing now
by Clark Barton
It bothers me that you people in your zeal to protest that you don't even think about those poor brave boys out there in the desert with no one to comfort them or care for them. It breaks my heart.
by Straight Eight
Faggot! I guess your answer to world peace is to go over there and go down on all the Iraqi people??? Heh,'d like that assignment I bet. Get real people...there is no freedom in Iraq. There will be once we complete our objective. Don't any of you care about the people over there? I'm proud to be an American, proud to be a Texan, and proud to have such fine men and women defending freedom.
by fishhead
What is "patriotism" anyway? I'm a Canadian, and we don't have the concept up here. In Canada, everyone is assumed to like the country, even if you strongly deplore government policies about x, y, or zed. In the US, a lot of people seem to roll over and start bleating like sheep like it was a dictatorship or something. If Chretien had decided to support the US, people would be in the streets of Toronto and Vancouver calling on him to be strung up by his thumbs - but nobody would accuse them of being "unpatriotic."

Second point: What has Saddam Hussein got to do with the attacks of Sept. 11?

by Me (i_hate_hackers_ [at]
I have been reading the measages set up and some of them are appauling. There was one more recent message about "poor brave men out there in the desert all alone" I really don't think you understand whats actually going on. If your worried about your troops then take it up with the president and not the people who are protesting to get those people out of there! I hate to sound conceted or anything of the sort but im only fifteen and i seem to know more than some of the people typing messages up there. Get a grip
by Me (i_hate_hackers_ [at]
I have been reading the measages set up and some of them are appauling. There was one more recent message about "poor brave men out there in the desert all alone" I really don't think you understand whats actually going on. If your worried about your troops then take it up with the president and not the people who are protesting to get those people out of there! I hate to sound conceted or anything of the sort but im only fifteen and i seem to know more than some of the people typing messages up there. Get a grip
by Me the Canadian (i_hate_hackers_ [at]
"It bothers me that you people in your zeal to protest that you don't even think about those poor brave boys out there in the desert with no one to comfort them or care for them. It breaks my heart."

Well in the name of god what do you think they are protesting for? They want peace! I dont think you fully understand whats going on. It's because Bush has to fight his stupid war that the people are over there in the first place. Keep in mind that a lot of innocent Iraqi's are out in the desert all alone too. If you have a problem with brave men all alone in the desert take it up with the president that sent them there, not the people protesting to get them out and stop the killing. You can't tell me that I, a 15 yr old jr high student has more common sense than you. Get a grip.
by Kathleen (kmrkitty [at]
Well then. "You stupid dumb ass motherfucking moron,". Isn't that polite? I love the eye catching language, the obvious care for the beliefs of others.

"I'll tell you since you have your head stuck up someones ass,". It might just be my belief, my being a young, naive little Canadian, but some people don't pay as much attention to Americans as people might think. Nothing against you, I just don't like the fact that you get your point across by insulting so-and-so.

" the majoraty of this country did not vote for Bush, so there goes the idea of voting for someone else,". Majority is spelled wrong, btw. That's a good point, but isn't it your own government who screwed up the voting and everything and just played eeny-meenie-miny-moe instead of redoing everything? I apologize for that, it was rude. *no guilt*

"so maybe come up for some air, it will realy help the few brain cells you have left..." Did you know some people think with their feet? Really! I was walking along one day and I was like "woah, where am I?" and it turns out my feet decided to go on an adventure.

I'm sorry. I have a belief, as a Canadian kid, that this war is a piece of shit. Sure the Iraqi government isn't the best, but it's their own. It would seem that you're mad at their leader so you go and take it out on the people who had no choice in the matter. A real mature choice.

Of course, I'm only a regular person, I certainly didn't get into politics (but wise people don't get into politics because politics are stupid.) so I can't say that I know that it was the wrong choice. I just can't understand the reason for going in without UN support, without Canada, to have a bomb fest and kick ass of Iraq's civilians. If you want to hunt me down, come look through the second largest country in the world, eh?

I'll step off my soapbox and state I know several wonderful Americans, I'm not trying to be steriotypical or anything. I'd love to talk politics with Bush, though. Thank you all for your time, have a nice day.

by An American
Can't you see that they want ti kill us? We are fighting to protect American freedoms which includes the right to protest in which you all are taking clear advantage of. Be an American and SUPPORT the man America put in charge. Your political opinions should not interfere with the life of your country
by fishhead
Really? Saddam Hussein wants to kill you? My God, has Iraq invaded the United States? Oh's the other way around isn't it? The US attacked Iraq, without international sanction. Now with the hugest deficit in US history, and a massive tax cut coming down the pipes, not only do US taxpayers have to foot the bill for the carnage, but rebuilding the country and trying to keep the various tribes from slittling one anothers throats.

An economist on CBC today said that the US "absolutely could not" afford to rebuild Iraq without international assistance. I for one hope Canada doesn't give one red cent to repair the damage caused by Bush's temper tantrums.

Protect the "free world" my ass! Protect it from what? Is this some sort of right-wing American habit that you support your President no matter what? Is that a democracy, in your view? What if he's wrong? What if he plunges your economy into a depression? What if the world community wants nothing to do with the US, boycotts its goods? What if this war causes more terrorism in the US? What if the war causes a hug conflagration in the Middle East. Will you still support your Glorious Leader?

If it bleats like a sheep...
by Dumbfounded
World War I resulted in the Allies pushing Hitler back into Germany. Once he was within his boundary, we all left and assumed the threat was over. Only after he nearly succeeded in exterminating several races of mankind (not just the Jews) did the world learn it's lesson and eliminate the threat altogether. Unfortunately, we waited 25 years to allow Hitler to become more powerful before we stopped him. about deja vu! We pushed Hussein back into Iraq during Desert Storm. At least this time we only gave him 12 years to strengthen. Don't you people learn from anything? And don't you think the Iraqi people deserve to live in a free country? It's not a take over's a liberation by destroying the anti-Christ mission.
by history buff
Hitler was a corporal in WWI.

by KYLIE McCLUGGAGE (mad_house48 [at]
I think this war on Iraq is a thing were Bush should ask Saddam if they should talk and no WAR
by woods (bluecloud332089 [at]
i think this war is not needed. Bush need to let go of the personal problens he get with Saddam, because he is getting young people as low as 20 get killed. And we are not going down to iraq to save the people. If we are destroying their home how are we helping them. Bush said, we're going down there to help the people, because Saddam is hurting his people, yet there are other countries who are going through the same thing, but we are not going to war to help them. why? It just don't make sense!
by someone who is tired of all this (no thank you)
"confusion before our time"

its times like these that make me weak
times like these that im not at my peak
why is this happening makes no sense
everyones going crazy getting all worked up and tense
losing there lives to pretect us
but we make this big fuss
protesting an antiwar celebration
instead of chearing them on for our united nation
day by day we wait
hoping for our future fate
wonder what were fighting for
just wish we could end this war
by someone who is tired of all this (no thank you)
"confusion before our time"

its times like these that make me weak

times like these that im not at my peak

why is this happening makes no sense

everyones going crazy getting all worked up and tense

losing there lives to pretect us

but we make this big fuss

protesting an antiwar celebration

instead of chearing them on for our united nation

day by day we wait

hoping for our future fate

wonder what were fighting for

just wish we could end this war

-my opinion... what is yours?-
-stand up for what you believe in-
by survivor
Once this war is over Saddam and his thugs, as well as Bush and Tommy Franks should be prosecuted as war criminals. Why? Just go and take a look at some of the pictures on Aljazeera then you decide.
by Reynolds (Tifani222000 [at]
These banners and protest slogans are truly disturbing. I am an American and I condone protesting anything that one does not agree with, it is the right that one has and must continue to exercise in order to preserve the freedom of dissent. However, the "Workers World Party" and several others are displayed in these many photographs, holding up signs saying "stop imperialism, racism and etc. etc....." I find scenes like this very disheartining. America has come a long way in the way of "racism", African Americans live better in the United States than if they were in their native lands, rarely do you see a once oppressed and discriminated people come out in force against an oppressive government...quite possibly because they have won their freedoms and take advantage of those freedoms and stand side by side next to all Americans as equals in this society. I think that we live in such a politically correct country, one would be suicidal and truly ignorant to act on "racism".
However, what is truly odd to me is that I never see the "blame America first" protestors targeting countries and institutions that actually harbor and condone racism and even slavery still today. For Example, Countries, like Sudan and Mauritania – whose Moslem governments actively encourage and engage in selling millions of black Christians into slavery and condone harsh and brutal activity to any and all "whites" that would be found in that area or sorrounding countries. The leaders of these governments label the U.S. racist and call for it to pay reparations to black Americans who are generations removed from U.S. slavery that ended in the 1800s. These same countries also call Israel a racist country, though blacks, Moslems, and Christians live freely within its democratic borders and are much better off than the impoverished, underclass minions "living" within their own borders. In Israel, they actually have running water, refrigerators, electricity, and cable TV. In Israel, much like the U.S., they can vote, speak, and worship freely. Not so for black Christian slaves in Africa, sentenced to a life highlighted by torture, rape and murder.
Secondly, tensions stemming from the late nineties continue and war is still brewing across Northern Russia and Scandinavia that threatens to claim the lives of tens of thousands of refugees who have come to the countries claiming to seek asylum, and have ended up turning on their hosts with a brutal crime spree and racist anti-White and anti-Christian activism.
According to an investigative report published today in WorldNetDaily, and several transcripts from the independent media in Russia, citizens of several Scandinavian countries are talking openly about taking up arms and driving from their nation hordes of Somali, Afghani, African and Muslim immigrants who's presence has unleashed a crime spree on the small Northern nations. Muslims and Africans are allowed into the country under liberal asylum laws, administered by a socialist government, and then are allowed to commit crimes of violence and racism against the country's natural white and Christian residents. Many of the immigrants are openly calling for "jihad" or racial war against the white inhabitants of the North. In response, white citizens of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and further East into Russia have begun arming themselves and preparing a massacre of blacks and Muslims, who, despite their criminal predation against Danes and others, are not strong enough to survive a race war. One Red Cross worker told WorldNetDaily today, "It is not racist to save our own race and civilization. That is natural. The European Union speaks of genocide as a crime. I say it is a crime for them to destroy our race and civilization through mass immigration." Such rhetoric has become mainstream in Denmark, while here in America it would be considered a "hate crime"....these are just a few to mention.
What do these same "blame America first" protestors think of these things, are they aware of them, have they taken the time to educate themselves outside of the propogandist academia they learn in the classroom? Or, is it that they would never leave their cushion of security and liberty within the United States to attack issues and causes that are undoubtebly more important and liberty threatening. I find this blind anti-Americanism truly sad. Hopefully, I can encourage one of these impressionable young men/women to take a long look at themselves, their country and "racism" in the united states, I suppose that common sense as well as critical thinking will lead them to believe that America, eventhough flawed in many ways, is not the enemy of life, liberty and the pursuit of equality.

by Stop Watching Fox News
It looks as though YOU could use a "liberal" dose of "common sense and as well as critical thinking." Do your OWN thinking for once and stop FOOLISHLY labeling protestors as the "blame America first crowd." You have Rush Limbaugh on the brain.
by Tiffany Reynolds (tifani222000 [at]
Thank you.
by Jack
Racism? the only racism is believing that You people have the right to protest this war, you have the freedom to do so, and yet you seem to think Iraq doesn't deserve the same.
by Jacob
Saddam, your time is short:
We'd rather you die than come to court.
Why are you hiding if it was in God's name?
Your just a punk with a turban; a pathetic shame.
I have a question, about your theory and laws;
"How come you never die for the cause?"
Is it because you're a coward who counts on others?
Well here in America, we stand by our brothers.
As is usual, you failed in your mission;
If you expect pure chaos, you can keep wishing
Americans are now focused and stronger than ever;
Your death has become our next endeavor.
What you tried to kill, doesn't live in our walls;
It's not in buildings or shopping malls. If all of our structures came crashing down;
It would still be there, safe and sound.
Because pride and courage can't be destroyed;
Even if the towers leave a deep void.
We'll band together and fill the holes
We'll bury our dead and bless their souls.
But then our energy will focus on you;
And you'll feel the wrath of the Red, White and Blue....
So slither and hide like a snake in the grass;
Because America's coming to kick your ASS!!!
by dale
I don't want to see war any more than the next person. But I do believe Saddam is (or will shortly be) a genuine threat to our way of life. We've tried peaceful resolution for 12 years. What "real" option do we have? Can we afford to pull up stakes and come home? Should we just leave Saddam to brutalize, torture, and develop WMDs? Russia had nukes for years and never used them. Can we trust Saddam to do the same? Will MAD work against terrorism? If not, when do we strike? After the first city is vaporized? What solution does the anti-war crowd propose?
by Me again
here is a post I saw earlier on this site:

We should invade Iraq
by somebody really stupid Wednesday October 02, 2002 at 11:39 AM

"because that way the entire Middle East will will flare into brutal, possibly nuclear, war, the price of oil will skyrocket and collapse our already teetering economy, terrorists will seek revenge on innocent American civilians, perhaps with weapons of mass destruction, and the government will declare martial law "to deal with the terrorist threat."

Then us stupid people will have gotten what we've been asking for.

add your comments

- Wow, this guy had it so far wrong its unbelievable. Oil prices are doing fine, our "teetering" economy has not collapsed LOL. (not being able to afford to buy 20 cheeseburgers from McDonalds so you can stuff your fat face does not mean the economy has collapsed) the middle east has not flared into any more of a war zone than it already is, and so far we havent had any terrorists attacks. Terrorism is a part of the reason we are getting rid of Saddam's crooked regime. This war is not against the Iraqi people, its against those murdering the Iraqi people.
by mike g
you do know that if those people were truly intellegent they would see that the people of iraq have been opressed for years, shites have been put through near genocide, the people have been stricken with poverty for saddam's own benifit, saddam continued after the first gulf war to make wepons of mass destruction(violating the rules for u.s. presence to leave iraq), the facist dictator then blames the u.s. for all iraqi problems, and the list goes on. now you tell me how bad of a guy is bush and u.s. armed services for liberating those people, giving them the opportunities and rights people in the pictures and poeple like them take for granted. i thank the u.s. armed services for helping a people so far away have the same chance i do at prospering in life. power to you president bush,
thank you, mike(working class citizen, high school student)
by Kuarintine Sue (">http://www.fl.catherine [at]
Stop this stupid war!
by Landon Wall (landon_wall [at]
Fuck all you mother fuckers that are against the war. We kicked some fucking towl head ass. They diserved to have their asses kicked. You people are so stupid and dont even know that sadam stole billions of dollars from iraqi people. Sadam is an evil man and should have been killed, Again i say FUCK ALL OF YOU FAGGETS THAT DONT AGREE WITH THE WAR.....
by daniel sievert (danielsievert [at]
OK....this sounds very smart. I cant support even though I understand your point as you are influrenced by all the propaganda in the US media. It is obvious you would have another point of view if you would be interested in non-propagandic informations which is hard to get these days. I see you are pretty much patriotic and might not understand my point but if you would understand the tool "WAR" you would judge different. Try reading some stuff by Desmond Morris as he's analysing the world we are living in and what made innocent american humans to murderers and what makes them fighting for a goal which is too vague and too much intrigual to perceive. Or try Michael Moore, even though this is pretty much political. I'm from Germany and I am trying to get a bigger picture than what local media is giving us by collecting all kinds of info on this topic. Went even on some arabic sites. Anyways I've to admid I'm pretty much anti-american as your culture is the most decadent one on this planet whithout any values controlled by a corrupt government and media. this is where Europe will be in a couple of years as well. The downfall of the roman empire like.... take care.
by marthenjajou (spitfire [at]
no one should talk and strike only assyrian,iraqi
people not mexicoi,iran,usa,or other
country saddam is a bad,and I am iraqi I am assyrian.

age 14

saddam is gay and a sick person

by Bob (convict0009 [at]
Your all a bunch of fags that got picked on to much when you were little. Go Bush!
by ME
if we have a volounteer army, why do we have the selective services???
by Kyle Ducheneaux
My last comment two years ago was a bit harsh wouldn't you say....NOT. My message to all you Americans is if someone is dangerous, you put them away. Saddam should be put to death. He killed a lot of Americans and hurt a lot of families. The minute they find him and find out he is still alive i will make sure he is dead this time!!!!!!!
by Crystal
i understand from where you are coming from...remind your self that you do NOT live in the united states . We ARE blinded by the media...but that is all we base our information on. I do not support the war in Iraq, but the people doesnt have much say besides our protesting and what not.
by Nino (jumpingcow [at]
katie, you made me laugh when I read your comment above.I just wonder, how did you get to think this? you must beleive in everything that is said on the media.Well, anyway, my advice to you is to stop beleiving in all these lies, wherever you are getting it from.

try reading George Orwell-it will explain the truth.
by Kyle Ducheneaux said i had to remind myself that i do not live in the US...screw that...i live on a Native American people and my friend's people were the first in the United States....Welcome to our Land IMIGRANTS...ain't that just the truth!!!

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